sixty two

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"Wakey, wakey sleepy head," I hear a voice whisper with a slight laugh, arms wrapping around my waist as he plants soft kisses on the back of my neck making my entire body tingle.

"5 more minutes," I mumble sleepily, nuzzling into his warm body but as I slightly open my eyes I see a smiling Niall above me, his blue eyes twinkling and pulling me into a trance.

"Happy birthday princess," Niall smiles widely, kissing my jaw and I can't help but smile at the nickname, my cheeks slightly blushing as I melt under his gaze.

"It's my birthday," I mumble excitedly, the realisation kicking in as I begin to wake up, my arms wrapping around Niall's neck as I pull him in close to me.

"Lá breithe shona duit, lá breithe shona duit, lá breithe shona Lilli, lá breithe shona duit," Niall sings sweetly, his Irish accent ringing through my ears making me smile widely as I run my hands through his messy hair.

"I just love you Ni," I admit, giggling slightly as he playfully bops my nose once he finishes singing.

"And I love you," Niall replies quickly, kissing my soft lips before he jumps up and gently pulls me out of bed.


"You made me pancakes!" I exclaim, running excitedly into the kitchen as Niall follows closely behind, laughing excitedly.

As I walk towards the kitchen table which is decorated beautifully I am suddenly taken aback when the boys and Elio jump out and scare me, popping mini confetti canons that launch across the kitchen and land in my vibrant hair.

"Surprise!" They yell simultaneously as I scream and I immediately hear Niall laughing hysterically and I join in with him, pulling all of the boys in for hugs as I laugh.

"Happy birthday Lilli!" Louis yells again as I hug him, a smile plastered on his face as Liam repeatedly takes photos.

"Here are your pancakes," Niall smiles, holding out the plate of pancakes as he dramatically bows to me.

He has stacked 3 pancakes and has decorated them in chocolate chips, whipped cream and strawberries and although the pancakes aren't symmetrical and the cream is slightly melting and lopsided I think it looks absolutely amazing.

He did all of this for me.

"You are the best," I smile, gently pulling him towards me and kissing his soft, warm lips that are pulled into a smirk.

"Lilli look at your face in this picture!" Liam laughs, showing me a photo of me screaming in surprise.

"Never mind me look at Niall laughing in the background," I laugh, zooming in on Niall's face and making all of the boys laugh with me.

"I'll be taking these back," Niall jokes, pulling the plate of pancakes away from me until I quickly apologise with a smile and kiss him once again.

"Okay, can we give presents now?" Zayn asks with a smile, placing a large pink box in front of me.

I smile at him excitedly as I unwrap the box to reveal a pair of beautiful, red silk pyjamas in my size and I quickly get up from my seat and hug him whilst thanking him.

Perfectly Fake ~ Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now