fifty five

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"Niall sit still, I'm trying to do your roots," Elio playfully scolds, swatting my shoulder as we sit at the kitchen table watching Lilli bake cookies.

"So you walked out?" Harry asks Lilli with a mouthful of toast and a stunned face, clearly interested in her story as he sits on the edge of his seat.

"I even slammed the door," Lilli giggles with a nod and I smile at her as she excitedly checks on the cookies in the oven.

"You're such a badass," Harry laughs and I nod in agreement as Elio continues to dye my hair back to blonde.
Management orders.

Lilli had told us about how she decided to leave the audition and is refusing to ever work for those men again.

I couldn't be prouder of her.

When she told me about how those bastards told her to unbutton her shirt I could feel the rage travel through my body at the thought of them exploiting her.

She's too precious for those sick bastards.

I got the feeling that she wasn't telling the entire story but I know that she will tell me eventually, some things just take time.

"I don't know where the sudden confidence came from," Lilli admits, slightly laughing as her cheeks flush.

"It was definitely the pink power suit, I have a matching one and it is a mega confidence booster," Harry explains seriously with a smile and Lilli nods in agreement, stealing a slice of Harry's toast.

"Maybe I'll wear that suit today on the show," Harry's voice trails as he talks aloud to himself, taking another bite of his toast.

"What are you even doing today?" Lilli asks us, referring to how we are due to appear on some talk show, hence my sudden need to dye my hair again.

Thankfully Elio is once again able to save the day.

"I honestly have no idea. All I know is that we have to perform a song for the BBC but their studio isn't far from here so it's not that bad," I explain and Lilli nods at me before going to check on her cookies again.

"Lilli you just put them in the oven! They won't be ready yet," Elio laughs and she pouts in frustration, jumping around impatiently.

"They won't even be nice anyway because they are just made from cookie mix out of a box," Elio teases with a smirk and Lilli flips him the middle finger making me laugh uncontrollably.

"They better be nice! I paid 5 whole pounds for this box," Lilli jokes, holding up the box of cookie mix and Harry playfully rolls his eyes at her.

"What is taking them so long?" Lilli groans impatiently as she looks into the oven once more and we all begin to laugh as she pouts again.

"This isn't an easy bake oven Lilli," Harry teases, getting off of his chair to check the cookies with her.

"They smell pretty good," I admit as Harry opens the oven to take a peek and I feel Elio swat my shoulder again as I begin to move in my seat.

"You are just as bad as Lilli when it comes to sitting still," Elio laughs and I can't even deny it as Lilli is absolutely the definition of chaotic and I'm not that far behind her.

Perfectly Fake ~ Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now