Jameson Jackson x Reader: Strings

473 13 4

Y/N = Your name :D

"Jamie! Your tea's ready!" I yell, expecting to hear fast footsteps running down the stairs. Instead, my voice echoed off the walls, and there were no eager footsteps to be heard. "Jamie?" I yell again, crossing my arms. His tea is getting cold. I decide to go and investigate, slowly making my way to the stairs, taking one last look at his navy blue tea cup, waiting patiently to be used. Bang! My head whips around to face the stairs. What was that? "Jamie? Are you alright?" What's the point in asking him? He's not going to reply. I shake my head, trying to clear my mind. I quickly sprint up staircase, getting a little worried. BANG! This time, the sudden noise was louder and more concerning than before. I'm pretty sure the noise came from our room......I cautiously open the door, slightly scared of what might be on the other side. The door slowly swings open to reveal.....nothing. Confusion washes over me as I step into the room. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, other than Jamie is no where to be found. I jump as a series of bangs are heard from inside our bathroom. Is Jamie locked inside? I rush to the door and try to pry the door open. Something or someone continues to bang the door, and I'm certain it's Jamie. I mean who else could it be? "Hold on sweetheart! I'll open this door, just stop banging into it!" I yell and the bangs abruptly stop. I fiddle with the doorknob and finally get it to open. I twist it and push the door open, expecting to see a relieved Jamie. Not at all. 

Trails of blood stain the tiled floor, the cabinets and the sink. I look around the bathroom, horrified at the sight. I slowly walk inside, studying the trails of blood that litter the room. My eye catches a thin piece of string that's hanging from the bathroom cabinets. I take hold of it and notice that the string is tied to something else. I follow the string with my finger and it leads me to the towel bar, where the string is tied neatly around the metal bar. "What?" I ask myself, baffled by the whole string situation. I need to find Jamie, not wondering about some stupid piece of string! My gaze turns to the mirror and I freeze with fear, my blood runs cold and I can't take my eyes off the sight. Right behind me is Jamie, his neck and hands tied wrapped and tied with string, almost like a puppet. Blood seeps from the cuts on his neck and wrists and his eyes are white. I instantly turn around and am faced with nothing. Slowly, I turn to face the mirror again and he's there, staring at me with those soulless eyes, still as a statue. "J-jamie?" I ask, my voice a soft, scared whisper.

 As if my voice triggered something inside of him, he starts to shake violently, like the floor beneath him is crumbling to dust. I quickly turn around and there's nothing, so I turn back to the mirror. For a split second I could see his pretty blue eyes and a fearful expression on his face. He signed to say "help me", before he returned to his shaking state. Tears pricked my eyes, I don't know how to help him! What can I do?! It was difficult to breathe normally and I find myself hyperventilating. My hands gripped onto the sink as I watched Jamie suffer. 
"Y̸o̶u̷ ̴c̷o̶u̸l̴d̶'̵v̷e̷ ̶s̷t̷o̶p̴p̴e̴d̵ ̶m̴e̵.̴ ̶B̵u̶t̸ ̴y̵o̶u̶ ̶j̴u̵s̷t̴ ̵w̴a̷t̷c̴h̸e̶d̸" My eyes widen and I cringe, it's....him. I look back to the mirror and see the evil demon standing behind Jamie, smiling wildly. 
"STOP IT! WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING, STOP IT! PLEASE!" I yell, as his stupid static buzzes in my ear. He just laughs, holding a knife to Jamie's neck. "NO! PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS!" 
"A̶n̸d̶ ̵w̶h̷y̶ ̷n̴o̴t̸?̷ ̶Y̶o̴u̵'̸r̶e̴ ̷n̵o̶t̶h̸i̷n̶g̴ ̸t̶o̴ ̶h̷i̶m̵ ̴a̸n̷d̵ ̷h̴e̵'̵s̶ ̸n̷o̸t̵h̷i̸n̷g̷ ̵t̷o̸ ̴y̸o̷u̸!̷ ̴" 
"Lies! They're all lies!" I yell back, tears streaming down my face. He scoffs, as Jamie returns to his normal self. He looks around, clearly confused then looks at the mirror, a fresh look of horror displayed on his face. He tries to break free but the string along his neck tightens and he immediately stops, knowing that there is no way out of that. "Please let him go." I whisper. 
"I̶̝͍̓̊'̵͙͊l̴̢̊͂l̷̡̬̾̈ ̵̹̚l̸̹̇̎e̶͓͂͘t̸͍̲͐̚ ̸̺̃̈́h̴̲̀̇i̴͇̹͑͠m̷͚͛̀ ̸͇̹͒ǧ̸̩̹o̴̩͍̊,̶̪̲̈̉ ̵̣̇o̴͉͙͠n̴̢̙̈́l̷͇̔̕͜y̵̺̾ ̸͈̐i̴̹͝f̸̪́ ̵̫͋y̷̼̔͛ȏ̵̪u̶̬͑ ̴̦̈́c̶̕ͅo̷̐͜͝m̵͔̼̊̏e̴̲̹̿ ̶̬́w̶͎̄i̸̳̱͑t̸̻̣̂ḣ̴̥͙ ̶̩̈́͒m̴̹͙̚ě̴̖̈" He says, smirking. Should I trust him? What if he's lying! I look at Jamie's reflection and see him frantically shaking his head. "NO!" He signed, tears running down his cheeks. 
"But if I don't......he'll kill you!" I say, crying myself. 
"Oh darling, please do not worry about me. You will be just fine on your own!" He signs back, giving me a sad smile. 
"Jamie I can't do that! I can't leave you!" I yell, shaking. He shakes his head slowly and then turns to Anti, glaring at him. 
"S̸̟̈o̵̜̿ ̵̢̏w̵͚̕h̷̞̄a̴͝ͅt̸̰̆'̵̘͠s̶̬̓ ̵̥̾ȉ̶̜t̷͊͜ ̶͈̆g̸̟͌ō̶͈n̷̛̦ṇ̴͆a̷̼̍ ̴͈̈́b̴̹̿ē̵̘?̷̡͆ ̵͉̆ He asks, looking from him to me. Before I could say anything, Jamie nods and Anti smiles evilly.
"NO! JAMIE-" He tries to grab my arm but he's already gone, glitched away with Anti. All that's left was one piece of long white string, partially covered with red blood stains. I run over to the piece of string and clutch it to my chest. The room is deathly silent, the only sound heard is my heavy breathing and quiet sniffles. Well, not for long. I scream and cry, hunched over on the floor, a miserable mess. I punch the floor in anger and my body slowly falls all the way down to the floor. My Jamie. My love. Gone. And there's nothing I can do about it. I'm no match for that demon. I curse at myself, I should've gone with him! 
"I should've gone with him...................................................I should've gone with
him....................................... I should've gone with him.................................................... I should've gone with him.......... I should've gone with him....................................................... I should've gone with him........................................................... I should've gone with him.......................... I should've gone with him................ I should've gone with him. I should've gone with him..................................." 

"Y/N! Sweetheart there was nothing you could've done. I've told you to stop thinking about him."
"Yes, I know Jamie is....Jamie's gon-"
"His tea."
"Excuse me?"
"His tea is getting cold." 
"Y/N.....it's been two years. His te-"
"He's just out for walk."
"Y/N c'mon..."
"He'll be back soon. He better hurry, his tea is getting cold." 

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