Bingiplier X Reader: A distraction from the pain

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Y/N = Your Name :D
L/N = Last Name :D

"NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE!" I screamed, trying to edge away from Dr Iplier.
"Y/N c'mon! You need this! It will help!" He said, trying his best to convince me.
"No matter what you say Doctor, that injection ain't going to come any where close to me!" I cry back, shrinking in my chair. He huffs before folding his arms, looking at me all sassy, 
"Tell me. When was the last time you got a flu shot?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Shit, when was the last time I got a shot? I chuckle nervously, 
"Good question" I say pointing finger guns at him, "You see, I think the last time I got one was......uhhhh...haha may-"
"When you were a teenager." He finished, his eyebrow still raised. 
"Oh....haha...yeah when I was a teenager. And look at me now! All healthy and well! So if you excuse me I shall ge-
"Y/N! You may be healthy now, but trust me, you will get sick sooner or later and it won't be good." He says grimly, placing his hands onto the arm rests, blocking my way. I cross my arms and look the other way.
"Yes. You need this."
"Oh for fucks sake! It won't hurt Y/N! You will be fine! I promise."
"Hate to break it to ya doc, but it's a pass." I bluntly state, smirking at him. He rolls his eyes and adjusts his coat. He mumbles to himself, and I quickly start to get up from the chair.
"Sit your ass back down!" He says, a hand on his hip. 
"Bu-" I protest, but was cut off by the doc smiling brightly.
"Shhhhh! I have an idea!" He exclaims, smiling. Uh oh, I do not like where this is going. "BING! BING COME HERE! I NEED SOME HELP!" He yells. I glare at him,
"Are you fucking serious!" I hiss. He smirks, a smug look on his face. "You know I....." 
"Like him? Yes I do." He says, still smirking. I hear crashing from outside the door and in comes Bingiplier, in all glory. 

"Sup broski! What do you need?" He asks, glancing from the doc to me. 
"Y/N here won't let me give her an injection. So I need you to either distract her, or convince her that it's not that bad." He says, smiling at his brother. 
"You can't convince me Bing. That shit is going no where near me." I say, my arms still crossed. He kneels beside me, "C'mon broski you'll be fine!" He says, smiling. That smile. Stop it Y/N your fucking blushing. 
"Bing, didn't I just say that you can't convince me?" I say, letting out a giggle. 
"Yeah yeah...." He says trailing off, his eyebrows scrunched up as he thought. I hear Dr Iplier shift and I swiftly turn around. 
"No....what ar-" Bing turns my head to face him, his fingers holding my chin. "Bing?" I ask, trying not to freak out from his touch. 
"It won't hurt okay? I'm right here." He says gently, his hand now caressing my cheek. Oh fuck is he leaning in? HE'S LEANING IN! Shit stay calm. My whole body tensed as I felt Dr Iplier gently grip my left arm. I stare into Bing's eyes, well his sunglasses, and I could feel his stare burning right through me. He gently kisses me and my body which was tensed up, immediately relaxed. My eyes close and my shoulders slouch as I kiss Bing back, barely noticing the small sting of pain on my left arm. Instead I focus on the feeling Bing and I are sharing. I don't notice when Dr Iplier wipes my arm and places a small bandage. All I can feel is Bing's lips pressing onto mine. 
"Alright! All done!" Dr Iplier announces, standing up. Bing and I both slowly pull away, and I open my eyes, and Bing and I hold our stare. His hand is still on my cheek and I notice that I was holding his other hand, which were both resting on my lap. 
"See! It wasn't that bad!" Dr Iplier says, I break the stare and give the doctor a little smile.
"I guess so." I say softly. 
"I told you! I knew you would be fine!" Bing says, smiling. I notice his cheeks were a Can robots blush? I'm so confused. 
"The next time you get a shot, I'm calling Bing again." Dr Iplier says, sighing a little. I blush, looking back at Bing,
"What can I say. I'm an android. I can do anything." He says, winking. Fuck. I'm pretty sure I just died inside. 
"Alright you two, I need to go and get a coffee. Y/N literally drained all of my energy." He says, walking towards the door. 
"Oops." I say, laughing. Bing helps me get out of my chair and pulls me to his side. 
"Oh! One more thing! Try not to get hit on your left arm. It might get infected." Dr Iplier says, staring back at us. "Maybe Bing can help you with that too." He says, before walking off. That motherfucker. I hear Bing chuckle and I look up at him, 
"I'm not that clumsy." I say, walking out of the office. 
"Sure. Remember that time when you fell off the stairs and I had to catch you before you legit broke every bone in your body? Or when slipped on the kitchen tiles? Or whe-"
"Okay okay!" I yell, shoving him playfully. "I get it."
"Good, that's why you're going to be staying with me." He states, leading me to the living room.
"Excuse me! I don't need your he-" I get cut off when he places a finger on my lips.
"Shhhhhh. You want to play video games with me or not? Unless you have another idea?" He says, wiggling his eyebrows. 
"Oh shush you. One v one me Broski!" I say jumping onto the couch.
"On what?" He asks, sitting next to me.
"Fifa!" I say, smiling evilly. He smirks grabbing the controllers.
"Fifa? Don't you suck ass at Fifa?" He asks, handing me the controller. 
"Ya know there's a guy called Chase Brody. I'm sure you've heard of him before?" I question, quickly choosing my team. 
"You've been hanging out with Chase?" He asks, frowning a little. I notice this and boop his nose,
"Is someone jealous?" I tease. 
"No. I'm not. I was ju-"
"You're jelly!~" I sing. He glares at me playfully and I glare back. 
"If I win, you gotta spend the rest of the day and tomorrow with me!" He says, smirking. 
"And if I win, I might just take Google's side on who's the best android." I say, returning the smirk. He gasped playfully, 
"You would not!"
"Yes I would!" 
"You're on L/N!" He yells, starting the game.

I'm pretty sure we played for hours and in the end the damn android won anyway. 
"I thought you would be happy after that kiss we had?" He asks, laying his head on my shoulder. I blush and sigh with happiness. 
"Oh I'm happy alright. I'm glad you won. And you know that I would never take Google's side. Even if he is the better android." I say. 
"Hey!" He exclaims, taking his head off my shoulder. 
"I'm joking!" I say, yawning. 
"Someone's tired." He says laughing. 
"What time is it?" I ask, this time I lay my head on his shoulder. 
"1 am." He says, with a bored expression. 
"WHAT! BING!" I yell. He laughs at my shocked expression.
"Want me to carry you up?" He asks. I feel my cheeks heat up, 
"I got an injection on my arm, not my leg!" I say, rolling my eyes at him.
"Well, remember that time when it was like 1:30 am and you were literally sleeping while walking up the stairs, so I had to stand behind you so you wouldn't fall? Or when you hugged Dark, thinking it was your teddy at like 2 am? Or wh-"
"Okay okay. You can carry me upstairs." I say huffing. He quickly got up and scooped me gently into his arms, careful to not squish my left arm. I snuggle into his chest forgetting about all of my worries and my eyes fluttered shut. I felt myself being lowered onto my bed and I opened my eyes, staring at Bing as he brought the covers over my body. 
"Night Y/N." He said softly. 
"Love you Bing." I said sleepily, giving him a goofy smile.
"Love you too." He said, kneeling down and giving me a small kiss on the cheek. I sighed happily and closed my eyes. I heard him slowly walk out of the room and close the door. But just before he walked out, I heard him whisper, 
"I really do love you." 

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