thirty nine

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"We appreciate your time. Thank you, goodbye," Simon finishes as he finally ends the call, his eyes never leaving Niall and I as we sit facing him like naughty children.

I have never looked or felt worse in my life.

"After much persuasion and even bribing, the courts and police station have finally agreed to hold a Grand Jury dismissal and your sentence will be complete after you both pay a large fine of-"

"I don't even want to know the price, just put it on my credit card," Niall interrupts, holding his head in his hands and Simon simply glares at Niall but accepts.

"You are lucky that this is a first time offence for the both of you! The minimum for assault charges is 6 months in prison!" Simon yells furiously and I don't even look up at him as I still feel extremely ill.

"They dropped the charges for resisting a police officer," Simon explains as he reads off a professional document, turning his attention to me on that statement.

"And they also dropped the charges for public unrest but you must pay the fine for assault charges and let me just say it is extremely expensive so I hope this teaches you a lesson!" Simon lectures, his voice booming around the room and I thank my lucky stars that Vivian is not at this meeting as I don't think I could cope with listening to her voice.

"But Simon I swear it wasn't our-"

"I do not want to hear it Lillianna!" Simon loudly  interrupts, slamming the table and I see Niall slightly tense.

"I was able to argue that you were acting recklessly and not intentionally but Lillianna if this incident had have occurred in the US and you had have been underage drinking you would definitely be serving a jail sentence," Simon continues and his words give me chills.

"That's scary," Niall mumbles under his breath, running his hands through his messy hair.

"Yes Niall, it is! This is unacceptable behaviour," Simon loudly rants and as he speaks I can tell that Niall and I are both trying to hold in our vomit.

"You are both working double-time this month and will be expected to participate in more press ventures and interviews," Simon explains and without thinking I roll my eyes, gaining a hard glare from him.

"You also will be expected to be on your best behaviour at the upcoming Oscars awards," Simon threatens as he begins to flick through more professional files on his desk.

"The public opinion is somehow still on your side, especially due to Lillianna's successful performance in the movie however you both must apologise publicly," Simon continues and I hear Niall sigh in frustration.

"You will be appearing together tomorrow and it better be the best interview of your lives," Simon warns and Niall and I quickly glance at each other, communicating through our eyes.

"What about Alex and Madison? Are they being charged?" Niall asks abruptly, leaning forward in his seat.

"No, they are not because whether you want to admit it or not, you and Lillianna are the offenders in this incident Niall," Simon replies and Niall and I immediately sigh in frustration.

"I don't want to ever see them again Simon, if you really want these incidents to stop then can you please do your job and ensure that we don't have to see them," Niall rants, finally voicing his anger as I see his vein in his neck pop out.

"Don't take that tone with me," Simon threatens and as Niall jumps out of his seat I place my hand on his thigh and gently shake my head at him.

"He's not worth it," I whisper and I see Niall begin to restrain himself, sitting back down in his seat.

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