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I know that I should just be publishing stories but I really do think that more people need to be aware of this horrifying situation. I live in Auckland, New Zealand, which is about 2.6 THOUSAND kilometres away from the state of New South Wales in Australia. As you may know, Australia is burning. There are thousands of fires across New South Wales and they are growing fast. The fires are so big that it's the size Manhattan. Now the reason why I mentioned that I live in New Zealand is because the fries are so big, the smoke has travelled here. The fires are that big, smoke has travelled 2.6 THOUSAND kilometres, making our (New Zealand's) sky brown. I cannot see the sun, all I can see are clouds and brown smoke. What should be blue sky is replaced with a brown haze. In a matter of minutes, the sky turned from a light grey to a brown and yellow haze. It's currently 3pm here but it looks like it's sunset. Sunset is five and half hours away. I cannot stress enough how scary this is. If this doesn't prove and convince people that global warming is a thing, I do not know what will. I beg of you all, to do anything in your power to help our fellow Aussies. If you can, please donate, if not, educate yourself about what is happening to Australia and it's people, animals and environment. And if you can, raise awareness to ANYONE who might not know what's going on.  Anyone, your family, a friend, your neighbour even. The more people who know what's going on, the more support Australia can receive. If you've read this far, thank you. Thank you for understanding and taking time out of your hands to read and become more aware of what's happening. And if there are any Aussies reading this, please be safe and know that we all will support you through these terrible times. No one deserves this. 

Note: The picture above is what it looks like right now. Unfortunately it doesn't show just how brown the sky is, but I hope it gives you an idea on how bad this really is. 

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