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(A/N: please VOTE and COMMENT!!)


"I don't want to go to this stupid event anyway," I moan as I slip my black stilettos on my feet and brush past Niall who is buckling his belt. 

"Yeah and you think I do? We have no choice, we have to go," he says in a stressed tone as he runs gel through his hair.

"We don't have to," I say with a smirk trying to catch Niall's attention but he rolls his eyes at me in response. I have to admit it kinda hurts.

"When will you just accept that we have to go to this event for publicity," he says in an annoyed tone as he pushes past me and walks down the long staircase towards the front door.

"When will you stop acting like a dick," I say passive aggressively with a smile as I follow him down the staircase.

"When you stop acting like a dick," he mumbles under his breath as he looks at himself in the hallway mirror.

"Now come on," he orders gesturing for me to follow him outside to the limo.

"Niall, I may be marrying you but I can tell you something. Don't you even think about ordering me around like some pathetic, little wife," I yell gaining his attention as he sharply turns his head and looks at me.

"That's exactly how you are acting! Do you really think I want to be married to an immature, annoying, childish brat like you. You're 18 and I'm 22 that's a hell lot of a difference Lillianna. I'm equally as unhappy about the marriage as you are. Now come on, we are late," Niall yells back as he opens the front door and lets me walk in front of him.

I am taken aback by his outburst and I can feel tears welling up in my eyes but I push them back as I can't let Niall see me cry.

As I walk past him I look right into his face and say, "Fuck you Niall Horan," spitting my words.


We sit in silence the entire car ride to the venue and I can't help but replay his words to me over and over again in my head. I can feel him staring at me but I keep my head turned away from him, fiddling with my engagement ring.

"The boys will be here already. Harry and Louis left earlier and Zayn and Liam will probably be here," Niall says shyly as he nervously taps his foot repeatedly.
I don't reply.

"Niall, Lillianna look this way!"
"Hottest couple of the year!"
"Lillianna are you pregnant?"
"How long have you both been dating?"
"Show us the ring!"

I feel completely bombarded with questions as Niall and I walk along the carpet with plastered fake smiles across our faces as if we are the happiest couple in the world. If only they really knew.

Niall holds my hand gently but all I want to do is get away from him as soon as possible.

Fucking asshole.

I let Niall do the talking, adding a few comments and smiles here and there in order to really sell the lie that we are actually together and it thankfully seems to be doing the trick. Who knew I was such a good actress?

As we approach the end of the carpet leading into the nightclub I can't get away from Niall quick enough, completely abandoning him.
"Lilli," he calls as he grabs my arm gently forcing me to look him in the eye. I can tell he sees the hurt and pain in my eyes but before he can say anything I walk into the club leaving him behind.

As I walk into the club the smell of strong alcohol and perfume fills the air, leading me to the bar.

"Can I have 6 shots of your strongest alcohol please," I ask with a sigh as I put the money on the counter.

"Rough night?" The bartender asks with a kind smile and I can't help but smile too.

"How'd you know?" I ask with a sad smile as I down the 6 shots, my throat burning immensely with each drink.

I can feel myself getting more intoxicated which is exactly what I need at the minute to take my mind off of everything. Off of Niall, the marriage, obligations, management, my own personal life and the list continues.

I take a seat at a booth and watch everybody dance with their partners whilst I sit alone. I've completely lost track of how much I've had to drink but I'm still somewhat aware of my surroundings.

A nice looking guy with blonde hair sits down in front of me with a drink in his hand, same as mine. I study his features and although he's nice looking he's definitely not as attractive as Niall.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing sitting here alone?" He asks with a wide smirk and I can't help but blush at his compliment. I can feel his eyes gazing over my body and I start to feel uncomfortable but he's not doing anything wrong. Is he?

"Just chilling," I stutter with a slight laugh as I take another sip of my drink.

"Well do you want to dance with me?" He asks with a wide smirk, holding a hand out for me to take. I shake my head no as I continue to sip my drink.

"Why not?" He pouts at me but I continue to shake my head.
"I don't want to," I say straight as I get up to leave him.
"Where do you think you're going missy," he asks menacingly as he grabs my waist and pulls me close to his body. I'm so close to him I can smell his aftershave.

"Get off of me you dick," I shout back drunkenly but I'm so drunk that my struggling doesn't seem to be working.

"You bitch! Struggling won't do you any good," the man whispers sending shivers down my spine.

"Fuck off," I yell but the man tightly grabs my wrist and begins to squeeze it until I start to cry out in pain.

I'm so drunk that everything is spinning around me and when I look at the man I see 3 of him. What the fuck have I been drinking?

"Oww you're hurting me, get off of me," I yell as I begin to feel extremely lightheaded from the immense pain and pressure he's putting on my wrist.

I'm so drunk that I don't even know where I am and I want to run away but for some reason my body won't cooperate.

The guy pushes me up against the wall in the corner of the club and I realise that nobody can see us.

I begin to cry and I can feel someone wipe away a tear from my cheek. I feel so unwell and disorientated and I can't help but wish Niall was with me.

I feel him begin to lift my short, black dress up and I can hear the sound of denim jeans being rolled down as I close my eyes and try to imagine anything else.

Then suddenly everything goes black.

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