9:11AM, Office Lama.

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Aku datang untuk tender resignation dan aku masuk je tempat kerja baru macam ditawarkan Datuk Fairuz.

Aku rasa aku sedang diperhatikan semua orang.

"Romi, Mr Darren nak jumpa," kata salah sorang colleague aku.

"Oh, aku pun nak jumpa dia."

Aku terus jalan menuju ke arah bilik Mr Darren.

Ketuk pintu.

"Come in, Romi. I want to talk to you about your attitude towards this job last Friday. You walkaway from your supervisor, off your phone. I think I can't tolerate you even longer."

"Okay. Because I want to tender my resignation."

"Wah, just like that ha? You think this company bapak you punya ka? Bloody meleis."

"Dude, you're working in a Malay company. Who do you think Miss Adreana race is?"

"Don't dude me! I'm your supervisor!"

"Not anymore."

Aku campak je surat tu atas meja dia. Dia bengang sampai bangun nak tumbuk aku.

Miss Adreana datang ketuk bilik Mr Darren tiba-tiba.

"Something wrong?"


10:03AM, bilik CEO.

"Why are you want to quit this job? Getting bored? You want increase your salary? Tell me, I can help you?" tanya Miss Adreana memandang aku.

"I found another job. At first I want to give one month notice, but after the reaction of Mr Darren racist remark, I can't tolerate longer. He call me Meleis."

Dia tekan punat butang di mejanya.

"Call Mr Darren in my office?"

Beberapa saat kemudian, Mr Darren ketuk pintu.

"Darren, you're fired."

"What? He's the one who slacking off?"

"I can't tolerate with racism here. Pack your stuff now. I don't want to see you anymore again!"

"Fucking meleis!" Mr Darren keluar dengan berdengus.

"Now I dah sack dia. What else do you want?"

"I just want to quit. I got better offer."

"Berapa dia offer?"

"RM4k," aku temberang.

"I offer you RM5k. Dengan syarat..."

Dia berjalan ke arah pintu, dan kunci pintu. Perlahan-lahan dia bongkok ke bawah dan capai seluar aku.

"I want you to come here everyday for me to suck your cock!"

What the hell?

Memandangkan jalan keluar cuma pintu, aku berlari ke arah tingkap.

"You cannot runaway from me, Romi!"

Dia genggam seluar aku sampai nak rebeh seluar aku dibuatnya.

Aku terus buka tingkap. Aku nampak tingkap tingkat bawah terbuka.

Aku terus bajet melompat dan terus masuk ke tingkap lagi satu. Terkejut brader tengah ambik angin tepi tu.

Lompat dari koridor ke koridor ni zaman sekolah aku selalu buat. Tapi kali ni aku terpaksa lakukan demi melepaskan diri.


Aku terus ke pejabat Jasmine dan kelihatan Jasmine sedang menunggu aku di tepi pintu.

"Kenapa? What happened?"

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