24. Where is she

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"When you meet me, you think I'm quiet. When you talk to me, you wish I was quiet. When you know me, you get scared when I'm quiet"


Jeremiah sat on a bench inside a cell at the GCPD. "You know, I don't know why I brought him here. I should've killed him when I had the chance" Alfred said looking at Jeremiah, Jim looked at Jeremiah who waved at him.

 I should've killed him when I had the chance" Alfred said looking at Jeremiah, Jim looked at Jeremiah who waved at him

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"You did the right thing, Alfred" Jim said, "You say that. You didn't see what he did to Selina" Alfred said and Jim looked at him "All right, I better get to the hospital" Alfred said, "I'll stop by when I can" Jim said and Alfred walked out the GCPD, when Alfred left, Bullock arrived "Couldn't have put a cap in that psycho and done the world a favor?" he said "Where are we?" Jim asked "Bomb squad's at the last site on the map. After they disarm the bomb, they're gonna put it in the warehouse with all the others. Also, the Mayor called. He wants to lift the evacuation order" Bullock said, "Tell him we're not doing anything until we have all the bombs locked away" Jim said and Bullock nodded.

"Any news about Kira?" Jim asked and Bullock shook his head "No, but we are looking for her" he said and Jim looked at Jeremiah "Why is she not with him, something is not right" Jim said, "I don't know, maybe she had left him or he had killed her" Bullock said "No, something else is wrong" Jim said. 

"Pardon me, Jim" Jeremiah said, Jim sighed and walked towards Jeremiah's cell. "Don't you all have work to do?" Jim asked the cops who stood and was looking at Jeremiah, the cops looked at Jim and returned to their work. 

"What is it?" Jim asked "I'd like to press charges against Bruce Wayne's butler. I mean, just look at my face" Jeremiah said, his eyes were deeply bruised and he could only opened his left eye halfway, and there was a cut under his right corner of his lips "I think you look great" Jim said, "And I'd like to speak to Bruce again. We couldn't really talk before with his girlfriend bleeding out all over him" Jeremiah said and Jim took a stepped closer to the cell "You tried to prove you're better than your brother. But I'm still here. The city's still here. You're a failure, Jeremiah. Enjoy Arkham. Your brother did and don't worry, Kira will join you soon" Jim said, turned around and looked at a cop " Put him in the box. Get him ready for transport" Jim said "Bringe me Bruce Wayne and I'll tell you where Kira and the other bombs are" Jeremiah said and Jim looked at him "We have all your bombs" he said "The maze bombs, yes. I mean the other ones" Jeremiah said. 

Jim and Bullock looked at each other "Jim, as an engineer, you expect systems to fail. So, you build in redundancies" Jeremiah said and stood up from the bench "And I am a very good engineer" he said "You're bluffing" Jim said, "Am I?" Jeremiah said and stepped closer to the bars "How many lives are you willing to bet?" Jeremiah asked as he put his hand on the bars "You're right, you know. I did fail. I didn't yet understand the vision I was servicing, but I do now. My eyes are open as will yours be" Jeremiah said and turned around "When you realize I'm not bluffing bring me Bruce Wayne. And I'd like a coffee. Black. Two sugars" Jeremiah said, "And what about Kira, you said that you know where she is, why should I believe that you will give her up?" Jim asked, "I will give her up, because she betray me, so I hurt her, and if you want to know where her and the bombs are, you bring me Bruce Wayne" Jeremiah said. 

Two maniacs in Love. Book 2:  Burn it all down. (Jerome Valeska 2)Where stories live. Discover now