Antisepticeye x Reader: Catch me if you can

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Y/N = Your name :D
L/N = Your last name :D

Got you know Glitch Bitch. My gun is pointed straight at the demon, who is oblivious to my presence and is currently......slitting an innocent mans throat. I've been hunting this filthy demon for months and I've always been so close to taking him in but he has always been able to escape from my grip. But now, now he is right there and what's better is that he doesn't know I'm here. I'm standing behind a rubbish bin in some alleyway and I can just about see Antisepticeye's silhouette in the dim street light. I control my breathing so all I take are long, deep breaths. My gun is aimed at his head and I focus on what I'm going to say. I hear him chuckle as he throws the dead mans body aside and stands up, brushing dust from his jeans. I step away from the bin and stand across from him, gun still pointed directly at his head. His eyes widen and he stares me down, a small smirk playing at his lips.
"It's over Antisepticeye. You're under arrest." I say, thanking the stars that my voice did not tremble. He again chuckles, taking a step towards me and I take a step back.
"Well, well, well. We meet again Officer L/N." He sneers, holding the knife he had just used.
"You have the right to remain sile-" I try to say, but he "glitches" towards me, taking me by surprise.
"Do I?" He asks, before I can open my mouth, he pushes me against a wall, my arms pinned above my head by one of his hands, the other, holding the knife to my throat.
"How long have we been through this Y/N? Over and over in fucking circles.....going no where." He hisses, his mouth by my ear. "You're weak, pathetic. You have never been able to catch me. And you never will. Just give up. This is merely a game to me, and I'm getting bored. Maybe I should kill you. Get you off of my case. Would you like that?" He taunts, his face now mere inches away from mine. I glare at him and take a glance at my gun, which is lying on the floor, too far away for me to reach. My eyes return back to his glare and I give him a look of pure hatred.
"Do it." I mock, holding his glare. He growls, his grip on my arms tightening.
"Don't be a hero L/N. We both know you don't want to die." He replies, the cold metal of his knife poking at my skin.
"You're right. I don't want to die in the hands of a disgusting murderer like you." I spit. He chuckles and I feel something warm dripping down my neck. He slowly takes the knife off my neck and licks my blood clean off of it, staring at me the whole time. What the actual fuck?
"Oh c'mon Y/N, be a little nicer. I'm not disgusting! I'm a demon sweetheart. This is what I do." He replied, a smug look on his face.
"Fuck you! I'll never be nice to you. And don't. Call. Me. Sweetheart." I grunt.
"I can call you whatever I want...Think of your place right now. You are under my control." He replies, my arms starting to feel numb as his grip tightens. My vision gets hazy and my head feels strangely light.
"You......Stop....I'm not under your control....filth." I manage to say, as I feel more dizzy as every second passes.
"Take a moment to realize what's happening to you right now." The urge to just close my eyes and slip into an endless oblivion swirls through my mind and I fight the urge, forcing my eyes to stay open.
" under.....your...control." I mumble as my chest tightens. 
"Tsk, tsk, tsk....admit it Y/N. Give up!" He growls. I can't let him control me. I can't let him get away. I gather up the last of my energy and try my best to push him off. No matter how much I try and get out of his grip he holds me still, his stare still burning into me eyes. His face is a little closer and I can feel his breath on my cheek. A sudden wave of strength hits me and a thought crosses my mind. 
"Never" I growl back, before swinging my head forward, headbutting him hard on the forehead. 
"Fuck!" He stumbles backwards, releasing my arms and I race towards my gun. With shaky hands I pick up the gun and hold it to his temple. 
"Your words mean nothing." I state, my heart thumping rapidly. 
"Shoot me, I dare you." He mocks, turning around, so that my gun was on his forehead. "Go on. Shoot me." My finger lingers on the trigger and I curse myself for my indecisiveness. He smirks and he grabs the gun, catching me by surprise as he now points the gun to me. 
"Decisions, decisions, decisions...." He hissed, walking around me like a vulture circling their prey. My feet are locked in place, I control my body as to not shake or to just lunge out at him. 
"I'm a demon. I'm a killer. A murderer if you will. You had me in your grip, yet you hesitated. And look at where we are. Why? Why did you hesitate?" He asked, the question surprising me. Truth is, I don't know. I don't know why I was hesitant. I should've pulled the damn trigger. I wouldn't be here otherwise. He stopped and stared at me, a curious twinkle in his eyes. "No answer? Do I have to make you talk?" He threatened, stepping towards me. 
"I don't know."
"I said I don't know. I don't know why I hesitated to kill you. I don't know why I didn't pull the trigger. It was a simple decision and I fucked it up." I blurted out, tears threatening to fall. Why am I like this? Why do I have to cry in the worst possible situations. "I've been hunting you for months. Ever since I got assigned to you, I've been in this fucking man hunt. I'm always so close. So close! But....just never close enough. I hate you. I hate you for it. I hate you for everything. No matter how much I try to get you out of my mind, you're still there.I had my chance to get rid of you forever and I bloody ruined it. I hate you! You're sick and you're goddamn filthy!" I cry, my knees shaking. His eyes still hold a curious twinkle and his smirk is long gone. He drops the gun and takes another step towards me, but this time I don't back away. 
"I don't hate you." He says, tilting his head. My eyebrows furrow in confusion. Mind games! He's playing tricks on you! Don't let him get inside of you head! 
"What?" I ask, ignoring my screaming mind. 
"I understand why you would hate me. But I, I don't hate you." He replies, his eyes displaying the most kindest look I have ever seen from him. Don't let him in! He's a demon! A murderer! It's all a game! He hates you just as much as you hate him!
"Why? Why do you not hate me?" I press.
"I don't know....." He replies, his shoulders slumping. He hates you! It's all a lie! Don't listen to him! Don't. Let. Him. In!
".....I guess we're both in the same boat." I say, looking at him. He laughs, a sound so different from his glitchy giggle or evil chuckle. It was genuine. I find myself smiling and he smiles back. Don't SMILE! He's USING you! The laugh is FAKE! He's FAKE! STOP!
"Sorry." That one word slapped me right on my face. I felt my jaw drop and my eyes widen. 
"What?" I whispered, looking at him in awe. 
"I'm sorry. Well, not for the murders. I'm sorry for everything I've done to you." He says, rolling his eyes at the murder bit. He is NOT sorry! He's LYING! DON'T YOU SEE? CAN'T YOU HEAR? HE'S LYING!
"'re sorry for the shit you've done to me. But you're not sorry for every innocent person you've killed and the havoc you have created.......right." I say, still processing everything he just said. 
"Yep."  He says, before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him, my body squished against his chest. 
"What are you doing?"
"Confirming my apologizes."
"Are you trying to give me a hug?"
".....Isn't this a hug?" 
"You tried. I'll give you that." I pull away from his "hug", blushing furiously. "But you do understand this won't fix much."
"Oh yeah I know. I just find it cute when you blush." He says, winking. If I had water in my mouth I would have spat that shit out. Did he just- I can't.....HE'S A DEMON. A MURDERER AND I'M A FUCKING POLICE OFFICER. WHAT!? WHY? "Are you okay?" He asks, his voice laced with concern.
"No." I reply, staring off into the distance, 
"....okay. What did I do?" He asks, and I swear he smirks for a second. 
"Everything." I say, looking back at him. 
"I guess we should talk about this another time" He says, kissing me on the cheek, leaving me bewildered. "You know how to find me. You always do. If you wanna talk again you know what to do. Catch me if you can." He says, winking again as he glitches to heavens knows where. 
Why. Did. You. Let. That. Happen?! You could've got him! You feel straight into his tra- Did I? "Catch me if you can." His voice rang through my head. No. I didn't. He fell into mine. He loves me. That damned demon loves me. 

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