Darkiplier x Reader: I told you!

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Y/N = Your name :D 

The song has nothing to do with the story. I was just listening to it non-stop while writing this. :D 

"Pleasssseeeeee!" I whine, tugging on Dark's suit. 
"No Y/N, I can't, I'm busy." He replies back, rolling his eyes at my childishness. 
"Pretty pleaseeeee! I promise you it will be fun! And you're always busy! C'mon Dark! Just this once!" I beg, hugging his arm. 
"For the last time Y/N, I won't go to this "carnival." I have some business to attend to today." He grumbles, looking down at me. 
"You have "business to attend to" every single day! Just one day can you spend some time with me!" I say, frowning. He turns around, so now I'm hugging his chest, I look up to him and give him the most biggest puppy eyes the world has ever seen and see a smile flash on his face, before disappearing. He gives me an exaggerated sigh before nodding his head. 
"Fine. I do admit I should spend time with you more in the day, than just in the night." He says. 
"Thank youuuuu Darkipoo! I love you so much!" I yell happily, hugging him tightly. He pets my hair,
"Yes, yes. I love you too." I look up to him blushing profusely and I give him a little smirk, 
"You're such a cutie when you blush." I remark, winking. He clears his throat before taking my hand and leading me to the door.
"I don't know what you're talking about and we should go now, don't want to be late!" He says, blushing even more. I giggle as we get into the car, 
"How can we be late to a carnival? Wait, have you ever been to one?" I asked, as the engine roared into life. He gives me a blank look and shakes his head. 
"Oh....my....god. Darkiplier you are going on every ride, eating everything they have, play every game, win all the prizes and have the time of your damn life! Do you hear me?" I ask, still shocked that he hasn't been to one. 
".......okay?" He questions, smiling a little. 

A small time skip 

"Oooohhh do you see that roller coaster!" I exclaim, grabbing Dark's hand and dragging him to the line. 
"It's small. Shouldn't it be bigger?" He asks, peering up to the ride. 
"Well, it's temporary, since this isn't an amusement park or anything. But it's still cool!" I giggle. He grumbles, still holding my hand as we edge our way to the front of the line. We hop into the seats right at the front and I squeeze Dark's hand. The belt thingy's (A/N:I have no idea what they're called, soz fam) clip over us and we start climbing up. 
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" I say, getting more excited as every second passes. I look over to an unamused Dark, who's staring at the views below him. As we get to the top, a sudden wave of nervousness hits me and I find myself saying, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no....AHHHHHHHHH" I scream with fear and excitement as we drop down, wind slapping us in the face as we race around the tracks. "WOOOOOOOOO!" I yell, my arms waving in the air as I laugh. I take another glance at Dark, who's gripping onto the handle tightly, his mouth shut as he glares in front of him. I laugh at his expression and scream again as we go around in the vertical loop. "THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!" I yell as we start slowing down. We both get off the ride and I'm panting and giggling like a school girl. I cling onto Dark as we start to walk around the carnival. 
"Did you like it?" I ask, taking in the smell of sugar wafting through the air. 
"It was alright." He mumbled, looking around. I frown a little before I smile as I see a stall selling candy floss and I jump up. 
"Want some candy floss?" I ask, looking up at him. He shrugs his shoulders and I practically drag him over to the stall. 
"Hello! Can we have two candy floss sticks please?" I ask the young man serving us. 
"Sure thing!" He grabs two sticks and one by one, spins it around on the machine till we both get two big fluff balls of pink sugar. 
"Thank you!" I say, as I hand him five dollars. He waves back and we go on our way, eating the sugary treat. 
"This is just coloured sugar." He says, before taking another bite. 
"If you don't want, I'll eat it." I say, raising an eyebrow at him. 
"Oh, no it was just a thought. I didn't say that I didn't like it. I was just telling you about my opinion in this.....food." He says, slowly moving his candy floss away from me. 
"Uh huh sure." I say, laughing. He shrugs and takes another bite and I see a little smile form on his lips. 
"You want to go on the Merry-go-round?" I ask, poking him.
"The what?" He asks, tilting his head slightly. 
"That!" I point to the merry-go-round, which is spinning around with kids laughing as they grip onto the poles. 
"Oh a carousel. Why? Isn't it for kids?" He asks, clearly not wanting to spin around on a fake colourful horse. 
"And your point is?" I reply, taking his hand. He groans but doesn't fight back as I pull him into the line. "See, there are adults riding this too!" I exclaim, motioning over to a couple who are laughing as they go around. 
"Yeah, only two. And they'll be off when we get on." He says, throwing his candy floss stick into the bin. 
"Oh c'mon Darkipoo! It's not like anyone will judge you!" I say, as we step onto the platform. He groans again and we both choose our "horses". 
"I hate this already." He grumbles as he takes a seat on a horse next to mine. 
"I like the colour choice." I say laughing as looks down at the bright pink and purple saddle. 
"Fuck." He groans. Children run and climb onto the horses and in no time the merry go round, or as Dark calls it, the carousel, starts to move. Music erupts from the speakers and I giggle at Dark, who's leaning his forehead on the pole, arms swinging on his side, clearly bored out of his mind. I look around at the carnival and notice the smiles and waves of many parents, waving to their children. I smile at the thought of when our family had gone to the carnival and I was one of those children, smiling and laughing as I clung onto my horse. I must of been lost in thought as the ride had stopped and Dark was waiting beside me. 
"Y/N?" He asks, waving a hand in front of my face. 
"Huh? Oh! Oops, must of zoned out." I replied giggling as helped me off. 
"Tell me about it. I could've slept through that if it weren't for those people just staring at me." He growled and I snorted at his complaining. "What?"
"Well, maybe if you weren't glaring at them every time you passed them on your pink horse...." I say, trailing off as he glared at me. I erupt into a fit of giggles and he grumbles as pulls me to the game stalls. 
"Oooooh! Wanna play this one!" I ask, pointing to a stall. 
"Sure." He says, as we walk towards it. 
"Okay, so all I have to do is throw the hoop onto the cone. If it gets in, I win a stuffed toy!" I say happily, already aiming at the cone. 
"Good luck." He says, stepping away from me. I quickly throw the hoop which lands just beside the cone. 
"Shoot. Okay two more to go. I can do this!" I say to myself and I hear Dark snort. I find myself smiling as I aim my hoop to the cone. Again I throw it and it skims just over the top. "Dammit." 
"Here, let me help," Dark says, placing the last hoop in my hand. One hand stays on my right hand, which is holding the hoop and the other is placed on my waist. 
"Three.....Two.....One!" We both say as our hands throw the hoop, which lands perfectly onto the cone. "Yes!" I grin, engulfing Dark in a hug. He chuckles and I giggle, pulling away. 
"Congrats! Would you like the bear or the unicorn?" The carny asks, smiling at the both of us. 
"Hmmmmm....I'll take the bear!" I say, as he hands me a massive stuffed brown bear, who is holding a heart. "Awwwww! I love him!" I say, stuffing my face in the bears chest. 
"He's almost as tall as you." Dark says, smirking. 
"Shut up!" I giggle as I hug the bear.  

After hours of walking, talking, playing games and eating we both were exhausted, but there was still one thing I wanted to do. 
"Dark?" I ask, looking over at him. 
"Yes?" He replies, taking my hand in his. 
"Can we go on the ferris wheel?" He looks over to me and smiles, 
"Of course we can." I smile back and we walk in silence to the ferris wheel, the sun slowly dipping in the horizon. We hop inside and the ferris wheel starts its slow journey around. I sigh happily and look outside, taking in the pretty pinks and oranges as the sun sets. 
"The perfect time to go on a ferris wheel." I hear Dark whisper and I nod in agreement. 
"Definitely." Dark pulls me closer and I lean my head on his shoulder and he kisses my head. 
"I love you." He says softly, rubbing my arm. 
"Love ya too Darkipoo." I whisper back, kissing his cheek. 

"You have to admit it, that was a lot of fun." I say, as we enter our house. 
"It was a decent experience I guess." He replies, as we both walk upstairs. 
"Decent? It was amazing!" I say, placing the stuffed bear we won, which I named "Gerald" in the corner. 

I snuggle into the covers as Dark turn the lights off. I feel his arms wrap around my waist and I sigh happily. 
"Even though you won't admit it, I know you loved every single second we spent at that carnival." I say, sleepily, closing my eyes. No response. Just the slow rise and fall of his chest against my back. "Alright then sleepyhead." I whisper, my eyes still closed. 

"I admit it. I loved every single second spending time at that carnival. Especially when that time was spent with you." He whispered, kissing my shoulder. I smiled. I knew it!

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