!SPOILER!Darkiplier x Reader: White is the new black

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Y/N = Your name 
AHWM SPOILERS AHEAD! Don't read this if you haven't watched it! Well this is more about his looks more than anything lmfao.....

"Sooooo, I watched a Heist With Markiplier....."
"And? Did you like it?"
"I FUCKING LOVED IT! BOY YOU ARE SO SMART AND CREATIVE AND JUST WOW! ALL OF THOSE VIDEOS WERE JUST, I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT!" Mark and Amy burst into a fit of laughter and I join in too. "No, but seriously, I'm genuinely impressed and so damn proud of you! Of both of you actually! The whole plot and the codes at the endings, that's just something else!" 
"Awww, thanks Y/N. I'm really glad you enjoyed it, I'm so happy I've finally been able to give the fans something."
"Mark, this isn't just 'something', you've given them something that they'll treasure for ages! I know for a damn fact that they are so proud and happy for you." Mark blushes with pride and Amy wraps an arm around him. 
"You both deserve the world." I say, ruffling Mark's hair. "You're one lucky guy."
"Hell yeah he is!" Amy says, laughing. We all laugh until a thought hits me, 
"Soooo, Darkiplier in a white suit. The best thing that's ever happened this whole year in my opinion." I say and Mark snorts. 
"Took a little bit of convincing, but at the end, he didn't mind wearing it." He says, as Amy leaves us to talk, Chica following just behind. 
"I'm glad, because he looks like an absolute snack wearing that." 
"Uh, huh." Mark says, smirking. 
"I'm being serious, 10/10 would frick."
"Y/N!" He says, laughing. 
"What? Hate it or not, I'm spitting straight facts."
"Uh, huh sure." 
"Fine, you don't have to believe me. I'm just saying that I wouldn't mind a piece of that." 
"No it's not that I don't believe you. It's just that he's standing right behind you." He says, laughing as I slowly turn around. Sure enough, Darkiplier is now standing in front of me, wearing his infamous white suit, a small smirk on his face. 
"Oh......," I feel my cheeks heat up and I clear my throat, "hey Dark." I say, pointing finger guns at him. Why'd I do that?
"Hello Y/N, I'm glad you like this new style." 
"Oh, yeah haha...."
"I'm going to leave you two to it." Mark says, backing away slowly, quickly giving me a wink. That little shit. 
"So, did you enjoy acting in that?" I ask, trying to steer the conversation to something else. 
"Yes I did, the white suit was something different, but I feel like it suits me." (A/N Pun intended bitches). 
"Yeah, it does look nice on you." I say, blushing yet again.
"Thank you." He says, taking my hand and kissing the top of it. If it were even possible, my cheeks were warmer than before. 
"Ahem, so.....how are things?" I ask, as he releases my hand. 
"Don't steer the conversation from what's really important Y/N." He says, still smirking. 
"....And what's that?" 
"10/10 would frick?" He asks, before bursting into laughter. I stand there like an idiot, trying not to laugh as he doubles over in a fit of giggles. "Seriously? Frick?" He says, before laughing again. 
"Yeah haha." I say, crossing my arms. I can't help it, a white suit and Darkiplier is a match made in heaven. 
"Hell actually, but sure." 
"I can read your mind." He says, raising an eyebrow. Shit. "Heard that too. As well as all the other things you were thinking about when you were speaking to Mark."  
"Seriously? Nosy much!" I say, blushing furiously. 
"Well, in my defense, I never read into your thoughts, only when you're thinking about me of course." Which is basically all the time. 
"I hate you."
"Don't lie to yourself. We both know you do not." I glared at him and he smiled back, which of course made me smile too. 
"Okay, fine. You win, I don't hate you." I say, containing a giggle. 
"So you love me? Cause I do too." He says, winking. 
"Than-Wait, what!?" I ask, but as soon as I try and get an answer out of him, he teleports, leaving a flash of his blue and red aura to linger in the air. A single red rose lay on the spot, of which he was standing on and I bend down to pick it up. Just like Dark, the rose holds the same aura and I smile, pressing it against my chest. I'm pretty sure I've fallen in love with him all over again. 
Yes you have. 
"Dark!" I yell, and I hear him chuckling from upstairs. I shake my head and turn my attention back to the rose. I love you too.

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