Googleplier x Reader: School Hero

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(A/N You guys are both teenagers and attend a high school) 
Y/N = Your name :D
L/N = Last name :D

"Why is he even here?"
"He's a robot isn't he meant to be smart?"
"Nah, he's.....different."
"Different meaning dumb!"
"Ha! Good one. HEY ROBOT BOY!" 
I turned to see Googleplier roll his eyes before looking at the school bully, Brian and his "gang." 
"What?" He asked, with a gruff voice.
"Ahhhh, so he does speak. I guess you aren't that dumb huh robot boy?"
"I have a name. It's Googleplier and yes I can speak. Also, the last time I checked my data base, I'm basically smarter than all of you combined, so yes, I am not that dumb."
"I don't think I asked you to talk back to me did I?"
"Well you asked me a question, so I answered it. Unless it was a rhe-" I gasped as he got cut off by Brian punching his jaw. Google fell to the floor, while Brian towered over him. His stupid "gang" laughed like idiots, as bystanders started to form a circle around the pair. I pushed to the front, holding in a cry as Brian continued to kick his side, launching insults at him. Google grunted but couldn't stand up and I noticed there was some sort of strange blue liquid coming out. I couldn't contain myself any longer, "STOP! STOP IT!" I yelled, falling to Google's side, "Please.... he's hurt." I begged, shielding Google's body. Brain looked at me with pure disgust showing on his face, "Why? He's just a stupid robot."
"He's more than just a stupid robot! He's one of us. And I can tell you, Google is 100 times better than you in every single way. So back off!" I threatened. Truth is, I've kinda had a crush on Google ever since I've been at this high school. But being the shy person that I am, I never had the confidence to tell him. 
"Well look at that! You're so weak your shitty girlfriend has to stand up for you!" He spat at Google. Google's eyes widened but before he could spit an insult, I spat, "So? At least him and I aren't shitty assholes like you making everyone's lives more and more miserable! Seriously bro, you need to get a life, you fucker!" I yelled, the whole crowd went silent. No one has ever stood up to Brain like that before. To be honest I didn't exactly think before saying that and I definitely didn't know where that confidence came from. Guess I've been keeping the anger inside of me for too long. 
"Excuse me?" Brain said, his hands curling into fists. 
"You heard me! Fuck off!" I spat, glaring at his beady eyes. 
"What's going on here?" A teacher yelled from the distance. Brain's eyes widened and everyone started to run away from the scene. Brian glared at me, "You better watch your back L/N." He growled before running off. I sigh and look up, only to see the principal slowly walking up to me. I look down at Google and he's still laying on the floor, I lift up his head, which is surprisingly light and rest it onto my lap. 
"Y/N? What are yo-"
"Shhhh, it's okay. Brian and his brainless fuckers won't hurt you or me anymore." I said, slowly running my fingers through his raven hair. He sighed and the principal finally reached us.
"Miss Y/N? Mr Googleiplier? What happened?" 

Good Old Time Skip!

"Don't worry about them anymore. We're thinking about expelling Brian since he has caused so much trouble for you and others. As for his friends, we'll think about suitable punishments. Hopefully a good talk with their parents might help." The principal said, it's been a month since that horrible beating took place, but Google and I couldn't be more happier.
"Thank you Mrs Pound." Google said, glancing over at me.
"Yes, thank you. I'm glad this has been dealt with." I say. Google gives me a reassuring smile and I give one back. 
"I'm glad you stood up for Mr Google here. No one deserves to be treated like that." She said.
"It's just part of the job!" I say. 

"It's just part of the job?!" Google says, laughing at my stupid reply.
"What? I mean I did save your ass! I'm your hero!"
"Oh my god!" He says, rolling his eyes. I stop and look at him. He notices that I've left his side and turns to me. "What's wrong? Was it something I said?" He asked.
"No. No it wasn't. I just, I've been wanting to tell you something for a long time, but I just feel like it will ruin.....everything." I say, my eyes suddenly feeling watery.
"You know you can tell me. After everything we've been's okay." He says, taking my hands in his and giving them a gentle squeeze. Well, I might as well say it.
"So I've been having this kind of feeling......." I slowly say.
"Yeah...go on." 
"Okay.....I....uhhhh........oh gosh I don't think I can do this I-"
"Hey! Everything is going to be okay, just tell me. I'm here." He says, pulling me a little closer to him, which doesn't exactly help me in this situation, since my cheeks are starting to heat up.
"Okay. Okay. Okay........I.....I really like you!" I cried, shutting my eyes from his stare.
"You do?" He asks, his voice just a whisper.
"Yeah...I do." I say as I open my eyes. 
"Well, I uhhhh, I do too." He says, smiling shyly.
"Really?" I ask.
"Hell yeah. The girl who saved my ass and stood up for me! Of course I'm going to like her! You're my hero..." He says the last part softly. I pull him into a hug and I hear Google's soft giggles and I can't help but giggle too. 
"I will always be your hero." I whisper, as I pull away from him and plant a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Always." 

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