Jackieboy Man x Reader: My Hero

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Y/N M/N L/S = Your first, middle (if you have one) and last Name :D
S/C = Skin Colour :D
E/C = Eye Colour :D
(A/N: Please be careful when reading this one shot. It contains *some* sensitive topics and I don't want anyone of you to be offended or hurt when reading this. Just remember that you're loved no matter what! :D) 

Tears streamed down my face like small waterfalls falling from snowy mountains. But this wasn't beautiful. This wasn't breathtaking or "magical".  I was staring at my own reflection and knew it was anything but. Nothing was pretty about this. Thoughts raced around my mind, 'How can someone be so ugly?' 'How can someone love something like me?' 'What did I do to deserve such a pathetic figure?' I let out a shaky sigh, but didn't bother to wipe away the tears. What is wrong with me? I stared at my ugly, figure and washed out eyes. 
"Y/N? Are you okay in there?" Marvin yelled, knocking on the door. My eyes widened, and I quickly wiped my face. 
"Uhhh yeah I'm good! I've got a bit of a....lady situation!" I yelled back, cringing at my excuse. 
"Oh. Sorry!" Marvin replied, clearly embarrassed by the tone of his voice. 
"I-It's okay!" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, when I heard his footsteps fade away. I look back to my reflection and again cringed at the sight. My S/C skin looked like it had seen better days and as I said before, my eyes looked washed out, the little shine long gone. I ran my fingers through my tangled hair and hated every single aspect about my body. There was nothing decent about it. Nothing. My smile is weird, my laugh even worse. I'm pretty sure my nose is too big and I think I have too much fat. I hate it. I hate myself and I hate my body. I never dare to go out looking like this, so I spend most my days indoors, well except for work. I never go out voluntarily, what's the point? I hate it when people stare and I hate it when they whisper. It's not fair. I never wanted to look like this. I can't love myself when I'm such a sad pathetic excuse for a human being. Shit! I don't think anyone could love a person like me, let alone have and love a body like mine. I grip onto the edges of the sink and look down at the basin. My tears fall down and slowly make their way to the drain, and I stare at it helplessly, wishing I was one of them. My knees feel weak and my grip on the sink loosens. Soon enough my legs give up on me and I slowly sink to the floor, biting my lip as more tears fall. I'm so pathetic. Not just my body, but me as a fucking person. A pathetic piece of shit. A disappointment. A worthless, useless, waste of space. I lean my back against the small cupboards and bring my knees to my chest. Why the fuck am I like this. I don't want to be this way. But I can't even get up and do something about it. So, so pathetic. I feel like crying my eyes out. I feel like screaming till my lungs beg me to stop. I feel like ripping every strand of hair I have on my head. I let out a sob and immediately bring my hand to my mouth. No one can hear me. No one can know that I'm like this. I don't want to be a burden to any of the Septiceye's. It's not their fault I'm like this. I let out another sob, but it's muffled by my hand. Maybe they won't hear me crying. 

Jackieboy Man's POV
"Hey Marv!" I say, waving at the magician. 
"Hey Jackie! Who'd ya save today?" He asked, smirking. I roll my eyes and cross my arms,
"Well, saved a couple of people from a burning apartment. Ya know, almost died but it was worth it in the end." I say.
"Uh huh. Sure." Marvin replies sassily. 
"Fine don't believe me. Just watch the news and you'll see." I say, smirking. 
"Oh no I believe you. I'm just a little.....worried." He says, frowning a little.
"Worried about what? Me? Or...." I ask, suddenly quite curious. 
"No not you. I know you'll be fine. It's....It's Y/N. She's been in the bathroom for like 2 hours now. I'm worried for her. I asked if she was okay and she said she was fine. But I don't know man...." He says, biting his lip. 
"Huh, that's weird. That's not the Y/N I know. I can check on her if ya want?" I ask Marvin.
"Ya know I think that might help. After all, you are her favourite." He says, a smirk again appearing on his face.
"I am?" I ask, my cheeks instantly heating up. "I mean, shut up. I'll go check on her." I say quickly, hiding my pink cheeks. I hear him chuckle as I race off to find Y/N. I quickly run to her room, knocking gently. 
"Y/N? Are you in there?" I ask, knocking again. I hear faint noises coming from inside the room, and I open the door just a little bit. "Y/N? You in here?" I ask again.  I hear the sound again and it sounds.....sad? I turn to where I thought the sound came from and am face to face with the bathroom door. I hear the sound again. It sounds like she's.....crying? "Y/N." I whisper, knocking on the door gently. 
"J-jackie?" I hear her soft voice whisper. I cringe at how hurt her voice sounds and I slowly turn the door knob, opening the door to poke my head in. There I see a miserable Y/N, with tears flowing down her puffy red cheeks and her hair a mess. 
"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask, closing the door quietly, walking towards her. 
"N-nothing Jackie, I'm fine." She says, hugging her knees. 
"Are you sure? Because I'm here for ya no matter what okay? You don't even have to talk about it. I'll just be your shoulder to cry on if that's what you want alright?" I say gently, sitting next to her. She looks up at me, a thousand words written in her E/C eyes, and in an instant she breaks down in front of me. 

"Are you sure? Because I'm here for ya no matter what okay? You don't even have to talk about it. I'll just be your shoulder to cry on if that's what you want alright?" He spoke softly, his blue eyes filled with care. I instantly broke down, wondering why I deserve such an amazing angel in my life. He swiftly pulls me to his chest and my knees fall to the ground. He rubs small circles on my back as I grip onto his bright red suit, soaking it with my misery. My body trembles and shakes as he slowly rocks me back and forth, humming softly to calm me down. 
"It's okay, it's okay. I'm right here. Just let it all out. I'm right here." He whispers into my ear, making me cry even harder. After a few more minutes of bawling my eyes out, I finally let go of him, leaning my back against the cupboards yet again. He takes his hand in mine and we both sit there in silence. 
"Jackie?" I ask, turning my head to face him.
"Yeah?" He replies, looking at me. 
"Thank you. Thank you for everything. I......I really don't what know I would've done to myself if you didn't come. I just, it's so hard. My life is so damn depressing I can't even believe that you all stuck with me. Especially you Jackie. After all the shit I've given to you I ju-"
"You have never, ever given me shit. Don't say that ever again. You've been nothing but the light of my life. Of course we all stayed with ya lass. You're everything to us. You may not think that, but we love ya. Hell, even Anti does and he's a hard one to please. If anything, we should be the one apologizing for all the shit we've been giving to you!" He says, softly, placing our hands on his lap. "And of course I'm going to be there for ya. I will never leave ya side alright? I love you and I want you to know that you're loved. You're not alone. I've seen ya struggling a little bit recently, and now I know how hurt you really are. And it breaks my heart Y/N. It really does, but don't put that on yourself. I want to be the one that helps ya heal it, helps you get through whatever ya going through. Together. I really do love you Y/N." He says, his cheeks becoming a little pink. "And I'll do anything to help you feel better." 
"Oh Jackie!" I cry, as he again pulls me to his chest. I feel tears again slipping down my cheeks, but I don't care. "Jackie I love you too. More than you will ever know. I don't even know why you love me! The whole reason of why I'm such a mess is because of me being just, well me! I'll never be as pretty as the other girls. Everything about me is just.....wrong. I'll never be good enough for you! I'm just an ugly, desperate miserable mess! I've never opened up like this to anyone because they'll just assume that I'm fishing for comments but that's just.....not true!" I cry, hugging him tightly. "I just don't want to be me anymore, because I know I'll never be up to society's fucking standards! I'm not beautiful, I'm not funny, I'm nothing! Just a pile of trash waiting to be washed away." I cry, my body shaking even more than before. 
"Y/N, M/N, L/N. Listen to me. You are my everything. You are not nothing. You are not ugly. You are not desperate. Your body is not wrong. Your body is beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful. Your hair, your eyes, even ya nose when it scrunches up because of Anti's teasing. You are not a miserable mess. You are a shining light, a rainbow on a stormy day. Don't ever put yourself down like that, because all of the things that you called yourself aren't true. They're bullshit. You are good enough for me! Shit, you are more than enough for me. You. Are. Perfect. And don't let anyone ever tell you are not. Because you are. And fuck "society's standards!" It's an unrealistic expectation that no one can achieve! Just be yourself. That's all that matters. And if anyone tells ya that you'll never be good enough, or perfect or whatever, you make sure to ring me up and I'll give that someone a special ass kicking!" He says a little louder than before, making me giggle through my tears. "But seriously Y/N. You are everything to me and I never ever want you to feel like you aren't, because you are. No matter what I will always, always love you." He says, cupping my cheeks in his hands. I look up to him and saw a single tear running down his cheek, but his eyes were sparkling with love. I pull myself closer to him and slowly lean in and he does the same. My eyes flutter shut as his lips gently press onto mine, my hands travel up to his soft hair, and his hoodie falls off. I've always longed for a feeling like this and now I here I am, cherishing every second. But soon enough we pull apart, gazing lovingly at each other. He stands up and before I could stand as well, he sweeps me off my feet and carries me bridal style into my bedroom. He gently laid me down onto the bed and presses his lips onto my forehead. He bites his lips before jumping into bed with me, snuggling under the covers and I giggle at his goofy actions. I get underneath the covers too and I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist protectively. This time when I sigh, it's not filled with sadness. This time when I sigh, it's full of love, passion and happiness. Something I've been searching for my whole life, never realizing it was right in front of me this entire time. 

Jackieboy Man, a hero to all, a very special hero to me. 

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