Darkiplier x Reader: Curious

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I had just finished cleaning up Wilford's room. Boy, working for the Iplier's gets a little tiring. All of their rooms are such a mess, don't even get me started on Bing's room. Jeez. Sometimes I wonder why I took this job, and sometimes I wonder what would happen if I didn't. I mean I was desperate to get a job, my stupid parents kicked me out and I needed money, urgently. Then this opportunity popped up out of no where. Cleaner/Maid needed for a "busy" household. Busy is a fucking understatement. This place is always busy. There is at least three people here at the same time, minimum. But I didn't make too much of it. The job offered me a pretty good wage, a place to stay, food, water and showers. Seemed too good to be true. But I was desperate, real desperate, so I just took it. And now here I am. I won't complain much though, I've got all of the basic needs. Better than being on the streets. Anyway, as I said, I had finished cleaning up Wilford's room, so that meant that all of "egos" rooms had been cleaned. Well, except of course for Mr Darkiplier. He never lets me in his room. He keeps on telling me that his room is always in a "perfect manner." Yeah, yeah. I stop outside his door wondering what he was doing. I heard low mumbling, so I went a bit closer to the door. I suddenly heard footsteps and before I could step away the door swung open hitting me straight onto the head. I fell to the floor, groaning and the last thing I heard was, "Fuck."

Darkiplier's POV
I was talking to Anti, about, well important things, until I sensed something weird. I felt like someone was listening to my rather private conversation. I huff, it's probably Wilford trying to be nosy again. 
"Anti, I'll call you later. Something just came up."
"Really. Fine, you better call me back."
"Yes, yes." With that I hung up. I walked towards the door already getting angry. I swung the door open a bit too violently and hit something. I smirk and look down, only to realize I hit the damn maid. She groaned as her pretty little eyes closed. "Fuck." I quickly bent down to pick her up bridal style and lay her on my bed. I closed the door, no one can know I did this. We treat Y/N as a friend and the others would be fucking furious if they knew what happened. I sit next to her on the bed and notice a medium sized red mark on her forehead. I sigh, and press my fingers down gently on the mark. After a few seconds, the mark had disappeared, and hopefully her pain did too. 

I woke up in a bed, feeling a bit sore. I look up and see Mr Darkiplier staring down at me. I squeak and swiftly sit up. I instantly regret it as I start feeling dizzy.
"Woah, woah. Easy there. Are you alright?"
"Uhhhh, yes Sir. Thank you for...."
"Healing you?"
"Yes. Thank you for healing me Sir." I say as my head doesn't feel as sore anymore. 
"You, don't have to call me Sir, Y/N."
"Oh....so do I just call you Dark....or." 
"Yes. Dark should be fine." He says, as he gives me a.....smile? Not going to lie, he looks even more handsome with a smile. He smirks,
"You think?"
"Excuse me?" I ask, confused.
"You think a smile makes me....more handsome?" He asks, a light blush appearing on his grey cheeks. I immediately, look down. Shit! I forgot that he can read minds. 
"Sorry. I shouldn't have, done that."
"What! Oh no. Please don't apologize. It's okay." I say, as I look back at him. He looked a bit taken aback. Well, this is awkward. 
"Uhhh, well Y/N. If you don't mind, I need to get back to my work."
"Oh yes! Of course. I am so sorry for interrupting you."
"It's alright. You know you don't need to stand outside of my room if you want to talk. Unless, you were listening to my conversations." He said, with a small smile. My hand immediately covered my now open mouth.  
"Oh, I was ju-"
"No need to explain. I have been very cryptic towards you. I understand that you want to know what I'm up to." I stare up at him, and suddenly my cheeks become even more hotter. Great.
"I.....shall leave Dark. I've already took too much of your time and...I...will just go." I stand up and head to the door. Before I could get there, he gently grabbed my wrist. I turn around to look at him. He pulls me close to him, and plants a small kiss onto my forehead. I feel like I'm on fucking fire. I look up at him and he smiles. 
"Very well. I would love to see you around."
"Uhhh....yeah..m-me too." I give him a small wave and rush out of the room. I run towards my bed room and face plant onto my bed. I scream into the pillow, hugging it tightly. THE Darkiplier just kissed me! I fucking can't. I lay on my side, still hugging the pillow. My cheeks are still so hot and I am pretty sure I have a stupid smile on my face. Again, not going to lie but this day hasn't been too bad. :)

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