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Defender 11 was . . . strange.

Despite what they said about changing out of their suit, they kept a hood on with a hoodie that hung down into their eyes, myself unable to see their face. They didn't put back the cover to reveal their eyes at all, but I could see a bit more of their features.

They covered themselves from head to toe, their clothes long to hide as much skin as possible. I Though, the bottom half of their face looked vaguely familiar along with their voice. They sounded more male and had the body build of a man, so Namjoon obviously stuck me with a guy.

But why did he sound so familiar?

He didn't say much to me as he showed me around the compound some more, taking me to get my "fitting" and help pick out whatever they needed for the work they were sticking me with.

A woman had taken my measurements and asked Defender 11 "what colors were best". Before he could say anything, I had answered with darker colors, something that I was more used to. He had gone silent at that while the lady looked back and forth between me and him, only to reply with a small humph.

After picking out whatever articles of clothing that I was going to wear, we made it back to the area where I was going to be staying with Defender 11 and his roommate. It was so far away from the previous room that they had stuck me in that the halls had turned a much more pleasant color and turned into a friendly place where doors lined the halls with little screens beside them.

No one was around when Defender 11 stopped us at a room with the top of the screen next to it saying "W132". I watched the guy tap a few buttons on the screen then stepped away. He motioned for me to step near the screen. "Put your hand on there."

I eyed him confusingly, but took a step and placed my hand on the screen. I watched a few lights flash on it, only for them to stop next and the door to slide open. I stared at the magic for a moment, but Defender 11 was already marching in.

I followed behind him with the door closing behind, which brought me to a room that made me stop in my tracks.

It was a hell of a lot nicer than my place out in the city, the floors a shiny hardwood while the ceiling was a decent height with spotlights shining down to illuminate the room. There were no windows, but there were four doors, two of them on one wall and mirroring the other side. In the room with us was a couch, coffee table, a TV on the wall that was available, and a small kitchenette off to the right side of me where the door was.

Defender 11 walked to the left and all the way to the last door. I followed behind him, looking around the room in a bit of awe. He stopped, though, at the door and turned to me.

"This is your room," he said, grabbing onto the handle and pushing the door open. It swung open easily to reveal a room that lit up instantly while it opened. I couldn't see much of it, but it seemed bare. "Defender 27 lives in the room next to yours. Mine is just across from yours and the last door is the bathroom."

"Who's Defender 27?" I asked, taking a step towards the door and peeking into my supposed room. It was bare in there except for a large bed and a dresser that would hold future clothes.

"The roommate," the guy said. "He's out right now, but I'm sure he'll introduce himself plenty when he comes back."

I raised an eyebrow at him, but Defender 11 didn't seem to notice. He continued on with his explanations. "Dinner will be here shortly and I'm sure they'll send your clothing before it's time to sleep. The company will make sure you feel at home."

"Thanks," I murmured. "I'm . . . sorry you're stuck with me, but I'll try and stay out of your way."

Defender 11 went silent for a moment. "I'm going to my room for a little bit. Just knock when someone comes to the door, okay?"

I gave a small nod. Defender 11 seemed pleased with that, brushed past me, and started heading to the other side of the room to go to his chambers. I stood there for a second, staring off into space.

"Hey," I called out before Defender 11 could close his door. He turned back to me, waiting for me to continue.

"I know this may sound a little crazy," I went on sarcastically for a second, "but I have--had a life before I came here. I'm supposed to have a date with someone Friday. Do you think I could get out of here just for an hour to break it off with him?"

"An Ego can't leave here without a Defender or an Operate," he murmured, going back to close his door. "I think he'll get the idea."

"You can accompany me," I countered back, taking a step towards his door. "I usually have bad luck with guys, but this one seemed like a really good one. I don't want to leave him in the dark. He doesn't deserve that."

I couldn't believe what came out of my mouth. My eyes widened a little bit. I usually wasn't empathetic about dating, my difficult dates taking the soft emotions to turn into something cold and stone. I never thought about how some people would feel about me leaving them, but Jungkook felt like someone different from all the other times I was dragged around.

Defender 11 also seemed to be taken back. I wasn't sure if it was because of how cold I usually came across or what kind of person I made myself out to be over the years of him chasing me, but he seemed confused by my sudden soft side that I didn't even know existed anymore.

"No," he finally said again. "He'll find a hint to that you don't want to see him again." And with that, Defender 11 disappeared into his room for the time being.

I stared at his door, my shoulders dropping. I felt my heart drop to the floor, hurt coming over me. Was this what it was like to actually be hurt by something that held you back? If it was, it was stinging my whole stomach and making it churn.

Going into my room, I closed the door behind me with a heavy sigh. I reached a hand up to my face and dragged it over my features.

Friday was only in a couple of days. I just wanted to break off with Jungkook. Namjoon, though, did say I was sleek and sneaky. Maybe I had the ability to leave without being noticed and come back without a single soul knowing and not getting in trouble.

Maybe I had a chance to feel good for once.

Egotistic - J.JK.Where stories live. Discover now