Antisepticeye x Reader: n̸̤͚̾ǐ̸͙g̵͔̒́h̵̘̉̒t̶̬̀ḿ̵̯̹̌ǎ̷̞r̷͇̓ḙ̶͍̀

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Y/N = Your name :D

I don't where I am. I don't know how I got here. I don't what's happening. All I know is that I'm tied to a wooden chair in a dark room. I woke up here, and since then I've been trying to escape. It doesn't help that the ropes are literally cutting into my skin whenever I move, or the fact that there is no noise. Just silence. Not blissful silence. Just silence. The type of silence you dread to hear. The type of silence that makes you want to scream. But I don't even dare to scream. I don't know why, but I feel that if I scream, I'll be dead. There. I heard something. It sounded like a....giggle? What the fuck. I need to get out of here fast! There! Again! That is a weird giggle. It's faint but it has some sort of, "glitchiness" to it. It doesn't sound human, it sounds like something from a corrupted AI computer. Like a fucked up Siri. 
"Your mind is like a computer itself aye lass? Always working. Always thinking." Said a faint voice, even its voice was "glitchy". 
"W-who are you? Where are you?" I softly ask, fear clearly heard in my voice. 
"Awwwww, is little Y/N scared huh? I always took you as a bad ass.....guess not." It mocks, its voice getting louder. "You know, I thought you might recognise me by my voice....but maybe if you see me...." I can now feel its cold breath on my neck. I hear footsteps and suddenly a bright yellow light shines down on me. My eyes water and I force them shut. "Open your eyes~" It sang. I slowly opened my eyes to see He was about an average height and average build, but there was no doubt that he could crush me without any force. Then when my eyes came to a clearer focus I gasped. He had a slit throat with dark red blood slowly oozing out and one of his eyes glowed a bright green. He had dark brown hair that was swept up to one side and pale skin that had a slight green tint. He looked exactly It can't be. I thought they all were fake.....I must be dreaming....right?
"I must say, you look cute when you're confused. And yes. It is me. Glad I get to skip the introduction." He said, giggling like a school girl. 
"'re can't be!" I cried, my whole body trembling. It's not him, it's not him. He's fake, this is all a dre-.
"You s̴t̵i̷l̶l̴ don't believe me? Well I have the p̶e̶r̷f̷e̸c̷t̶ thing to help you with that!" He said, a knife suddenly appearing in his hands. He twirled the knife as he studied me and I felt numb. He slowly approached me, resting his arms on the back of my chair. 

If you don't like should skip this part

"What's wrong sweetheart? Scared?" He sneered. Before I could even reply, I felt a surging pain in my stomach, I gasped as he slowly pulled the knife out of my abdomen, blood oozing out as he did. I gripped the armrests as he finally took the knife out, tears streaming down my face. He traced the now bloody knife on my left arm, slowly trailing up to my shoulders as I just stared at his soulless eyes. He pressed harder making me squirm in my seat as blood trickled down my arm as the knife made it's way back from my shoulders and down my arm again. I bit my lip, forcing myself to not whimper. He traced the knife on my hand and without any hesitation he stabbed the knife straight through it, pinning it to the wooden arm rest. I screamed as he twisted the knife pushing the knife further and further through my hand. "Please....stop..." Was all I could say as he laughed like a mad man. 
"Nah, I don't want to!" He said, his laughter turning into demonic giggles. "You know what, I'm just going to leave that there!" He said, smirking at my pained expression. He leaned closer to me, his face just inches away from mine. He wrapped his hand around my throat, his grip so tight as he just looked at me with a sickening smile. I couldn't do anything as my arms were tied up, all I could do was try and wriggle out of his grip, which was basically impossible. Just as I thought I could see a white light shining in front of me, he let go. I coughed and gasped for air as he stood there watching me struggle. I tried to take in deep breaths but ended up choking on my own blood. After what felt like hours of trying to breathe properly again I look up at him, "'re a fucking animal!" I yelled, trying to steady my breathing. He chuckled, and again he leaned close to me, his fingers caressing my cheek,
"No sweetheart, I'm not an animal.....I'm your worst fucking ṉ̷̰͍̪̓ị̵̏͒g̴̞͖͝ḥ̷̢̖̋̎̂t̷̤͙̜̎̈́́m̶̲͈̳̅̀̈́́a̵̛̦͇̍̔̾r̷̪͙̔̽̂̋é̵̦̯͗̋͝." 

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