4. The bar

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"Don't be afraid of death. Be afraid of an unlived life"

 Be afraid of an unlived life"

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Kira and Robin walked into a bar, as soon as they walked into the room, three women walked over to them, Kira could recognize the three women, it was Barbara, Tabitha and Selina.

"What are you doing here?" Selina asked "Well, Oswald lost the battle against Sofia and is now in Arkham. I heard about your bar and about woman drikning for free, so I came here to hand out" Kira said "Why do you even want to hand out here, there is a lot of others bars you can indved?" Tabitha asked "I have not forgot that one of you try to save me at the Gala, even if she try to kill me after" Kira said looking at Tabitha "I understand that you try to kill me, you were just trying to protect your brother, someone you care about, I would have done the same thing" Kira said. "You are always looking for trouble, and where you are someone is always ended up dead" Selina said "Listen, I promise you, I will not create problems, I just want to hang out" Kira said, "Well I have not forgot what you taught me, back when you were the Shadowkiller, I owe you. So you are welcome here" Barbara said "But if you just do one thing wrong, we will kill you, understand" Selina said, "Fine by me" she said, and walked past them, took a glass from the bar, sat over on a couch and took a sip of her glass. 

Selina looked at Tabitha and Barbara "Are we sure that we can trust her?" Selina asked "No, but everyone deserve a second chance" Tabitha said and looked at Barbara "And think about it, if she is here, no one will touch us" Barbara said. 


Kira took a sip of her glass "Isn't that your brother Bruce over there?" Robin asked and pointed on the left side of the room. 

Kira saw her little brother Bruce sitting on the other side of the room on a couch with a beer in his hand and girls was sitting around him, he looked like a playboy. "Yeah that is him" Kira said with a confused tone in her voice. 

Kira got up and walked over to Bruce, "Hey Bruce" she said and Bruce looked at her "Hello big sis" he said, "What the hell are you doing here?" Kira asked, "Just hanging out, having fun and what about you, how are you today, killed any people yet?" Bruce asked, Kira looked confused on him, she knew that he would asked something like that "What the hell have you been smoking? That Bruce I know will never asked something like that, so what the hell is wrong with you?" Kira asked "What do you mean?" Bruce asked, "You know what never mind" Kira said, turned around and walked towards the door walking past Robin "Come let's get out of here" she said, Robin got up and walked over next to Kira. 


"What happen?" Robin asked Kira as they walked to their building "My brother just behaves strangely, but none of my business, he can act as strangely as he wanted" Kira said, "Yeah, but there is..." Robin said and was about to say something else, when Kira cut her off, by putting her right arm in front of her, "What is it?" Robin asked, "Shouldn't there be guards in front of our building" Kira said and pointed on the building's door, "There were guards when we left" Robin said, "I don't like this, but we need to see what is going on, keep your eyes open and be ready with your weapons" Kira said, and pulled up her knife, Robin did the same.

They walked into the building ready with their weapons. As they were walking inside the building, they looked around and saw dead bodies, all Kira's followers was dead. 

When they enter the living room, there was the rest of the followers, they were all dead, shot. 

"What happen to them?" Robin asked, "I don't know, but someone had shot them, someone attack the place when we were out" Kira said. 

The next thing that happen was that someone knock Kira and Robin unconscious.


Kira opened her eyes, she was tied to a chair, Robin was also tied to a chair, behind her. 

"Robin are you okay?" Kira asked and Robin nodded "Yeah, I am fine and you?" she asked, "I am okay. What happen?" Kira asked looking around. "Hello Kira Wayne" a voice said, Kira looked towards a door and saw Sofia Falcone enter the room "Sofia, I knew it was you, who else would be stupid enough to attack me" Kira said. 

Sofia walked closer to her "I need your followers out of the way, to make you weaker" she said and Kira laugh a bit, before she looked at her "If you really think that killing my followers will make me weaker. Then you are a idiot" Kira said. 

Sofia smiled, pulled up a knife and pointed it at Kira "Bow and step aside so I can rule over the underworld" she said and Kira smiled "Never" she said, Sofia smiled and suddenly she drill the knife into Robin's knee causing Robin to scream in pain. 

"You are going to pay for that" Kira said and Sofia slap her, "I am going to keep you alive, both of you for now, and when I have killed James Gordon and taken over Gotham I will kill you both" Sofia said and Kira smiled "Someday, someone will best me. But it won't be today and it won't be you" Kira said, "It will" Sofia said and walked out the door. 


Kira and Robin was still tied to the chairs, "We need to get out of here, and find a place where we can't be found, stay there and keep low profile, just till we are ready to rise again" Kira said, "I know a place, but I don't know if it's still there" Robin said, "We can try" Kira said and Robin nodded "Do you know how to get free?" Robin asked and Kira smiled, "I don't think Sofia have heard the truth about me, I always have a backup plan" Kira said and she pulled out a knife that was hiding under her sleeves. She cut the rope and got up, Robin did the same. 

Kira sneak over to one of the guards, put a hand in front of his mouth and cut his thoart open causing the blood to splattered out.
The other guard jumped back but then Robin came up from behind and cut his thoart open.

Kira then looked at Robin "You okay?" she asked looking at her wound "I will be fine, let's just get out of here" Robin said, Kira nodded, pulled Robin's right arm over her shoulder and they ran out of the building. 


At Arkham Asylum 

Over the past days Jerome made fun of Oswald, and beating him, forcing him to give him the laughing cure, after getting beating, Oswald had finally made Jerome laugh.

Oswald was now sitting in his cell writing a letter, when the cell door opened and Jerome step in, Oswald got up and looked at him with his fists ready to defend himself "Relax, buddy. You gave me what needed. The laugh of the century" Jerome said, and lay down on his bed "Tell me something. You appear to have everyone here under you thumb. The guards, the inmates---" Oswald said, "What can I say? I'm a charismatic guy" Jerome said, "You can escape anytime. Why stay?" Oswald asked. 

Jerome opened his eyes "Why indeed?" he asked. "Plus, Kira is back, and maybe she had already taken over the city" Oswald said and Jerome smiled "So my beautiful girlfriend is back, that is wonderful, now the real fun can begin" he said, "You and Kira are planning something" Oswald said looking at him "Right-y, old boy. Something spectacular. See, I'm in this funny farm' cause I need to find the créme de la crazy" Jerome said looking at him and sat up "Which is why I need you" he said.

Oswald laugh and Jerome laugh too "Ah, you get it. But when we're done, the world out there, that'll be the asylum. What do you say?" Jerome asked looking at him "Thank you for your kind offer" Oswald said and sat down on his chair "I don't expect to be here very long" he said and continued writing his letter, Jerome got up and walked over to him and put his hands on Oswald's shoulder "You 'll come around. They always do" Jerome said and move his hands away from Oswald's shoulder, he stood back up and took a hair from Oswald's uniform before letting it fall on the floor, he then walked out of the cell. 

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Two maniacs in Love. Book 2:  Burn it all down. (Jerome Valeska 2)Where stories live. Discover now