Chase Brody x Reader: My Everything

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Y/N = Your name :D
M/N = Middle name :D
L/N = Last name :D
A/N: Okay so apparently the Brighton Wheel has we're just gonna pretend that it's still running alright? Alright. 

Chase's POV
Shit I'm going to stuff this up! I run my fingers through my hair, really stressed at what I'm going to do today. What if she doesn't even love me!? What if it's just pity?! No. I can't over think this. Y/N and I have been together for three years and she's even met the kids. They love her for crying out loud! And she loves them and she sure as hell loves me. I collapse onto the couch and my fingers fiddle with the ring box in my hand. Is a Ferris wheel a good place to propose? It's too late to change that now, I've already got the tickets! I take a glance at the bottle of whiskey on the coffee table and immediately shake my head. I get up and put it away, away from sight. Instead I take a glass of water and quickly drink it, my hands shaking. 
"What's wrong Chase?" Jackie asks, leaning on the counter. I put the glass down and look at the ring box and then to Jackie. 
"What if she says no?" I ask, tears already forming in my eyes. "What if she leaves me just like.....her." I say, cringing at the thought of Stacy. Jackie gives me a comforting smile and places his hands on my shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze. 
"That girl loves you. And you know that Chase. I've seen it for myself. Her eyes light up whenever she sees you. And so do yours. You two were built for each other. Don't worry, I know she'll say yes." He says, with such confidence in his voice, I can't help but believe him. 
"Thanks Jackie." I say, as he steps back. 
"No problem!" 
"No problem for what?" We both turn around to see a bored looking Anti taking a sip of his coffee. 
"Chase is nervous about proposing to Y/N." Jackie says, now taking a bite of left over pizza. 
"Oh. She'll probably say yes." Anti says, shrugging his shoulders. 
"Probably?" I ask, already getting worried. 
"I mean there's a possibility that she'll say no." 
"Anti c'mon! They've been together for three years, if she was going to say no, she would have left him ages ago." Jackie chimes in. 
"True, true."
"Wow okay." I say, a little offended. Anti snorts before glitching to Satan knows where. 
"But, that's not the case. So you're fine." Jackie concludes. 
"Yeah, I guess." 

Time Skip

I wait nervously for Chase, already at the Brighton wheel. He called me just this morning and asked if I would like to go out to the Brighton Wheel. I obviously said yes, but there was something in his voice that made me question his little date. 
"Y/N!" I turn around to see Chase jogging up to me, giving me small wave. I smile and he runs into my arms, showering me with kisses. 
"Aww Chase!" I giggle, giving him a little kiss on his lips. 
"Hello cutie, I got some tickets for the Brighton Wheel, thought it might be nice." He says, blushing a little. 
"That's awesome! I mean, that's very nice of you Chase." I say, also blushing. 
"Glad you're picking up on my language Broski!" He winks. I playfully slap him on the shoulder, giggling as he pouts at me. "That hurt!" 
"Sure it did." I say, rolling my eyes. He laughs and takes my hand, leading us to the massive Ferris Wheel. 

Small time skip

"Woah...." I look around me in wonder, the sun is just setting leaving a trail of yellows, oranges and pinks that trail across the sky. I look towards the east, and sure enough the sky is slightly darker and the brightest stars start to shine. Chase and I stand and stare at the beauty around us in a peaceful silence for what seems like forever. Slowly but surely, we make it to the top and I look towards Brighton Beach and smile as the sky reflects on the ocean. 
"Y/N?" Chase asks and I hum in response, still staring at the hypnotizing view. I feel a gentle pair of hands on my shoulders and I turn my head to look at him, giving him a kiss on the nose. He chuckles before turning me all the way around. I notice his nervous expression and raise an eyebrow. 
"Chase?" He smiles and gets down on one knee and I have to hold onto the railing as I see him take out a small black box. He slowly opens it, revealing a gorgeous diamond ring, that sparkles in the fading evening light. 
"Y/N, M/N, L/N. Thank you for everything. Thank you for being there for me when times are tough and thank you for being there for me when my life seems like it's going to be alright again. Without you I am nothing and without you I don't think I would be here today. You have helped me through so much, I can't even explain how much I appreciate you. How thankful I am for you. You are my everything and I can't picture a day without you. I've realized that life without you isn't something I want. It's you that I want and it's you that I need. A day without you seems meaningless and I need you more in my life than ever. I love you and I'll never stop loving you. No matter what.  I want you to be by my side forever. Till death do us apart. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He asks, his voice a whisper as tears slide down his cheek. I tackle him, engulfing us both into a giant hug. 
"Yes!" I cry, pulling him into a passionate kiss. "Of course! Anything for you sweetheart. Anything!" I say, tears now running down my cheek. He laughs and it sounds like he's relieved and I can't help but smile more. "I'll never say no to you." I whisper.
"Thank you." He whispers back, sliding the ring onto my finger. He helps me up and I pull him into a hug and we both stand there, slightly swaying as he runs his fingers through my hair. 
"I love you Chase, you mean the world to me." I say, hugging him tightly. 
"You have no idea how much you mean to me. You really are my everything." He whispers back, and the honesty in his voice brings me to tears all over again. 

Thanks for 2k views! I never knew that I would be able to hit such a number! It's all thanks to you guys though. So thank you. :D Oh and I will try my absolute best to update faster. I promise! 

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