15. I am more than a man

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"The worst day of loving someone is the day that you lose them"

"The worst day of loving someone is the day that you lose them"

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Kira and Jerome was standing on the stage still waiting for Gordon. Rock music was playing on the stage and Jerome was signing and danced alone with the song while Kira stood with a smile and clapped. 

Then there was sirens wailing and Kira turned her head to the left and saw two police cars pulling up at the end of Paisley Square, followed by a GCPD van. Kira looked at Jerome "Love, he is here" she said, Jerome stopped and looked at Jim, he looked at the band and exened his arms so the band stopped playing.

"Ladies and gentleman, as I live and breathe, James Gordon is in the house" Jerome said into the mic and Kira took some steps closer to Jerome.

"I'm not talking to you until I can get up there and check on the well- being of your hostages" Jim said, "First of all, Jim. You're late. Secondly, I think I'm the one who should be making demands. Don't you?" Jerome asked him as he held up the trigger so Jim could see it. "What you're doing is an act of terror, Valeska" Jim said and took a step forward "Ask our Mayor what this city's policy is on negotiating with terrorists" Jim said and Jerome looked back at the Mayor "Terrorists? Frankly, I'm offended" he said.

Jim took some steps closer "No, no, no. That's close enough, Gordon" Jerome said as he saw Jim taking some steps closer. Firefly joined Kira's and Jerome's side and lighted up her flamethrower causing Jim to take a step back "And none of you are going anywhere, either" Kira said.

Jerome motioned for the man at the drums to play a suspense tune. He then turned to looked back at Jim "Dead man's trigger. This falls out of my hand for any reason, and... Bang. Headless people" Jerome said.

"I got two empty chairs here. You haven't even asked me who they're for yet" Jerome said, "All right. I'll bite. Who are they for?" Jim asked. "Come on, James. You're detective. Do some detecting" Jerome said.

"Jeremiah, your brother" Jim said and Jerome nodded "Bingo. That's one" he said with a smile. "And the other?" Jim asked. "Well, the only other irksome do-gooder, who's ever spoiled my fun in this town" Jerome said and Jim looked at him not knowing who he was talking about "Bruce Wayne!" Jerome said and Jim shook his head "No. You can take me. I'll sit up there with one of those things around my neck, but I won't let you have him" Jim said, "Well, I don't want you, Jim. I want my brother" Jerome said and Kira looked at Jim "And I want my brother" she said, "We want them now" Jerome said.

Jim looked at the people around him before looking back at Kira and Jerome "All right. let me get these people out of here, I'll come up there--" Jim said, but Jerome cut him off "You are not listening to me. And that is forcing my hand" Jerome said and lifted up the trigger "Jerome" Jim said "Do it, make it rain" Kira said and Jerome looked at her with a smile "Anything for you, my Love" he said and turned to looked at Jim, he still had a smile on his face when he grinned and tapped one of the buttons against the mic.

Two maniacs in Love. Book 2:  Burn it all down. (Jerome Valeska 2)Where stories live. Discover now