23. A warrior needs a war

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"She kept on surviving. A fighter, not by choice. But a warrior at heart"

 But a warrior at heart"

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Kira woke up to someone kicking one of the benched. She was laying on a bench inside a abandoned church, where her and Jeremiah had settled down after the bunker where they have killed their followers.

Kira sat up and looked around, she saw Jeremiah over by a table, he had taking off his jacket and was looking at a map over Gotham.

Kira walked over to him and he looked at her "Sorry, did I wake you?" he asked "No, I was already awake. How long have I been asleep?" Kira asked "A few hours" he answered "Why didn't you woke me up?" she asked, "I think that you need it, you haven't slept since you visit me in the bunker" Jeremiah said looking at her, "Well, I think you will understand why" Kira said looking at the map and Jeremiah nodded "Let's find a plan" she said.

Jeremiah kept looking at her "I hope you know what Bruce said at the graveyard was a lie, I am not using you to prove I am better than Jerome" he said, "Don't worry I know, and I am done listen to my brother, he will do anything to find the old me, even lie, but the old me is dead and Bruce had never been a god liar" Kira said and Jeremiah looked at her "And I know when someone is using me" Kira said and looked at him "And you are not using me, I know that" she said and Jeremiah smiled.

"Do you remember the first time we met?" Jeremiah asked, Kira nodded and looked at him

These burning ships
These filled up skips
Of memory

"Hard to forget, that was one of the few best days of my life" she said "I remember when I first saw you at the circus, you had your hair in a cute ponytail, and those eyes, when you looked at me, it was like I was melting, Jerome wasn't the only one that fell in love with you that day" Jeremiah said.

"I came every day to hang out with you, and all three of us was always having fun together" Kira said and Jeremiah nodded "But then you left, without a word" Kira said "Are you still angry of me leaving?" he asked "Yeah, think about how I felt, you just left in the middle of the night, without telling me anything, when I came to hang out the next day, Jerome was the one that told me, that you have left" Kira said, "I didn't want to leave you, but I was afraid, that if I told you. You would wanted me to take you with me, but I couldn't because I didn't wanted to take you away from your family, and I knew that Jerome would have followers us and killed me, when he found out that I took you with me, so I left without saying a word, because I knew that Jerome would take care of you" Jeremiah said and Kira looked at him "It just really broke my heart" she said "I know and I am so sorry, if I could go back in time, I would have told you. I am so sorry" Jeremiah said, "I thought that you left because of me" Kira said, "No never" Jeremiah said.

Been walking streets
Been filling sheets
In fantasy

"When I saw you again, I was happy, sad and full of regret. I was happy because I have miss you so much and I have been thinking about you every day, regret because I regret leaving you and for not keeping in touch with you and sad because you were with my brother and I have a feeling that you hate me for leaving you" Jeremiah said "I saw the sadness in your eyes, when Jerome put an arm around me" Kira said, "Every since the day I left, I have kept thinking about what would have happen if I haven't left" Jeremiah said "I don't know what would have happen, but I think that we would have become the perfect trio" Kira said "Yeah, a killer trio" Jeremiah said, Kira smiled and nodded "Who would you have chosen if I had stayed?" Jeremiah asked and Kira looked at him "I don't know, I think none of you, because I didn't want to hurt the other" she said and Jeremiah looked down on the floor.

Two maniacs in Love. Book 2:  Burn it all down. (Jerome Valeska 2)Where stories live. Discover now