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Elizabeth P.O.V.

I wake up to Alexander watching me sleep causing me to groan in annoyance. I admit it was kind of creepy and annoying. And of course this idiot did not have a shirt on. I swear he is to obsessed with himself. All of my idiot brothers are like this so I think it runs in the family now. Any chance they get they take off their shirts especially when it comes to working outside on the ranch. But I still love them no matter what they do or how they act.

I sat up looking over to where Alex was standing and of course he is still staring at me like the creep that he is. I hate when my brothers just randomly stare at me for no reason. It feels like they are staring into my soul. They know it creeps me out as well so I think they do it on purpose. They also know that I have low self esteem as well but I try not talk about it so them staring so much makes me self conscious.

"What do you want Alex? I am trying to sleep and you are bothering me." I say as I push the covers off of my body revealing my mickey mouse shirt and shorts staring up at him.

"Nothing beautiful. Hurry up or we will be late to Mark's party. I will leave you here if your not ready in time. Don't think I wont El." Alex says to me before leaving my room and slamming my door which our mom hates by the way. I completely understand where she is coming from though because it does getting irritating.

Mark is my boyfriend of two years and he makes me so happy. He is very loving and sweet and I could not have asked for a better boyfriend. It took some time for the guys to accept him but Mark would always come over anyways and we have gotten to know each other more.

Once I got up I make my way over to my walk in closet grabbing my maroon dress and matching color shoes. I then walk into my bathroom which is attached to my room luckily. That way I don't have to share with the boys. Mom was on my side when it came to sharing with boys. She told me that I needed my own privacy.

I step into the shower for about twenty minutes thinking about how wonderful my life is and that nobody can ruin it. I feel like the luckiest person alive to have a beautiful home and amazing brothers. Even though they annoy the hell out of me sometimes. But that is what brothers do to their siblings so I can not get mad at them. I love each one of them and would never trade them for anything in this world.

Twenty minutes later or so I step out the bathroom with my dress and shoes already on as I walk over to my desk with the mirror on it and start with my makeup and hair. Once I was finally done I stared at myself in the mirror. I truly feel beautiful right now in this dress.

"Looking good El. Let's get going now." I giggle to myself as I walk downstairs and hear people yelling in the living room.

I swear I hear more yelling in this house then I do at school. It was always something different every day. If it wasn't about me then I tried to stay out of it because I didn't want to get into any trouble and get grounded. Mom gave my older brothers authority to ground me if I need as well so I don't talk much anymore.

I walk up next to Alex who is the second oldest and most annoying in my eyes. "Hey whats going on? Why is everyone yelling?" I ask as Alex pulls me into a soft and gentle hug.

"Scott and mom are arguing again?" Alex says softly to me as he looks me up and down at what I was wearing to the party grinning.

"Why?" I look confused as the two go back and forth with each other. Mom was up in Scott's face as he had to clenched his hands into a fist to calm himself down.

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