Jameson Jackson X Reader: No Matter What

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Y/N = Your name :D
M/N = Middle name :D
L/N = Last name :D

I really, really love this oneshot if I'm being honest. I had an extreme big brain moment in the fucking shower and I had to write this lmao. Hope you all enjoy! :)


"We've ought to stop meeting like this Jameson." I say, giggling as he helps me out of the castle window. 
"You and I both know why." He says, chuckling softly as he pulls me into his arms. I sigh, knowing what he meant. I'm a princess, and yes that is great and all, but not when you're father, who is also the king, is very overprotective. I'm not allowed to go outside the castle grounds, not allowed to mix with commoners, always act like a lady, (something I do find a bit hard). The list is endless. Jameson however, he is a commoner. He owns his own little bakery and cafe in the village that I've only visited once. Yes, that's right. I was able to go out of the castle. But that was when my......mother was still alive. The Queen. My light. Mother and I had gone to the village to buy some gowns for the upcoming ball, something I was actually dreading to attend. We had made a little stop at Jameson's cafe and that is when I met him. He was so sweet, so kind and might I add quite the gentleman. He still is and that's what I love about him. But if Father ever finds out that every night I sneak outside to meet him, he would be furious. 
"What's that pretty little head of yours thinking about?"Jameson asks, or what I like to call him, Jamie. I sigh, sitting on the tree branch next to him, both of us basking in the cold nights air. 
"Nothing really. I just wish Father would let me out of this damn castle. It's becoming a prison almost! I hate it. I want to be with you Jamie." I say, my eyes getting a bit teary. 
"I know love, I do too. My brothers and I all love you. We all miss you. And you definitely know how I must feel. Missing the love of my life. Never able to see her when the sun is shining on her skin. Eyes brighter than this dreaded moon light." He says, his blue eyes glittering. 
"Jamie you charmer." I say, chuckling as I rest my head on his shoulder. 
"Only to you my darling." He replies, his hand holding mine. We both look out through the leaves and branches and stare into the night sky. Stars twinkle and dance around the moon and I can't help but be taken away by the magnificent sight. After what felt like hours of talking to Jamie and just simply holding each other, I started to get tired and my body would occasionally sway. 
"Easy there princess." He says, wrapping an arm around my waist. I giggle but get cut off by a rather loud yawn and Jamie chuckles. "You need your rest darling." He says, a twinkle in his eye.
"I know, but I'd rather be here with you." I reply, my eyes starting to feel heavy. 
"Me too. I'd do anything to spend more time with you." He says, helping me climb onto the windowsill. I sit on it and Jamie carefully seats himself next to me. I lean against the window frame and he scoots up beside me, pulling my legs so they were placed on his lap. I blush at this action but nevertheless, lean in as he does too. Just like our first kiss, when our lips collide, fireworks burst within me, filling me with bliss. My hands travel up to his hair, knocking his hat which lands into the room with a quiet thud. His hands sneak around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I could live in this moment forever. BANG! We both jerk in fright as we look towards my door, that is now wide open, revealing my Father. My eyes widen and I feel Jamie's body stiffen. 
"F-father! Please! I'm sorry....I didn't me-" I try and plead, tears already building up.
"Your Majesty, I am so sorry-"
"I DID NOT ASK YOU TO TALK JAMESON! I EXPECTED BETTER FROM YOU! YOU AND YOUR BROTHERS ARE VERY CLOSE TO THIS CASTLE AND MONARCHY! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED!" He roars, walking closer to us. That's it. I've had it. I can't let him run my life like this anymore. 
"Why should he be ashamed Father?" I cry, raising my voice. "He has done nothing but give me the love and happiness I've never had with anyone else! Not even you!" I yell, standing up. 
"How dare you speak to me in that way! I am your Father! Your King!" He yells. In an instant he grabs Jamie by the collar and drags him out the door. 
"NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! LET GO OF HIM!" I yell, chasing after them. The maids and servants seem to have woken up from all the commotion, as they all were standing around the castle, staring at us in shock. 
"MARVIN!" He bellows, as he leads Jamie to the Grand Hall, as I run after them. Marvin the Magnificent, the Kingdom's magician and ally appears in a puff of blue smoke. 
"Your majesty, what can I help you with- Jamie?" He asks, his eyes widening at the sight of him. He glances from Jamie, to my Father and then finally to me, where his eyes widen even more to see the fresh set of tears flowing down my cheeks. 
"Marvin. I know that he is you brother, but I need you to curse him." My Father says, glaring at Jamie, who is still in his tight hold. 
"You....want me to....curse my own brother?" Marvin asks, his mind not able to process what the King has said. 
"I'm sorry but you understand you're speaking to the King." My Father growls, shoving Jamie in front of Marvin. Jamie falls to the floor, only to kneel down in front of Marvin, his eyes pleading for mercy. I let out a cry and run to Jamie, only to be pulled into the grip of my Father. 
"NO! No Marvin! Please!" I beg, struggling to get out of my Fathers grip. Marvin's body shakes as his eyes dart across the faces of his loved ones. 
"What is it that you want me to do?" He asks, gripping his wand, a single tear slowly but surely running down his cheek. 
"Curse him. I'm not asking you to kill him. That's not what I want. Just curse him." He replies sternly and wave of relief hits me, before fear once again takes it place. 
"I....I can take his voice away...." Marvin whispers, looking down at his terrified brother. 
"Take it away. I don't want him talking to my daughter ever again." He says, glaring at Jamie. I turn in my Fathers grip to face him. 
"Don't! You can't do this!" I yell, punching his chest. 
"Yes I can Y/N. It's for your own good." He replies, giving me a harsh look. I turn back to face Jamie and Marvin, and Marvin gives me an apologetic stare. It isn't his fault. He doesn't deserve to curse his brother. He didn't want this. His hand shakes as he raises his wand and points it to Jamie's mouth. 
"I.....am so sorry Jameson. You....know I can't do anything about this." He whispers. 
"It is not your fault dear brother. Just.....just do it. It's what's best for both of us." He replies, his voice shaky as he holds back tears. Marvin's eyes shut tightly as he quietly mutters words that I cannot define and a bright blue mist shoots from his wand and twirls around Jamie. I stand there, mystified by his magic and the mist covering both of them. The mist slowly fades away, revealing a frightened looking Jamie. My Father loosens his grip around me and I break free, running to Jamie. I fall beside him and cup his face with my hands. 
"J-Jamie?" I ask, looking into his terrified eyes. He opens his mouth to speak, but only to close his mouth again as he tries his hardest to speak. "No....no, no, no!" I cry, pulling him into my embrace. 
"Y/N L/N! Get away from him right now! Leave his side!" My Father yells. 
"No." I state bluntly. 
"Excuse me?" He asks, clearly offended.
"You heard me Father. I have had enough! I do not want to live like this. Under your rules! Under your protection! I do NOT need it! YOU HAVE TAKEN THE ONE THING I LOVED ABOUT THIS KINGDOM AWAY FROM ME! I don't want to see you ever....ever again! You have changed so much since Mother died! You used to smile, you used to even sing for Mother and I. Now you're cruel and distant. I don't want anything to do with you anymore. It's just not fair. You think you're doing what's best for me, but you are just breaking me Father! I cannot do this anymore. I'm sorry if I wasn't the daughter you wanted. This whole Kingdom knew you wanted a son anyway. I'm so sorry for not being who you wanted!" I snarled, glaring at him. He stared at me, absolutely baffled at the words that had just come out of my mouth. I got up, pulling Jamie with me and we stand side by side, looking at my shocked Father. 
"Y/N Darling, you are what I wanted. I am not cruel, I am doing what's best for you." He protests, trying to block our way.
"Nonsense! I'm leaving this terrible place. Away from you! Away from your rules! Away from the pain you bring!" I yell, grabbing Jamie's hand, running towards my room. 
"Y/N! Get back here!" I hear Father yell, pain clearly heard in his voice. I ignore him and slam the door shut, panting heavily, before collapsing into Jamie's arms. My body shakes as I let out all the tears of pain I have kept inside of me as Jamie squeezes me gently, no longer able to whisper soothing words of love in my ears. I quickly wipe my tears away, knowing that we won't be able to stay here for too long. 
"I'm so sorry Jamie. I shouldn't have put you in this situation. It's all my fault." I whisper, looking into his tear filled eyes. He shakes his head and gives me a small smile, before placing a sweet kiss on my lips. A flash of blue lightens up the room and there stands Marvin, looking very distressed. 
"Y/N, Jamie....I am so sorry. You know I couldn't argue with your Father, the King. I am so very truly sorry." He says softly, taking our hands in his. "However, I can help you reverse the curse. Not completely, otherwise it will curse me and you Y/N. But I can help Jamie communicate more....efficiently." He says, his eyes holding a hopeful sparkle. 
"Really?! You would do that!?" I ask, unable to contain my excitement. 
"Yes. Now be very still Jamie." He orders, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Once again, a bright blue mist shoots from his wand and surrounds Jamie. It slowly fades away and Marvin says, 
"Now Jamie, when you want to speak, just simply think about what you want to say and a black speech bubble will appear above you're head, revealing what you want to say." We both wait patiently as Jamie tries to process everything, before trying this new magic. In an instant, a black speech bubble appeared over his head, reading "Y/N? Marvin? Can you see this?" I let out a cry of happiness before pulling Marvin and Jamie into a loving embrace. 
"Thank you Marvin! Oh you truly are magnificent!" I say in between sniffles. He chuckles quielty, before turning to Jamie. 
"You also get an extra helping hand." He says cheekily, as I gasp as a little hand floats around Jamie's shoulder, almost like a ghost. Jamie smiles brightly, before pulling his brother into another embrace. Another speech bubble appears, "Thank you Marvin. What would I ever do without you!" 
"Anything for a brother in need. But you two need to get going, I've put the King under a temporary spell. The maids are attending to him at this moment, thinking he's under shock. But it will wear off soon, so you two should get going." He whispered. I nod and begin to gather anything and everything that I need. "Here, let me do this for you." Marvin says, and with a flick of his wand a small travelling trunk, full of my necessities appears at my feet. "Lets go!" He stage whispers, bringing us together, before teleporting us outside. I stumble a little but Jamie helps me regain my balance. 
"Thank you Darling." I whisper. 
"Anything for you." The speech bubble read. Once my eyes adjusted to the darkness surrounding us, I realised we were out of the castle gates. No, we were our of the Kingdom's gates! 
"Jamie!" A familiar German voice yelled. We both turned to see all of his brothers huddled around a few lanterns. 
"Marvin told us all about what happened up there in the castle." Antisepticeye states, the King's warrior and demon ally.   
"Are you alright?" Chase asks, the Kingdom's main archer. He nods, as Dr Scheeplestein, the Kindgom's doctor, searches for any injuries on both of us. The rest of the brothers look at us worriedly. Marvin again appears, this time with a horse. 
"I've packed everything you need for the next few days in this bag." He motions to the bag strapped to the horses saddle, "But Anti and I have made you two something so we can keep in contact for whenever you need anything." Anti walks up to both of us and places a bright green stone necklace on my neck and hands Jamie a bracelet, with the same green stone. 
"This is a communication emerald. Whenever you need help, just say that you do and press your fingers onto the stone. One of us, if not all, will be there." Anti says, as all of the brothers reveal the emerald bracelet on each of their wrists. 
"You all are too good for us. What did I do to deserve any of you." I whisper, trying to wipe my tears away. 
"Jamie is our dear brother and we serve to protect you my Princess. And not just for the King's sake. We all love you. You've helped this Kingdom thrive and it will be a real shame if you leave. However I understand your pain. We all do." Jackie exclaims, the Kingdom's main knight. 
"Thank you dear brothers for helping us. You've all risked your lives for us and we cannot express how thankful we are." Jamie's speech bubble read. 
"Anything for the ones we love." Robbie gurgles, the lost prince from the land of the dead. 
"Now get going you two! We don't have much time left!" Chase says, looking back to the castle. Jamie quickly gets on the trusty chestnut brown horse and I climb up after him. I take one look back at the castle, and I smile. Freedom. At last. 
"Remember, if you need anything! Just whisper what you need and press the emerald!" Marvin yells, his cat mask now sitting on top of his head. 
"We will. I promise!" I yell back, as both Jamie and I ride into the forest, the early morning sunrise already peaking through the horizon. My grip around Jamie's waist tightens as my body fills with adrenaline. I take one last look back to the Kingdom behind me. Slowly but surely the Kingdom would start to wake. I wave at the brothers. Not me. I am as awake as can be. 

Yeet. Sorry for the late updates. School is once again being an ass. Now if you excuse me, I've got a Liverpool game to watch. Bub bye! 

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