Chapter 1

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Mia's POV

Music floods through my headphones, attempting to clear my thoughts, with no luck. I'm currently laying on my mattress when my door slams open, revealing once again my drunk father.

I cringe and spring out of bed, tearing my headphones out and throwing my hands up innocently. He glares at me menacingly, taking slow steps towards me.

"Dad, I'm sorry for whatever I did, I'm sorry, just please not tonight. Please." I beg, throwing him the most sorrowful look I could. He never had listened before and I knew tonight would be no different.

He finally backs me into a wall, the scent of alcohol lingering from him breath. I hold in a gag, willing him with my eyes to please stop.

"Dad please listen..." He cuts me off, slapping me across the face. I whimper, grabbing my cheek, willing the tears threatening to spill not to fall.

"Where's my dinner slut?" He growls out, his voice like gravel. I shake my head.

"I'll make it right now sir! Please, I'll be done in 5 minutes just stop." I beg.

"Your just like her!" He hisses, slamming me onto the ground and kicking me in the stomach multiple times.

I cry out, cradling my now throbbing stomach and chest.

"You now have 4 minutes to make my dinner," He sneers, before leaving my room loudly.

I will myself to get up and ignore the pain for now, I had to be strong. I make my way downstairs and quickly pull out Ramen Noodles and spaghetti sauce. I throw them quickly together, hoping he wouldn't realize it was Ramen, he hated it.

With no incidents, I climbed the stairs again to my room, throwing myself onto the bed. I had grabbed an ice pack and began to ice my stomach, knowing there would be bruises later, even being a werewolf.

I drift to sleep quietly, silently praying for someone to help me, anyone at all.


The next day., I get up bright and early, making sure that I made him breakfast. I quickly get dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants and head to work.

I work at a animal shelter where they really don't have a uniform, so I normally wore what would cover everything. I had a bruise that wasn't to noticeable on my face and had tried to cover it with no such luck.

When I arrive, my co worker Jill is waiting, she would be the closest thing to a friend I have. She grins widely at me.

"Mia, your late!" She then looks me over and realizes, shaking her head.

"Honey, you need help. You need to talk to someone soon or I will." She says, hugging me tightly.

I embrace her back, enjoying having someone there for me. I make my way to the back to feed all the animals, and take care of all the daily chores.

The entrance bell at the front rings, and a couple walks in, but the main thing that bothered me was the fact my wolf went crazy, she normally was quiet, then my eyes met the man's.

Matt's POV




I groan, slamming my hand on my annoying alarm clock. Great, another day here in paradise.

I get up slowly, trying to convince myself to get ready, my soon to be wife and I had decided to adopt an animal, or should I say she had decided.

Normally, being a werewolf and all this would be weird, but I guess it's how it was. I was the Alpha of the Crescent Moon pack and had an arranged wife, since I hadn't found my mate yet.

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