fifty eight

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TW: health complications. Please read at your own risk and take care. This is sensitive.


"Yes Simon, I know. I know," I ramble carelessly into the phone as we sit backstage at one of our shows, waiting to go on.

My eyes never leave Lilli though.
My beautiful Lilli.

I know I'm overly protective of Lilli but all day she has been clingy and quiet, which is extremely out of character.

She even begged me to take her with us to the show as she didn't want to be home alone.

Usually she loves having some peace and quiet but when I told Zayn about my concerns he just told me it was probably due to her pregnancy hormones.
He's probably right.

As Simon is rambling on about my behaviour and his expectations, I notice Lilli blinking repeatedly, almost as if she is trying to stay awake as she stands beside Harry who is getting his hair styled.

"Okay Simon, I have to go," I interrupt quickly before ending the call and walking over to Lilli who is subtly holding onto the wall for support.

"Lilli," I say quietly, holding my hand out to her but she slightly falls into me, loosing her balance and clinging to my chest with exhaustion.

"Lilli! Lilli! What's wrong baby? Are you okay?" I ask quickly, fear seeping through my body as I hold her up and gently lay her on the small, white couch in the dressing room.

"I-It h-hurts," Lilli mumbles under her breath, clinging to me tight as her eyes become heavy, gently closing and reopening.

"What hurts? Talk to me Lilli," I ask and by now everyone in the dressing room has realised that there is a problem as Paul is now ushering people out of the dressing room who are not needed in order to give us privacy.

"What's happening?" Louis asks quickly, kneeling down beside me to face Lilli who is clearly exhausted and is still clinging to me.

"I-I'm so tired," Lilli mumbles through a yawn and I gently squeeze her hand and manage to smile reassuringly but inside I am freaking out.

"That's normal though, isn't it?" Louis asks quickly, the panic clear in is voice as he bites his lip anxiously.

"I don't know," I mumble quietly, giving him a look of concern as I continue to rub Lilli's head soothingly in order to get her to sleep.

"The lights please, please, too bright," Lilli whispers and instantly Liam turns off the light, politely hushing everyone outside the dressing room who is making excessive noise.

"I'm sorry," Lilli whimpers, her eyes fluttering as she holds her head and I realise that she probably feels extremely dizzy and nauseous.

"Don't be sorry baby, you're okay," I reassure, gently kissing her cheek as Louis holds her spare hand reassuringly.

"Guys it's time to go on, follow me," one of our publicists announces and I tense angrily due to her inconsiderate manner as she storms into the dressing room, making Lilli whimper at the noise.

Perfectly Fake ~ Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now