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"To the bride and groom," we hear people chanting as we prepare to enter the large dining room for the after party of the wedding. Our wedding.

Lilli hasn't said much. I think she's slightly traumatised about the whole ordeal, I mean it is a lot to deal with especially at age 18.
She hasn't let go of my hand once, leaning on my arm to balance herself.

"Seriously Lillianna, lighten up! People will start wondering why you aren't speaking," Vivian demands as she fixes Lillianna's dress in preparation to walk into the room.

I sharply turn my head to Vivian, glaring at her until Lilli squeezes my hand gently.

"I need to go to the toilet," Lillianna abruptly announces, gaining an eye roll and a telling off from Vivian.

As Lilli walks away, she gives Vivian the middle finger from behind her back making me laugh loudly, having to hold my mouth to contain the laughter.

"Niall what are you laughing at?" Vivian asks in a demanding tone, glaring at me.

I bite my lip to contain the laughter and sarcastically say," It's my wedding day Vivian, I thought you would want me to express my happiness! Oh sorry that's only for when the cameras are on!"

She shoots me a glare, walking closer to me with her cheap heels clopping behind her.
"Your management might put up with your attitude Mr Horan but I definitely won't," she mutters at me.

"I feel so threatened," I say sarcastically with a fake smile and before she can reply Lillianna appears and stands beside me, noticeably smaller than she was earlier.

"Mr and Mrs Horan," a man announces as the doors open in front of us and we are revealed to our guests who raise their glasses to us with large smiles planted on their faces.
If only they knew.

"You both look amazing, we are so happy for you both," Bobby, my father, says as he pulls Lillianna and I into a hug. I look at my mother who is smiling at me with tears in her eyes and I can't help but feel emotional.

I can tell Lilli notices this as she pulls me close and gently rubs my back as we stand beside each other.

"Niall, Lilli, we love you both so much," my mother says through tears as she pulls me close and kisses my cheek.

"I love you ma," I whisper as she holds me tight.

"Now enough of this crying nonsense, go dance with your beautiful wife!" my mother says with a laugh as she dries her eyes, pushing me and Lilli onto the dance floor. I can feel a million eyes on us as we both walk onto the floor with Lilli still clinging to me for support.

I pull her close, my hand placed gently on her waist as she clings to my shoulders and I can't help but look at her large green eyes staring up at me.

"I can tell your nervous," I mumble with a smile and she laughs nervously.

"I can tell you are too," she replies as we move slowly to the music, hearing mutterings around us.

"Niall," she whispers and she slowly and subtly lifts her dress to reveal that she has taken her heels off and is now wearing a pair of white trainers under her dress.

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