sixty six

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"So you are leaving?" Lilli asks sadly with a small pout and my heart breaks at her sad expression.

"Yes baby, but I'll be back in two weeks," I explain gently but she huffs and pouts again as I speak, clearly upset with me as she sinks further into the couch.

"I don't understand why you have to go and the others don't!" Lilli whines, batting her sad eyes at me as I sigh gently and take her small hand in mine.

"Modest are starting up this golfing company and they want me to basically be the face of it in order to promote the new brand. Simon's also still punishing me and making me work double time so I have no choice but to go," I explain softly but Lilli is not having it and shakes her head dismissively as I speak.

"It's not fair," Lilli whines, her lip slightly trembling as I take a seat beside her on the couch and pull her gently into my lap.

"I know baby, but I'll be back in no time," I reassure her but I know I sound pathetic.

I know I shouldn't be leaving her when she's 8 months pregnant and in immense pain.

She has every right to be upset with me but it doesn't make it any easier.

"It's just not fucking fair," Lilli repeats sadly, jumping up from my lap and walking out of the room as she dries her teary eyes with her sleeve and walks up the staircase.

"Lilli, please talk to me," I plead but my only response is the sound of our bedroom door fiercely slamming and I sigh in frustration as I clumsily lean against the staircase.


It's pitch black, the only light source being the bold and unsettling flashes of lightning that momentarily illuminate the bedroom after a loud rumble of thunder.

I groan sleepily and roll over in the bed, instinctively holding my arms out to spoon Lilli but the bed is cold on her side and I realise that she's not there.

My eyes quickly open wide and I jump out of bed, clumsily pulling my pyjama bottoms on as I run out of the bedroom and down the staircase, my mind racing.

That's when I see her.

She's wearing a long, oversized T-shirt that I think used to be mine and is making herself toast as she sleepily rubs her eyes, completely unaware of my presence in the doorframe of the kitchen.

She's completely bare faced and has her vibrant red hair pulled up into a messy bun that is gradually loosening and becoming floppier than intended but I still think she's the most beautiful person in the world.

She's just so beautiful.

She turns around slightly and catches my gaze, slightly jumping in fear and dropping a butter knife when I suddenly walk closer to her and accidentally take her by surprise.

The kitchen is not well lit but I notice that her eyes seem to be slightly red and puffy as if she has been crying and I can tell that she is somewhat embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," I apologise softly and she nods, rubbing her eyes sleepily and picking up the knife to begin buttering her toast again.

Perfectly Fake ~ Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now