fifty one

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"Niall, I don't feel well," Lilli whines, clinging on to me as we walk off of the plane and into the airport to meet my parents who are picking us up.

I'm so happy to be back in Ireland even if it's just for a couple of days.

Lilli and I are going to visit our parents and tell them the big news that we are expecting a baby.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

"I know baby, we are almost there and then you can go back to sleep in the car," I explain softly as I practically carry her through the gate and into the baggage area.

It's early so she feels like shit and I feel so guilty because I can't do anything to help her or take the pain away.

As soon as we walk through the airport I notice that there are numerous amounts of paparazzi waiting for us and my heart sinks.

"Fuck sake," I mumble under my breath and I hold on to Lilli even tighter as they scream our names and take countless photos from all angles, the bright flashes making Lilli whimper sleepily.

I see my parents slightly in the distance and I begin to pick up my pace, motioning for Lilli to jump into my arms as I trail the large suitcase with my spare hand.

Lilli clings to me as the paparazzi scream her name and once I reach my parents I slightly relax as my dad instantly takes the suitcase and ushers us all to the car.

There is no time to greet each other here as the paparazzi are swarming around us, too powerful as a collective for the airport security to control.

"Is she okay?" My mother asks quickly, motioning to a sleeping Lilli on my shoulder and I can hear the concern in her voice.

"Yes, she's just not feeling very well and is exhausted," I explain and I see my mother's face slightly relax as we climb into the car, fighting off paparazzi who are clinging to Lilli's arms.

"I don't know how you cope with that all the time son," my father Bobby sighs as he begins to drive out of the airport carpark and I can see the stress in his face.

"I don't either," I admit sadly as I hold Lilli in my arms in the backseat of the car.

She's asleep, her mouth slightly open and her pink lips pouted as she snuggles into my chest.
I notice my mother smiling at us in the rear-view mirror.

"I'm happy to see you both, I missed you," I admit and I see a smile return to my parents faces.

"We missed you Nialler as always," my father, Bobby replies and I feel my own eyes getting heavier as I am able to relax now.

"You can both sleep when we get home. I made your bedroom cosy and warm for you," my mother explains and I instantly grab her hand from the front seat and thank her.

"If Lilli needs any medicine Niall let us know," my father states and I thank him before planting a gentle kiss on Lilli's forehead.
My family love Lilli very much, especially my parents who I catch talking to Lilli on the phone occasionally.

I love that her and my mother have catch ups on the phone, even the thought of it makes me smile.

"Niall," Lilli mumbles, squirming slightly in my embrace but once my hands begin to run through her hair she relaxes again.

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