thirty two

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"Someone else has been calling and texting me all day," Niall admits, looking directly at me with his sad eyes.

"Who?" I ask quietly, managing to get out the words despite the burning sensation in my chest that feels like a weight.

"Madison Miller."

My heart drops. I try and digest the information but anger begins to rise within me.

"What does she want?" I ask dryly, staring at Niall as he looks at me with wide eyes.

"I-I don't know, I didn't answer her," Niall states but I shake my head in disbelief as he walks towards me.

"You didn't read any of her texts?" I ask quickly and as he scrambles for words I roll my eyes.

"I didn't do anything with her or text her back Lilli! I don't know what's going on!" Niall explains frantically as I begin to walk away from him and the boys.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me about this!" I shout as I walk out of the kitchen and into the hallway with the boys and Niall following me.

"I know I should've told you but I'm just as confused and scared as you are Lilli!" Niall argues, running to my side and gripping my hand.

"That's no excuse Niall we have always said that we are in this together!" I argue back and as he rolls his eyes I begin to march upstairs.

"We are in this together Lilli!" Niall yells back but before I can reply the doorbell rings and all of us freeze in silence.

"Shit," Niall mumbles as he holds his head in his hands and that image of him makes me feel guilty for shouting at him.
I understand that he's stressed but so am I.

The doorbell rings again and when Louis looks at me for permission to open the door I gently nod, awaiting the incoming torture.

As Louis opens the door Simon and Vivian stare back at us before entering the house and slamming the door.

"Niall, where is your phone?" Simon asks abruptly as soon as the door is shut. I slowly make my way down the staircase and stand beside Niall, grabbing his hand tight.

"In my pocket," Niall replies firmly but I can tell that inside he is scared of the consequences that we will have to face.

"Is it broken?" Simon asks quickly and Niall shakes his head, never breaking eye contact. He's much stronger than me.

"Is it dead?" Simon asks once more and as Niall shakes his head with a small smirk I can tell that Simon's anger is rising.

"Well then you better have a good excuse for why you have refused to respond to my urgent messages all day," Simon booms, walking closer to Niall whilst Vivian continues to glare at us.

"I didn't want to," Niall states firmly, slightly taking Simon aback.

"I don't care what you want Niall, you are doing a job and you must fulfil that job!" Simon yells making me slightly jump due to the volume of his voice.

"We are fulfilling our job! We got married didn't we? We did the press you wanted! We did the shitty interviews! What else do you want?" I yell back and as Simon sharply turns his head and gives his full attention to me my heart begins to race.

"We don't want you to be seen fighting with fellow actresses and leaving events early!" Vivian yells back and my whole body begins to tense with anger.

"She fucking threw red wine all over me!" I argue but Vivian just rolls her eyes at me.
She will always find a way to blame me.

"If you are deliberately trying to mess with us Lillianna, you are making a huge mistake," Simon states coldly, walking closer to me as I glare at him.

"I'm not trying to mess with you I'm just trying to fucking live my life! Why do you always trust other people over me? You can't possibly think that I staged Madison throwing that wine over me?" I yell back and although Niall is subtly trying to calm me down I'm not listening to him.

"She apologised and said it was an accident!" Vivian replies and I instantly shake my head at her.

"And you believe her?" I ask quickly and when Vivian nods I feel extremely hurt.
The very people who are supposed to look out for me don't trust me.

"The only good thing your outburst did was it caused a lot of publicity especially about Madison and Niall's previous dating history," Simon explains and I can't even be bothered to pretend to listen to him.

"We never dated Simon! We all hated her," Niall argues but Simon ignores him and continues.

"Since you and Lillianna have been "difficult" to create publicity stunts, Vivian and I have decided to add a bit of spice to your public relationship," Simon says excitedly and I feel my anger beginning to rise.

"Niall you are going to go on a couple of dates with Madison Miller and will be seen publicly. This will create a little excitement and drama for the public," Vivian announces excitedly but as soon as the words leave her mouth I feel like I'm drowning.

I can faintly hear Niall and the other boys arguing with Simon and Vivian but I can only focus on my breathing as I take a step away from Niall, dropping his hand.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask quietly, choking on my tears and as I make eye contact with Vivian I can slightly see a guilty expression on her face.

Niall is still arguing with Simon but in the midst of the arguing I run towards the door and push past the hands trying to restrain me.
As I run out of the front door I can hear footsteps after me but I don't stop running.

I need air.

"Lilli! Lillianna!" Niall yells after me but I ignore him, not even turning back to see him.

"Just give her some space," I hear Liam say as I continue to run down the street, drying my eyes as I let my tears run freely.

As I reach the local park I hear Louis calling my name loudly and once I turn to face him I begin to cry even harder until I eventually feel his arms wrap around me, allowing me to cry into his shoulder.

"It's not fair Lou, it's not fair," I cry as he hugs me tight and allows me to cry.

"I know babe, it's not fair at all," Louis comforts as he gently kisses my forehead.

"But we will get through this, just like we always do," Louis continues, rubbing my back gently as I continue to sob loudly into his shoulder.

Well that was a dramatic chapter!!

How is everyone? I hope you are all safe and healthy! Make sure to stay inside and wash your hands!!

Thank you so much for all of the support! I love reading your comments and interacting with you lovely people!!

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love u all sm
G xx

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