seventy two

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"My beautiful baby girl," I whisper as I hold my child in my arms, gently stroking her little head as I sway back and forth and smile at a sleeping Lilli in front of me.

Lilli did it.
She's amazing, completely amazing.

Lilli was understandably exhausted after the birth, her eyes becoming heavy until she eventually fell asleep as I cradled her in my arms.

I'm sitting in the uncomfortable chair beside her bed, holding our child with a proud smile on my face even though Lilli's stillness is somewhat strange to me.

I've grown so used to Lilli's chaotic energy, her constant laughing and dancing, how she always brightens the atmosphere in any room and usually ends up doing a handstand against the wall or getting into some sort of trouble.

I have a feeling our little girl is going to be just like her mummy.
That thought makes me smile widely, a chuckle tickling my lips.

Our baby girl couldn't be healthier.
Perfect blood work, breathing well and although she was born on the smaller side at only 6.6lbs she is - by all accounts - a perfect baby.

Lilli smiles every time the doctor reiterates that point.

I know how worried she had been, researching every possible issue a baby could be born with. I know our baby will be exhausting and hard work, draining in the way all babies are, but I'm immensely grateful that there weren't any complications.

She's even feeding well, Lilli crying as she was brought to her breast for the first time and I standing and wiping away Lilli's tears with a proud smile on my face.

Every feed since, I have been there - even the ones where Lilli and I are too sleep-deprived to speak but I can tell that we are just grateful for each other's presence and touch.

Our parents arrived just in time and were able to see our baby after all of the health assessments, all 4 crying and giving me hugs for the both of us.

The boys are amazing, all cooing over her and constantly asking for updates on Lilli to ensure that she is recovering well.

Louis hasn't stopped crying.

"Psst," I hear from the hospital door and when I turn around I see my mother smiling widely and peeking her head through the doorway.

"I brought you both some breakfast," my mother smiles and I motion for her to enter into the room before I gently set our baby on Lilli's chest and although Lilli is asleep I see she automatically adjusts and wraps her arms around her tiny body.

I pull my mother into a warm hug, savouring her gentle embrace and although I am much taller than her I still feel safe in my mother's arms.

I didn't think I could appreciate and love my mother any more than I already do until I watched Lilli give birth, enduring immense pain and suffering in order to bring a baby into the world.

"I'm so happy you and dad are here, Lilli's parents too," I mumble in Irish into my mother's shoulder and I feel her nod into the embrace before she kisses my cheek and pulls away, looking affectionately at Lilli.

Perfectly Fake ~ Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now