Chase Brody x Reader: Late Night Idiots

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Y/N = Your Name :D
(A/N: You don't have to listen to this song, I just put it in there for reference)

I groan as I toss and turn trying to get to sleep.....BUT THE FUCKING NEIGHBORS DECIDED IT WOULD BE A "LIT" TIME TO HAVE A PARTY! Not only that but ON A FUCKING SUNDAY and THEY'VE BEEN GOING AT IT FOR FIVE HOURS! Yes, I am very mad as you may have assumed. I heard yelling and laughing which I tried so desperately to block out with a pillow to my ears, but alas, the sons of bitches was still heard. SMASH! I bolted upright when I heard a smash from their room (A/N: You live in an apartment) followed by laughing and cheering. You know what? Imma give those fuckers a little visit. I quickly get up and grab a hoodie before putting on whatever fucking shoes I could find, which were conveniently, flats. I swing the door open violently and slam it behind me, before turning straight to the people next door. Huffing, I bang on the door loudly, making sure my presence is heard over that loud as music. No reply, just even more yelling and the sound of some catchy pop song. I bang on the door again, already getting impatient, which doesn't help with the anger that's running in my blood stream. The door swiftly opens and I stumble back at the quick action, glaring at the man in front of me 
"Can I hellllp you lassss?" The man slurs, his body swaying, his Irish accent thick when he spoke. I look him up and down, taking in his dark green hair and.....a slit on his neck. My eyes widen and I take another step back. "Like what you see huh?" He asks, smirking. I immediately glare at him and cross my arms, 
"Actually no. I do not." I reply sharply.
"Then what do ya want?" He asks, a confused look on his face. 
"Well, you see I-" 
"ANTI! WHO'S AT THE....door." My gaze shifted from the drunk Irishman, to another man, who weirdly looked like the man in front of me. "Anti get out of the way, let me talk to her." He says, gently shoving the man away. He grumbled before walking off, and the other man gave me an apologetic look. 
"I'm so sorry. That's my brother. He can be a pain in the arse sometimes." He says, leaning on the door frame. This one doesn't seem too drunk, that's a plus. 
"Uh, it's okay. I just wanted to ask if you could maybe.....tone down with the music and yelling. I and many other people in this block are trying to get to sleep, I'm sure you understand where I'm coming from." I say, this time taking in his features. He has a medium build, a grey snap back hat and faded green hair. (A/N: I like Chase's green hair so we gonna keep it that way.) 
"Oh I see, are you from next door?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, yes I am. I'm Y/N by the way." I say holding out my hand. He looks at my hand then back at me, 
"Chase. Chase Brody. And yeah sorry about the music. We haven't had a party in a while so we kinda went all out. Didn't think it through did I?" He chuckles, shaking my hand. 
" didn't." I say, smiling. Wait, did I just smile? 
"I'll make sure to tone down the music just for you." He says winking. My cheeks heat up and I stare at him in wonder.....and shock? 
"No problem cutie." And just like that he slams the door in my face. 
"What just happened?" I whisper to myself. 
"ALRIGHT LADS WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO TONE DOWN THE MUSIC JUST A LITTLE BIT! THE LASS NEXT DOOR CAN'T SLEEP! SHE NEEDS HER BEAUTY REST DON'T YA Y/N?" He yells, from inside, clearly knowing that I'm still outside his door. If my cheeks could get any hotter, they just did. That cheeky bastard. I can't help but smile as I walk back into my apartment, this "lad" is something else isn't he? The music has definitely quieted down and I snuggle into my blankets again. 
"Show me a piece of you heart! A piece of your love! I'm calling you up to getting down down down~!" My eyes open and I sit up, as I listen to Chase sing loudly, which is followed by cheers and lots of obnoxious yelling. "The way that we touch is never enough! I'm turning you up to getting down, down! THIS IS FOR YOU Y/N!" He yells. I let out a laugh and continue to listen to this idiot "sing for me". "Show me a piece of you HEART! A piece of your LOVE! I'm CALLING YOU UP to getting down, down, down! The way that we touch-" We only shook hands though. "Is never enough! I'm turning you up to getting down, down down!" Everything went silent until, "What? Sorry just quickly, What if it's DA, DA, DA, UH, UH....DA, DA, DA, UH, UH..DOWN DOWN DOWN!" He yells, before everyone erupts into cheers. The music blasts as I stare at the wall opposite me in disbelief. My next door neighbor, whom I have just met, and is probably shitfaced is singing for me at 1am in the morning. I let out a giggle, which turns into a chuckle, which almost immediately turns into a laughing fit. I roll on my bed, laughing my ass off as tears stream down my face. Chase Brody. You absolute legend. I think I love this man. I stand up, still laughing as I put my hoodie on again and quickly put my flats on. I rush out the door and bang on his door again. But this time I'm not angry. I'm not annoyed. I'm giggly as fuck and I'm not exactly caring about Monday. The door swings open and there stands Chase, in all his glory. 
"Knew you'd come back! And yeah don't worry this time I'll tone the music down. I was just playing with ya-"
"Can I come in?" I ask, cutting him off. He looks at me with a shocked expression, which quickly changes into an amused one. 
"Sure. BUT what's the reason?" He asks, blocking the doorway. 
"Okay, number one: I don't know how you did it, maybe it was the song, I don't know. But you did something to me and I'm suddenly feeling really energetic. And I know damn well that I won't be able to go back to sleep. Number Two: Fuck Monday's. I'm calling in sick. I cannot pass an opportunity like this." I say, smirking at him. He smirks right back at me and grabs my hand, pulling me in. The loud music and cheering hit me like a wave as I took in everything around me. "Holy shit." 
"Damn right." We both look at each other, only to burst out in laughter. "You are something Brody."
"Oh I know....and I also know you like it." He says, pulling me closer. 
"That's something I can't deny." I say winking. He laughs before leading me to the front, where about 20 or more people are absolutely fucked. No one even notices us come in and I'm kind of relived. Chase gives me a drink and I happily take it, gulping it down in one swig. 
"Shit lass, ya aren't joking!" He says, laughing. 
"What made ya think I was joking?" I ask, swaying my hips to the beat. 
"I don't know, you weren't exactly the happiest person when ya first knocked on my door." He replies, him too swaying to the beat. I laugh, 
"And two minutes later I am!" I yell, the music getting louder. He laughs and we both dance (and drink) the night away. 

Time skip fam

Chase's POV
I groan as my eyes flutter open. "What....." I look down to see someone cuddled against me couch? My brain finally kicks in and I realize who it is. "Y/N?" She groans before her eyes too flutter open. She looks at me with wide eyes and quickly shot up, looking around her. 
"What happened?" She asks, turning back to me. 
"Ummmm, I have no fucking clue." I reply truthfully, sitting up right. She sighs and leans back on the couch. I look around and see all of my brothers and the Iplier brothers passed out on the furniture or on the floor. Cups, bottles and other shit are all over the floor and I mentally groan about how I have to clean all of this up. Maybe Marvin can do some magic to help or something. 
"Oh shit, I remember." I hear Y/N say and I look back at her. "Gotta admit it's been a long time since I've done something like this." She says, smiling sheepishly. I laugh and lean back on the couch as well. 
"Same. I haven't been this drunk since......." I frown, the memories of Stacy and the kids slapping my face. 
"Chase?" She says, scooting closer to me. I stare off in the distance, not able to come back to reality. I'm such a fucking mess. 
"Chase?" She asks again, this time, placing her soft hand on my arm. I look at her, as a single tear rolls down my cheek. Her eyes again widen and she pulls me into a hug as I cry into her shoulder. 
"Hey, it's okay. Just let it all out. Don't be afraid to cry. I'm right here. I won't leave you." She says, the last four words she said made me cry even harder. I cling onto her tightly, as if she too would leave me. We stayed like that for what felt like hours, me crying in her shoulder, as she whispers sweet nothings to me. I pull away and look into her eyes, which are shining with tears as she gives me a small smile. 
"Do you feel better now?" She asks, her hand on my shoulder. 
"More than you know." I whisper, returning her smile. 
"Ughhhhhh, what-" We both look towards Anti, who just woke up. Slowly but surely, all of the others start to wake up, a dazed and confused look on all of their faces. 
"That was a sick party Broski!" Bing slurs, still a bit tired and most probably hungover from last night. 
"Yeah you're welcome" I say, laughing a little. Once everyone had woken up, I asked Marvin and Anti to help clean this place up, which they both agreed to. Though Anti was hard to convince at first. Once the place was clean, we all ate, with the help of Chefiplier and Y/N  who made breakfast. As we ate, I had to explain that Y/N had also joined in, as she had earned a few confused looks from some of the guys. 
"You know, you two would be cute together." Jack says, stuffing his face with pancakes. I look over to Y/N, who's sitting next to me and noticed a bright red blush resting on her cheeks. 
"I ship it." Wilford chirps, taking a sip of his coffee. 
"You all are hilarious." I say, trying to lead this conversation somewhere else. 
"Yeah we know, and we also know that you two have a crush on each other." Mark says smirking, as Y/N chokes on her drink. I clear my throat before saying, 
"Alright. You all should get going now. I need to start thinking about my next video." I say, taking my last sip of coffee. 
"Yeah, same." Both Mark and Jack replied, getting up. 
"K bye." Anti says, before teleporting to god knows where. Marvin snaps his fingers and the dishes disappear. 
"Thanks Marv." I say, standing up. 
"Don't expect it every time." He says smirking before he too teleports away. One by one they all head off, leaving Y/N and I alone. 
"Thanks for letting me join in." She says, smiling sweetly. 
"No problem. And thanks for comforting me." I say softly, looking at the ground. I hear her footsteps and she lifts my chin up with her fingers.
"Hey, don't worry about it. If you need to talk, I'm here! I don't like seeing you sad, I like seeing that signature smile on ya face!" She says, winking. I feel my cheeks heat up and before she could say her goodbyes, I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her, feeling her soft lips on mine. Her body stiffened before relaxing and she kissed back, her arms wrapping around my the back of my neck. I pull away, my hands now at her waist and smile. She smiles back, booping my nose. 
"Can you stay?" 
"I was going to ask the same question." 

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