Antisepticeye x Reader: House of Horrors

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Y/N = Your name :D

"Anti I swear if you take me to that "House of Horrors" thing I will fucking kill you!" I hiss, as he takes my hand in his. 
"House of Horrors? I mean if you want to go so badly the we'll go." He says, smirking like the glitch bitch he is. 
"You bitch! Don't you dare! Antiiiii! Nooooo!" I whine as he leads me to that horrible thing. 
"First of all, I'm not a bitch and second of all, 'Anti yes'."
"Fuck you!"
"We'll do that later."
"What?" He gives me one of his signature smirks before pulling me into the line. I huff and slap him on the shoulder. 
"Shut up! That did not hurt!" I say, crossing my arms. He pokes me and sticks his tongue out.
"Someone's grumpy." He mocks, wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me to his side. 
 "I. Do. Not. Want. To. Do. This." I say, glaring at him. 
"Well too bad!" He again sticks out his stupid tongue. 
"Glitch Bitch." I mutter, loud enough for him to hear. 
"Shut up." 

"OKAY HERE WE GOOOOOO!" Anti yells, as we both enter the house. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck....." I mutter, clinging onto the back of Anti's shirt. 
"Don't be scared! You'll be fine!" He says, laughing as he looks back at my terrified face. I roll my eyes before screaming as a horrifying clown jumps up and shouts at us. Anti laughs as I bolt out of the room, but I immediately regret it as he's now behind me. I jump up in fright as people bang on the doors and I scream as Anti comes up behind me. 
"YOU FUCKING IDIOT! I THOUGHT YOU WERE SOMEONE ELSE!" I yell, secretly happy that he's here. He just laughs as I again go behind him, clinging onto his shirt for dear life. We walk into another room, which just has a skeleton sitting in the middle of the room on a wooden chair. 
"Huh?" Anti whispers, but I know that this is isn't just it. We slowly walk around the skeleton, cautious about what's going to happen. I feel a soft tap on my shoulder and I shriek in terror. Anti turns around as I run into his arms, only looking back for a second to see what it was. There were fucking robotic spiders dangling from the ceiling. 
"Woah! That's so cool!"
"NO IT IS NOT! IMMA HEAD OUT!" I yell, grabbing his hand and sprinting away from that horrid room. "HOW MANY ROOMS ARE IN THIS FUCKING PLACE?!" I cry, running into another damn room. I squeeze Anti's hand as we try and find our way out of this place. We walk into a small hallway and I hold my breath as we turn the corner. 
"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" We both jump as a guy covered in blood from head to toe yells, holding a......chainsaw? 
"OH SHIT NO! MOVE ANTI!" I yell, as the man starts to chase us. Anti laughs as I run past him, stumbling into the next room. I breathe heavily, my heart beating wildly as I scan the room. Right in front me is the exit and I let out a cry of relief. I hear someone run into the room and I turn around to one. I look back and I swear I was going to cry right there. The exit was gone. 
"Anti? I swear if you're playing games with me, we're going to have some problems!" No response. "ANTI!?" I yell, fear taking over my mind. "anyone....." I whisper, too scared to yell anymore. Cold air hits my neck and I turn around, my eyes widening. I feel another rush of cold air hit my back and I spin around again. I try to say something, anything, but my voice isn't cooperating with me. I flinch and wave my arms wildly when I feel something crawl on my back, looking around frantically, my eyes searching for anything that might be in the room with me. Cold arms snake around my waist and I let out a scream as I try to shake the person off. Their grip tightens and my body trembles in fear. My body is pressed against theirs and I struggle to get out of this persons grip. Their icy breath hits my neck and I flinch, my hands trying to pry of their arms. My breaths are shaky and I finally find my voice, 
"Let me"
"Why, I think this is cute?" I hear Anti's voice say and I feel half relieved and half pissed. He lets me go and I instantly spin around and slap him right on his left cheek. His eyes widen and he laughs, pulling me into a hug. 
"I deserved that."
"That didn't hurt, did it?" 
"Nah..but if you slapped someone else with the same amount of power, you might have to pay for their hospital fees."  
"Yeah right." He chuckles as we walk out of that creepy house and the sunlight gives me a warm welcome. "I hate and love you so much right now you little bitch." I mumble as we both stare back at that disgusting place. 
"Guess what?" I glare at him suspiciously, crossing my arms, 
"Dark and I created that "House of Horrors." 
"Shut the fuck up."
"Yep, did you ever notice that the entrance just 'reappeared'?" 
"I changed my mind, I really do hate you."
"You and I both know that's not true."
"..........shut up." 

Yee, I know the ending is shitty, I got distracted watching Bitch Lasagna.....on repeat

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