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The next morning was nothing like the night before.

Namjoon was starting to introduce me to everyone, showing me around the compound they had. He never told me, though, where they were located. He would just blab on about what they do there and what position I would have for the time being until they figured out what my capabilities were.

Nearing the second hour of the tour, Namjoon brought me to a part of the compound that seemed different from the rest of it. It was through a large, glass door that slid open when you stepped in front of it. Already looking it, I became a bit frightened.

The place was huge, like the strip down the middle of a mall with the showing of all different kinds of products. People wandered around, all talking and having some laughs. Some wore the bodysuits that you would imagine with superheroes while others wore casual attire.

Some people were fixing up some vehicles and some were testing different machines. Everyone was working on at least one thing, some helping others. The high technology around me was so much to comprehend with the lights and sounds and humming in the air. It was starting to become overwhelming.

As I trailed behind Namjoon's path, everyone started looking over to us. They stared at me in particular, the place going silent with no one talking. If someone was talking, they were murmuring to the person beside them as they all looked at me, their happy moods disappearing while my appearance came with Namjoon beaming in front of me.

Walking along, I tore my eyes away from everyone, staring down at the floor. I knew where I didn't belong, and this was that place. I knew not a lot of people in the population knew me, but apparently here word got around quick to who I was and what I've done before.

This wasn't a new life I was looking for.

Namjoon came up to this one station that had a workbench with a million tools and gadgets on it. Standing next to it while working on a pair of regular looking boots was the person I faced every time I found myself in trouble; I didn't know their exact name on the streets, but they still had on their costume from being out, fighting whoever they needed to.

"You're finally back!" Namjoon said, raising his hands up in excitement. He placed them down on the hero's back as he looked at the boots on the table. "I've been waiting for your arrival all day."

The hero looked up from their work, looking at Namjoon. They seemed to have a different vibe in normal lighting: confident, brave, and an overall more hero-like look to them instead of them being in the pitch black of the night.

Their eyes scanned over to me next. I couldn't see them behind the mask, but I was imagining them giving me a glare. They suddenly said, "I thought you took her to the police this morning."

"She's actually decided that she wants to join the Bangtan Services," Namjoon beamed, giving a smile my way. He squeeze the hero's shoulders with excitement then backed away. "I've figured out where I want her as of right now."

"I don't know why you came to me then," the hero murmured, turning back to the boots. "That's your decision, not mine."

"It has to do with you."

The hero stopped their work once more, stepping away from the project and turning to face Namjoon fully that time. I heard them say lowly, "What have I told you about having an Ego at my side? Especially one that I've dealt with before?"

"No exceptions," Namjoon scolded him a little, his happy expression falling. "I'll discuss more about it with you later, but for right now, I know you'll be the only one that will gladly take her without any problems, yes?"

The hero stared at Namjoon for a second, then gave a heavy sigh. They turned back to the table, planting their palms on the table while looking down. I heard them murmur, "Yes, I'll take her."

"Good," Namjoon said, clapping a hand on the hero's back for a second. "She'll be staying in the place connected to yours since she will need to know when there are things to do. Also, she has a fitting in an hour from now, so please make sure she gets there on time."

The hero remained silent as Namjoon backed away and turned to head to the offices again, his happy spirit back. I watched with careful eyes, not sure whether to follow him or not, but by the way he talked to the hero, he was meaning for me to stay back.

I stood there awkwardly with the hero still staring down at the table. I didn't want to say anything, knowing that the tensions between us were tight from our past with each other. I understood why Namjoon put me with them, but he didn't seem to understand the concept of how uncomfortable we were with each other.

With the voices coming back up in the large room, the hero pulled away from their worktable, turning to me. I didn't say a word, so instead the told me, "Are we still calling you Class 3: Ego 12?"

I sucked in a deep breath, trying to overcome the idea of becoming acquaintances with the person who almost had me stuck in jail. "My name's Y/N."

The hero went silent for a moment, staring at me. They snapped out of their trance as they said, "If you're going to be staying with me, just call me Defender 11."

"What exactly am I doing?" I asked slowly, afraid to grow any closer. I felt as if the back of my neck was glowing, telling everyone around me to go for it. "Namjoon assigned me to you so--"

"A sidekick position," the hero said, cutting off my words. "That's usually what we do with Egos the first month or so until we figure out where the best place to put them is."

"So I'm staying with you?"

"You and another person," Defender 11 waved their hand at me mindlessly, grabbing onto their pair of boots on the table. "They're basically my roommate. You won't see much of them, though, because they're always on the go."

"What did Namjoon mean by 'fitting' earlier?" I questioned, looking down at my clothes. "I don't understand any word he says most of the time."

I saw a quick flick of Defender 11's lips for a second, like they held back a smirk. "The fitting will be just a sizing to get an idea of how your suit should fit and give you some clothes to wear in while being in the compound."

"I don't know how I feel about wearing a suit," I looked Defender 11 up and down at his outfit. "I'm not one for . . . shiny and fancy things. I was happy with my jacket I had until you guys took it from me."

"You win some, you lose some," the hero said with a shrug. "Let's get you to your room so you can settle down and I can get out of these uncomfortable clothes."

Egotistic - J.JK.Where stories live. Discover now