Darkiplier x Reader: Lifelong Love

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Y/N = Your name :D


Six Years Old
"C'mon Darki! Play tag with me! Pleeeassseee! Pwetty please!" I beg, looking at my best friend Darkiplier, but I call him Darki or Dark. Depends on my mood. I sometimes call him Darkipoo just to tease him. He always frowns before attacking me with tickles. It's like a thing now. 
"Tag? Isn't tag just running around for....fun?" He asks, staring at me a little confused. 
"Yeah.....it is! Fun!" I say, jumping up and down. 
"Y/N who runs for fun?" He asks, sitting on the grass, picking at small daises.
"Uhhhh me? I run for fun! And you should too! Tag is really fun! Trust me, you will love it!" I say, plopping down on the soft grass next to him. He frowns in confusion, 
"I don't know Y/N." 
"Awwww!" I whine, poking at him playfully. "Why not?"
"It doesn't seem fun." He says, frowning at the grass. 
"Don't be such a poo Darkipoo! It IS fun! I'll show you!" I say, standing up and grabbing his hand. I gently pull him up before quickly tapping him on the shoulder. "Tag! You're it!" I yell, giggling as I run away from him. I stare back at him and stop running. He just stands there looking all sad, he stares at me before smiling. In a blink of an eye, he disappeared. 
"Dark?" I ask. "Daaaark?" I yell. I feel a tap on my shoulder and yelp as I turn around to see a smiling Darki. 
"Tag! You're it!" He yells playfully. He runs away, poking his tongue out at me. 
"Hey no fair! You can't use your powers!" I whine, before giggling as he makes faces. 
"Yes I can! You can't stop me! Na na na na na!" He teases. I giggle and run towards him, 
"Run Darkipoo! I'm coming~" I sing. We both laugh as I chase him all around the field, the sky bright and happy just like us. I tackle him to the ground and we fall into a laughing mess. 
"Got you!" I say, tickling him. 
"You shouldn't have tickled me." He said, smirking.
"Uh oh.....No! Darki!!!!" I whine, before erupting into giggles as he tickles me. 

14 Years Old
"Here!" I chirp, placing a daisy flower crown on his head. 
"What?" He asks in confusion. I laugh at his baffled face and scoot closer to him, 
"It looks cute on you." I say, humming to myself.
"I-it does?" He asked. I look up to him and see his reddening face. I feel my cheeks get a little warm and stare at the ground. Why did I say that? He's gonna hate me! 
"I like it." He states. I look up at him in shock. 
"You do?" I ask, smiling. 
"Yes I do." He replies, smiling back. We both laugh and fall onto our backs, staring at the slightly cloudy sky. 
"Well I'm glad you do." I say, sighing softly. 
"And I'm glad you made it for me." He says, turning to look at me. I face him and our noses touch. I blush but don't pull away and notice that Dark does the same. We lay on the same field we've played on for years, just staring at each others eyes. His black pools for eyes look like they could tell a million stories and I would never get bored of them. The rural silence fills my ears like a soft melody and Dark presses his forehead onto mine. 
"Y/N" He whispers, his voice soft and low. His lips brush mine and I feel a spark in my stomach. 
"Dark." I whisper back, my lips brushing his soft, cold ones. We both slowly lean in and our lips connect, resulting in a magical moment when the world was just ours. We pull away and this time I press my forehead against his. We both smile in content, our hands and hearts connected. 

20 Years Old
"Dark!" I gasped, looking at the candle lit picnic. 
"Yes?" He asked, taking my hand in his, gently leading me there. My mind couldn't process everything that was going on, it was just so....beautiful. He pulled me down and we sat on the red and white checkered blanket, staring at the now setting sun. The pinks, reds and oranges danced within the sky, like a dress flowing in the wind. 
"This is just......perfect. So perfect. I love it Dark. I really do!" I say, turning to him, as a small tear rolls down my cheek.  His face lights up and he gently wipes the tear away, 
"I am so happy that you love it. I'm so happy that you think it's perfect darling. I wanted it to reflect on your beauty. Your everything. Perfection." He said, pulling me close. I giggle at his words and lay my head on his shoulder. 
"You're perfect Darkipoo." I sigh happily. I hear him chuckle and I sit up, now staring at the sky that's starting to darken. He plucks a daisy from the same field we've grown up together on and tucks it behind my ear. I giggle and give him a small, gentle kiss on his lips. He reaches for the basket and takes out some sandwiches.  
"I know it's not the most "romantic" food, but I-"
"It's perfect. You know I love the sandwiches you make." I say, taking one from him.
"Are you sure Darling? Because I can get-"
"Hush now Darki. This is just perfect." I say, taking a bite. He smiles and takes a bite of his. After the sandwiches and light talk, we both lie down onto the blanket and stare at the young night sky, dusted with stars. His blue and red aura starts to fade slightly and I know he's becoming more relaxed. I snuggle up to him, my head on his chest and his arms wrapped protectively around my waist. My body rises and falls slightly as he breathes calmly and I can feel a faint heartbeat. The candles shine brighter, lighting up the field, bringing back memories. Playing tag and getting tickled. Where I had tripped over and cried and cried until Dark rushed over and gently carried me back home. "Everything is going to be okay. Darki's here." He whispered. Where we shared our first kiss. When we had our first fight, we couldn't live without each other even for a second and I remember so vividly jumping into his arms, crying my heart out. I smiled at the memories and flipped over so I was facing Dark, but still laying on his chest. I nuzzled into his neck and he played with my hair. 
"Dark?" I ask.
"Hmmm?" He hummed, his fingers tickling my scalp as he plays with my hair. 
"There is no place I'd rather be right now. I love you. I really do." I say, kissing his neck. 
"Me too darling. My love for you is infinite. No matter what happens, I will always, always be there for you." He replied, kissing my head. 

25 Years Old
I giggled as Dark twirled me around as we danced to the soft melody wafting through the air. The grass tickled my bare feet and my red dress danced in the wind. He pulled me to his chest and we continued to dance under the stars as we basked in the moonlight. The song slowly drifted off with the wind and our bodies just swayed with the ever fading beat. Our gazes met and I smiled at him, his eyes twinkling like the stars above. I fixed the daisy that was in his suit pocket and he chuckled, rearranging the lopsided flower crown on my head. I leaned up and kissed his nose as his grey cheeks flushed with a soft pink. 
"Y/N?" He asked, looking down at me. 
"Yes Darki?" I reply, looking at him curiously. He looked nervous, and his aura was beginning to flicker wildly. "Are you alright?" I ask. He smiles and steps away from me. 
"I'm fine Darling. There is just one thought on my mind. The thought arrived as soon as my eyes laid on you. At first I thought it was silly. But now, I think it's perfect. You want to know what that thought is?" He asked, smiling. My mind and heart were racing as if they were competing in the Olympics. I nodded my head, to nervous to say anything. 
"I'm going to marry this girl. I'm going to marry her and we will live happily ever after. Forever. Together. So here's my question." He got down on one knee and pulled out a box. My hand immediately went to my mouth and tears were threatening to fall. He opened the box and a single diamond ring shone in all its glory. "Y/N, will you make me the happiest demon alive and marry me?" He asked, his voice trembling a little. I stood there, my body shaking and before I knew it, I jumped into his arms, crying tears of happiness. 
"Yes. Yes I will marry you Dark!" I cried, pulling him into a passionate kiss. His body shook as he cried too, holding onto me like I was going to fade away. "I love you Dark. I really do." I whisper softly as he slips the gorgeous ring on my finger. 
"I love you too Princess. I really, really do." He replied, pulling me into another kiss. 

"You are my everything. My love, my passion, my fire. My best friend and my lover. The angel I needed. The Princess that changed me ever since the beginning. My Darling. You will always be the one I cherish. Never leave me. I'm nothing without you. A life without your laughs is a life I don't want. A life without your simple soft touch is a life I do not desire. My life is in yours. My love only for you. That is why I say...

I do. 

Thank you all for 809 reads. I really truly love you all and appreciate everything. I do hope you enjoyed these stories so far and I hope you enjoy the ones in the future. Stay safe and remember that you are loved! :D 

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