sixty three

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"Why are you watching my fucking death scene?" I ask with a slight laugh as Harry hides his face behind a pillow and Zayn slightly winces at the horrifying images on the screen.

They are watching one of my movies which just so happens to be an intense horror film and so the sound of my chilling screams echo throughout the house.

I hate watching myself on screen it's just so weird, especially when it's a murder scene of myself.

Louis shushes me and pats the empty spot on the couch next to him and so I roll my eyes and take a seat, my eyes wide as I watch the gruesome scene.

"She's such a dumb bitch," I mumble to myself as my character walks down into the basement and Zayn slightly chuckles and hands me the bowl of popcorn.

"Don't go down there, don't go down there," Harry mumbles to himself and I begin to laugh as he anticipates a jump scare and gradually hides behind the pillow again.

When the jump scare hits all of the boys jump in fear, some more than others, whilst I just roll my eyes and continue to eat the popcorn with a smirk tugging on my lips.

"This was so not fun to film. It was freezing and I was running around in those tiny pyjamas with a knife sticking out of my back," I laugh and I notice a smile appear on Louis' lips as he motions for me to hand him the bowl of popcorn.

As my character runs out of the basement and into the nearby forest the boys and I gradually become more terrified and when I fall over there is an audible sigh of disappointment between the boys.

"Why do they always fall? Get back up bitch!" Louis yells, slightly covering his eyes as I also hide my head in his shoulder.

"She's definitely going to die," Zayn mumbles and just as he says that my character is brutally murdered and stabbed repeatedly by the killer, blood splurging across the screen as we all scream in horror.

"This is horrifying," Harry yells and I cover my eyes with my hands, slightly peaking out through the spaces.

"That was so much corn syrup and food colouring and flour," I mumble to myself, trying to rationalise the horrifying images but Louis scowls at me.

"You're ruining it Lilli! Stop spoiling it," Louis yells and I can't help but laugh, making him scowl even more as my screaming continues through the screen.

"Louis the movie is already ruined for you because spoiler alert I'm not actually dead!" I yell sarcastically, gaining a laugh from Zayn but Louis just sighs in annoyance and continues to eat the popcorn.

"Not yet," Louis mumbles jokingly with a small smirk, leaning in to tickle my stomach as the movie continues to play.

"Hey everyone," Elio greets, walking into the room with a smile and everyone immediately turns their attention to him and mumbles a warm hello.

"Have you all got your costumes sorted for the Halloween party this weekend?" Elio asks excitedly as he takes the bowl of popcorn from Louis and takes a seat beside me on the couch.

"Wait, you are all going to a party this weekend?" I ask curiously with a smile and Elio playfully rolls his eyes and smirks at me.

Perfectly Fake ~ Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now