Illinois x Reader: Flirty but a life saver

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Y/N = Your name :D 

I look from my map to the cave in front of me, 98% sure that I'm on the right track. "Okay, let's see. If I head into this cave and go down......this......and take a left......then a right...then boom! There it is!" I smile to myself as I circle a small spot on the map with my finger. That's where one of the world's largest ruby's hide and it's my goal to find it. I quickly tuck my map away into my backpack and head inside the cave, flashlight at the ready. 

I can hear the echoes of my footsteps as I head deeper into the cave, my flashlight providing some light. Though I feel like I don't need it, since the cave seems to be bright....which is weird. I arrive at a small "clearing" where there are two tunnels, leading to heavens know where. I take a glance at my map and take the left tunnel, which should lead me to another "clearing", in which I will take the right tunnel. 

I've been walking for what seems ages and I can't help but feel a little lost. My feet ache from walking around so much, but I won't let that stop me. I take a swig from my drink bottle and take out my map. I mumble to myself, as I try and figure out where the hell I am. "I should be here, but this doesn't match up........should I turn back?........Did I take a wrong turn?" 
"What's a fine young lady like you doing out here?" I whip my head around and face a man who seems like he's been in the cave exploring game for ages. He has a....cow boy hat? A rope tied to his rather brown outfit, and a dark brown bag, the strap slung across his chest, the bag itself resting by his hip. "Yes, I know. It's a lot to take in." He says, winking. I feel my face heat up and I quickly stutter out a response. 
"Uhh, hello. Who are you exactly?"
"The name's Illinois, a pleasure to meet me." He says, one hand gripping onto the bag, the other swaying casually by his side. A pleasure to meet me? Okay then. 
"Well, my name's Y/N. Uhhh, a pleasure to meet me too?" I say, a little confused. He laughs it off, before smiling at me. 
"So what are you doing here.....Y/N?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. Should I tell him? He might help me find this damn ruby. 
"Apparently, one of the largest ruby's in the world is somewhere in this cave. And I'm here to find it!" I say, flashing one of my confident smiles. He smirks and tilts his head, 
"Oh are you know? I just happened to be looking for the same thing." Uh oh. What if he gets it first!?
"Oh, I see." We both stare at each other, more like glare and I glance to the two tunnels in front of me. He winks at me and I blush, shit he's getting to my head! I see him take a quick glance at the left tunnel and I instantly know that the ruby's in there. It's dead silence between the both of us as we stare each other down. I decide to make the first move. I bolt straight into the left tunnel, Illinois right on my heels. I look back to see him slowing down and I smirk. Not today pretty boy, that ruby is mine! I look back and there it is! A few steps ahead of me is the opening of the tunnel, where I can see a shine of red, happily greeting me. I'm almost there when the ground underneath me cracks open and I stumble onto the floor. 

My eyes widen as I realize that the floor underneath me is giving away, bits and pieces falling down to a dark abyss. I scramble to stand up and lean against the wall, my hands searching for any sort of ledge to grip on. My hands manage to find a small enough ledge and I quickly grab onto it just in time, as the floor beneath my feet give away. I let out a small scream as I hang on for dear life, my feet trying to search for anything to grip on to.  Panic floods my mind as my hands become tired from holding on for so long and I desperately clip my feet onto a small ledge, breathing heavily. I turn to my left and see Illinois standing there, staring at me, a hand on his hip. 
"Did you really think the ruby was that easy to find?" He asks, looking at me and then to the dark pit beneath me. I stare at him in shock, he's talking about that, now?!
"Illinois! Hel-" I squeak as the ledge where my feet are, crumbles slightly. A flash of fear zooms across his face, before his casual expression returns. He looks towards the ruby and then to me, he can either go across the pit to save me, or to get the ruby. My heart sinks as he looks at the ruby longingly. He sighs before he takes his rope off of his belt and quickly unravels it. 
"Okay, so here is what we're goin-" I yell as the ledge my right hand was gripping on crumbles off and my right arms swings to my side. I hear him curse quietly and then he looks at me, giving me a reassuring smile. 
"I promise you, you will be okay. I'll save you. Don't worry. I just need you to focus on me and nothing else." He says, his voice strong and calm. I nod quickly as he ties one end of the rope to a boulder next to him, securing it tightly. "I'm going to throw this rope to you and I want you to catch it. After that, I'm going to need you to jump."
"Y/N, listen to me. Either you jump or you die here. You understand?" I try and protest but I know this is the only way out. 
"O-okay." He nods, before throwing the rope at me, which my right hand catches swiftly. 
"Okay, good. Now I need you to jump." He says, gripping onto his side of the rope tightly. I look down and immediately regret it, new fears creeping into my mind. "Hey, don't worry. You're safe. Just jump and I'll catch you. I promise." He says, smiling slightly. I shut my eyes for a few seconds before opening them up again, gathering all of my determination and strength I have left into this one jump. "On my mark, 1..............2.........3!" He yells and I leap off the ledge, my left hand swinging to grip the rope, my right hand already holding tight. I scream as I feel a tug on the rope and my body hits itself against the wall, bouncing slightly. I groans as I feel Illinois tugging the rope up and I can hear small grunts from him, every time the rope pulls. I look up and see the edge of the cliff right there and use one of arms to lift me up. "I got you, I got you." I hear him whisper as I feel his arms wrap around my upper body, lifting me up and onto the ground. I feel him drag me a few meters away from the cliff edge, before collapsing onto the floor. I look up to see him lying on the floor, breathing heavily, before he sits up and crawls to my side. My vision is a bit blurry and I feel dizzy, but I can just make out Illinois checking my body for bruise's and cuts. 
"Illinois?" He looks up at me, a worried look on his face. 
"Thank you." And with that, I blacked out. 

Time skip to a couple of months later, when you're back up on your feet!

"What do ya think? The cave that supposedly holds thousands of emeralds. I'v been told that this cave is littered with traps." I say, looking from my map, to Illinois, who's sitting next to me, an arm draped over my shoulders. 
"I've never fallen into a trap in my life. Unlike someone I know." He says, winking at me. I punch him lightly on the shoulder. 
"Well, at least I'll have someone to save my stupid ass." I say, laughing as he nuzzles my neck. 
"Damn right you do." He replies, before standing up and grabbing his flashlight. "You up for it partner?" 
"Hell yeah!" We both laugh as we head to our van, passing the infamous ruby that nearly killed me. Well if I look at the bright side, I met someone just like me along the way. 

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