Dr Schneeplestein x Reader: A little bit of love

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Y/N = Your name :D

Slam! I look up to see Schneep grumbling as he took of his shoes. I took one small glance at him and knew that he had been overworking himself yet again. 
"Hey darling!" I say, giving him a small wave. He gives me a small smile before rubbing his cheek on my head. "Evening liebe." He mumbled before walking into his office. I sigh and slowly put my book down. The poor thing is overworking himself and I'm pretty sure the stress and tiredness is getting to him. I stretch and my eyes light up as I thought of an idea that might just help. I carefully get up from the couch and tip toe to his office door. I press the side of my head onto his door and hear muffled grumbling from the other side. I quickly cover my mouth, trying to keep out my giggles. I cautiously lowered my arm and gripped onto the door knob. I slowly but surely twist the door knob, praying to myself that it doesn't make too much noise. Little by little, I push the door open and hold in a sigh when he doesn't notice me. I slide through the small gap I made and carefully closed the door. I turn around to face his back and sneak up behind him. He's still mumbling to himself and I frown at how tired he sounds. I shake my head, hoping that what I'm going to do, will help him. 
"I know you're there liebling." He grumbles. 
"What!?" I whine. "How on earth did you know? I was soooooo quiet!" 
"A doctor has his ways." He sighs, running his hand through his brown hair. 
"Awwwwww c'mon!" I complained. I pull up a chair and sit beside him, noticing wrinkles in his pale skin. I watch him as he scribbles notes down and then types stuff onto his laptop. I sigh and look around his office, which to my surprise, is messy. His doctor coat is on the floor and there are files everywhere. There are about five coffee cups on his desk and a bin overflowing with paper. His office was always so clean and tidy. I looked back to him and see that he's glaring at the computer screen. He mumbles a few curse words and puts his head in his hands.
"Tough day at work huh?" I ask.
"Ves, very tough." He replies, lifting his head up. I hum in response. 
"Oh! I know what will make you feel happier!" I exclaim. He turns to me, clearly uninterested. 
"Ves? And vat would zhat be?" He asks. 
"Wellllll....." I quickly kiss him on the cheek, leaving him pink and flustered. Chu! I kiss him again. "Vha-" Chu! I kiss him again, but this time on his forehead. "Y/N vat is goi-" Chu! I kiss him on his nose, making him scrunch his face as I giggle. I continue to give him small kisses all over his face as he just sits there, clearly enjoying every single bit. Chu! This time I kiss him on the lips, making him go even more red. I draped my arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer to me. Chu! Chu! Chu! I kiss his cheek, giggling. I lean in to kiss him again but he suddenly turns to look at me and I kiss his lips instead. We both press our foreheads together, and I smile.
"Hey there." I say winking, my lips brushing on his. 
"Hey." He whispers, his lips brushing against mine. I giggle and he kisses my lips gently, holding my hands in his. I close my eyes and smile into the kiss. We both pull away and I grab his hand. 
"C'mon! Lets go to bed. You need some rest." I say, standing up. He pouts but stands up, holding onto my hand. 
"Thanks Y/N." He says, looking at me with his ocean eyes. 
"No problem! Sometimes the love doctor himself needs some love." I say winking. He blushes and I pull him out of the office and into our room. 

Yeet. Short chapter sorry, been caught up with french. 

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