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I call out for Harry and Louis but I'm too late and they are already running out of the room and chasing after the doctor, the sound of their shoes squeaking on the hospital floor.

I begin to slightly panic, the feeling of extreme loneliness and fear seeping in until I lock eyes with a midwife entering my hospital room, a bright and kind smile on her face.

"Hey angel, I'll be your head midwife. My name is Mabel," Mabel introduces with a warm smile, dragging a hospital tray of equipment into the room.

"Hi, I'm Lilli" I greet shyly, waving slightly and enjoying the moment of stillness, the pain in my body still present but not the full burning and stretching experience of a contraction.

Mabel is in her mid 40s, her bright smile never leaving her face even as I watch her calmly instruct a bunch of younger midwifes who enter the room to collect equipment before quickly leaving again.

She has a maternal quality to her and I am lapping it up, desperate for her to speak to me again and I internally thank the gods above for choosing her to be my midwife.

I look over at Harry's phone that is placed on the chair beside me but I quickly frown as I see that the connection is faltering between Niall's phone line and Harry's and I realise that Niall is probably loosing connection and service due to the travelling.

I want him here so bad.

If I close my eyes I can picture him sitting in the chair beside me just like he did when I was in the hospital before, his hand squeezing mine and his eyes focused on me.

I imagine his laugh in my ear, how he would introduce himself to Mabel and make a stupid joke with a grin on his face to hide his nerves.
I imagine how he would have raided the hospital vending machine by now, bringing back a range of different chocolate bars "just in case we get peckish."

Before I can imagine anymore scenarios I feel hot tears spilling down my face and I quickly wipe them away, embarrassed to be crying in front of Mabel who turns around with a smile to talk to me until she sees me crying.

"Oh sweet pea! What's wrong? Is it the pain?" Mabel asks kindly, taking a seat on the chair beside me and I see a complete shift in her attitude as she swiftly transitions from professional mode to mother mode.

I shake my head and allow her to take my hand, her hand stroking mine affectionately as she fluffs up my limp hospital pillows with her spare hand.

"I'm scared," I admit, rolling my eyes internally as I know I sound pathetic but Mabel doesn't seem to care and continues to smile warmly at me, her hand never leaving mine.

"Is this your first child?" Mabel asks kindly, her voice silky and smooth like honey and I nod shyly as I wipe away my burning tears.

"Yes, I just turned nineteen," I explain softly and I quickly feel anxious again over the fear of Mabel judging me for my age but Mabel quickly reads my expression and gently shakes her head.

"Don't worry sweet pea, there's no judgement in this room, especially not from me. Everyone's on a journey," Mabel smiles, her words genuine as she affectionately moves her hand to my jaw and wipes away a stray tear.

Perfectly Fake ~ Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now