3. I will never bow

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"Your eyes show the strength of your soul"


Kira was sitting on a couch and slip her knives when Robin came into the room "You need to see this" she said and turned on the TV. Kira looked at the TV and saw the news, she saw that they were talking about a man they call pig and he was killing cops.

Kira got up "That man is killing cops, no one is allowed to kill cops other than me" Kira said with an angry tone, she then looked at Robin "Go out and help penguin's men and Jim with getting information out of people" she said and Robin nodded before she walked out the room.


To get information of the pig. Oswald's hitmen had pulled an old couple out of a building and the old man were now laying on the ground, the leader of the hitmen was a man name Headhunter, he pointed his gun on the sick old man "The old lady doesn't talk, the old man gets it, and after that I go apartment by apartment until I get an answer" Headhunter said. None of the cops around them did anything. But then Jim walked out of the building with his gun pointed on Headhunter "Drop it" he said. The hitmen pointed their guns on Jim "Back at you, Jim" Headhunter said. 

Then Bullock came running out of the building.

The cops was pointed their guns on the hitmen "Everybody stand down" Bullock said "I'm giving you three seconds" Jim told Headhunter "I'm giving you two" Headhunter said.

Suddenly a woman with a hood over her head stood behind Headhunter with a gun pointed at his head "And I am giving you one" she said. Everyone looked at the woman behind Headhunter, the other hitmen pointed their guns on the woman.

While pointed her gun at Headhunter, the woman walked in front of him, so she was between Jim and Headhunter "Do you want me to shoot you?" the woman asked and Headhunter smiled "Oh Honey, do you even know who I am?" he asked and the woman nodded "I know who you are Hunterhead and I know who you work for, but I don't care, drop the gun now" the woman said, "My name is Headhunter and.." but the woman cut him off "I don't care, drop the gun now or you will be Deadhead" the woman said and Headhunter smiled "Listen here woman, I don't know who you are, but I work for penguin and he is the ruler of the underworld and he..." Headhunter said, but again the woman cut him off "Maybe you don't know, but the penguin know my friend and my friend is the real ruler of the underworld, but maybe I have to show you who I am" the woman said and pulled off her cape, so you could she who she was.

Everyone looked at the woman with their eyes widened, the woman had short black hair, and black clothes on, she had a black biker jacket on and a sticker with Jerome's logo was on the biker jacket.

"Robin" Jim said and Robin looked at him "Hello Mr. Detective" she said before she looked back at Headhunter "Maybe you don't know me, but my name is Robin, my friend is Kira Wayne, you may know her as the Shadowkiller: Death From Darkness. She the real ruler of the underworld and the real queen of Gotham, Kira is Oswald's old friend, so if Oswald don't want to start a war, he can't win, I suggest you drop your gun before I have count to one" Robin said, "No one is counting. Drop your weapon all of you" Bullock said, none of them did what Bullock said, they all just stared at each other "Drop your gun now, or I am going to shoot you... In the face" Robin said with a smile.

Before anything could happen, the wife to the old man, ran into the circle and ran over to her sick husband that was laying on the floor "I'll tell you what I saw" she said while she ran over to him.

"He took them. He was drivning a hearse. I didn't see the plate" the woman said crying. "That's all right, we don't need a plate. Just tell me which direction was he headed?" Jim asked the woman "Down 7th. Heading west" the woman said and help her husband up.

"You know, I never really did the whole good cop/ bad cop thing. It's quite effective" Headhunter said and walked away "You see Jim, if you want information from people, you threaten the people they care about, it is not that hard" Robin said and was about to walked away, when Jim pointed his gun at her "Don't move, you are coming with us down to the station" he said and Robin smiled "No I am not and good luck catching me" she said and in one second she was gone, "How in hell does she do that?" Bullock asked.


Kira was training with one of her followers. The follower was about to punch her, but Kira avoided his fist and put her leg around his neck before she pulled him down on the floor.

"Kira, there is someone here that want to see you" Robin said as she walked into the room, Kira looked towards the door, and saw a young woman walked into the room

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"Kira, there is someone here that want to see you" Robin said as she walked into the room, Kira looked towards the door, and saw a young woman walked into the room. Kira knew it was Sofia Falcone, she looked back at her follower that was laying on the floor and help him up "Good job, Miss Kira" the man said "Let's stop, go train with the others or do something else, but leave the room" Kira said, the man nodded and left the room.

Kira looked at Sofia, that took some steps closer to her "You must be Sofia Falcone, what do you want?" Kira asked, "I have heard a lot about you Kira Wayne, I came here to ask if you want to join me, I have the penguin wrapped around my finger, and soon also James Gordon, I can take down the GCPD for you" Sofia said, "I am tempted, but what do you want me to do?" Kira asked. "All I want you do to is to bow and let me be the ruler of the underworld" Sofia said, Kira looked at her and laughed "Maybe you have not heard so much about me, but I never bow. Not to you or anyone, no matter what they offer" she said.

Sofia looked at her "Okay, I understand. But you know where to can find me, if you changed your mind" she said and walked out the door.

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Two maniacs in Love. Book 2:  Burn it all down. (Jerome Valeska 2)Where stories live. Discover now