9. The Brunch Meeting

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"Relationship don't last because of the good times. They last because the hard times were handled with love and care"


Jerome introduced Kira to Firefly, she was dressed in a fireproof outfit that looked like an astronaut's outfit, half of her face was burned and she had orange eyes. 

Then she was introduced to Victor Freeze. His eyes was like Firefly, they had a unique color, they were ice blue and his hair was white with specks of ice in it. 

Mr. Freeze used his suit to keep him cold. 

After that they all sat down at the table. They all had their names written on a piece of paper in front of the plates. Kira's chair was at Jerome's right side and beside her sat Robin, next to her was Firefly, beside her sat Crane, next to him sat Oswald, Mr. Freezs was next to Oswald and next to Freezs was a empty chair where Jervis would sit when he would come and join them and next to that chair on the end of the table sat Jerome. 

Some of the inmates who had broken out from Arkham were walking around serving Kira and the others.

Jerome lifted his empty glass and clicked on it with a fork "Hear, ye, hear ye! I'd like to officially welcome you all to our first ever Mandatory Brunch Meeting" he greeted everyone with a wide smile on his lips.

He put the glass back on the table "Now, I know what you're all thinking. Why have Kira and I gathered this legion of horribles?" Jerome said and paused "That has a nice ring to it. Write that down, will ya?" he said to one of the people that was serving them. 

The man patted his own shirt to see if he had any paper on him to write on. 

"Well, back when I was in Arkham. I came up with a plan to turn this city into a madhouse" Jerome explained "And now I am on the cusp of making that happen, but I need help from all of..." he said, but got cut off when Freezs held his hand up with a questioning look on his face, "Put all questions on ice until the end" Jerome said looking at him and Freezs lower his hand "Danke Schön" Jerome said with a smile on his face.

He then looked at Oswald "Mr. Oswald. Thank you for doing your part in hosting us today" he said and Oswald smiled "Anything for an old friend" he said. 

Jerome smiled before he looked at Crane "Hmm. Crane" he said and Crane looked at him "Where are we at with the... You know what?" Jerome asked. "It's coming along dreadfully" Crane said, "Oh. Pun-worthy. Excellent" Jerome said before he looked at Freeze "Freeze, Ice Man, you're our science guy. We're gonna need a lab. A big one" Jerome said, "Easy enough" Freezs said looking at him. 

"Hmm. Now, all we need is Mr. Tatch to return with some very important information, and" he said but stopped himself when he looked at one of the servings, the serving was placing the sausages on their plates with his gloved hands "Use the tonges, Carl" Jerome said in an angry tone making Carl flinched and stepped away from the table. 

Firefly looked at Jerome "You still haven't told us how you and Kira are going to take over the underworld" she said, Kira and Jerome looked at each other before Kira looked at Firefly "Ah. Who says we wanna do that?" she asked and Jerome nodded "Kira and I are artists. We just wanna paint the town crazy" he said "That is right, Jerome and I want to turn this city into a madhouse, we don't care about taking over the underworld" Kira said, "Yeah, and once that happen, we could care less how you horribels rip the city apart" Jerome said, "When Jerome and I are done, you can all do what you want with the city and the people living in it, you can make them see their worst fears" Kira said pointing on Crane "You can fry anyone you want" she said pointing on Firefly before she pointed on Freezs "And you can freeze the one you want" she said and then she looked at Robin "And Rob, my friend, you can kill all the people that turned their backs to you in the past" she finished and Robin looked at her "I love that idea, but no matter what, I think you know where I stand, my friend" she said and they both gave each other a quick smile. 

"I'm in. Let's do this" Firefly said looking at the others "Well... Not yet. Nothing can happen until we have our one last essential ingredient" Jerome said.

Suddenly the front door opened and shut, they all looked up when Jervis Tetch enter the dining room with a smile on his face. "The one thing that'll tie all together" Jerome said looking at Jervis with a smile, he then pointed on the empty chair next to him and Jervis sat down. "The man's name is Xander Wilde. He works as a structural engineer at Meyer and Hayes" Jervis told Jerome, "I think we know where do go next Honey" Kira said and Jerome looked at her "I think I know that too, love" he said and they smiled evil to each other. 

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Two maniacs in Love. Book 2:  Burn it all down. (Jerome Valeska 2)Where stories live. Discover now