Chapter 14

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El's P.O.V.
Yawning as I stretch feeling arms wrapped around my waist. I giggled as I see Dylan's arms around my waist. Smiling I kiss his lips to wake him up and it works. I knew the boys couldn't resist my kisses.
Hearing a knock I see Carson and Joey standing in my doorway watching us. Their faces were both red, it was always easy to make them blush. I smile and turn over getting up and running into my closet. Leaving them in the room with confused looks on their faces.
When I come back out I don't see Dylan anymore. Instead I see Carson and Joey sitting on my bed waiting for me to return. I guess its their turn to spend time with me. I wonder what they have planned for us today.

Wearing a tank top and sweat pants I go over to Carson and Joey. I love these two butt heads just as much as I love all the other boys. They always make me smile when I am upset and I am so grateful for them both.
"Wanna watch a movie together? Only us three?" I smile innocently giving them the puppy dog eyes.
Both of them are smiling as I hear them chuckle and nod their heads yes before grabbing my hand and we walk into the theater room. I smile as I watch them walking turning to look at them both. Blushing I look away as I sit on the pull out bed watching the screen. Joey walks to the door and locks it to make sure the others don't bother us today. Carson puts the movie IT in the video player. Knowing I hate clowns so he did that on purpose just so I can use them when I get scared.
Joey grabs us three drinks and a bowl of popcorn. After all we can't watch a movie unless there is popcorn. Joey always knew this and was in charge of movie nights growing up. Its one thing we have in common with each other.

I snuggle into both of them and smile as Joey runs his hand on my thighs letting out a soft moan as I blush embarrassed. Already knowing that we would be having sexual contact. I just didn't think it would happen this soon. But hey i'm not complaining because they both are really handsome in my eyes.
Both of them are looking at me now as my face is blushing red as I wink at them both and their faces turn just as red as mine. "What are you guys looking at?"

Joey's P.O.V.
I rub my hand on her thighs as she lets out a moan turning me on and I can feel my member getting harder inside my pants. I go further up to her pussy and rub it over her panties. She moans louder closing her eyes telling us that she is enjoying it. God she has such a sexy moan.

Looking at Carson he gives me a nod knowing he was thinking the same thing. I knew it was our time to show her what kind of men we are. Carson and I have connected so we agreed to spending time with her together. I sure don't mind as long as she is comfortable.

Playing with her private area was turning me on even more. My pants were starting to get tighter as well. I need to release myself fast or it is gonna ache for awhile. I need her as fast as possible and so does Carson.

El's P.O.V.
I let out a louder moan closing my eyes as Joey rubs my pussy roughly. Pulling Carson down as I start kissing his lips hard and fast. I noticed he has his hand inside my bra rubbing my left breast. I don't mind though because I love when they touch me and the rougher they are the more turned on I am.
Pulling away from his kiss I moan loudly not wanting either one of them to stop. "I want you both right now. Stop teasing me."

For some reason they all like to see me aching and begging for them. Sometimes when they tease me it hurts and I just wish they would understand. Teasing is okay but they like to take things to far.

Carson's P.O.V.
My face starts to heat up as she is kissing me and I already love the feel of her lips on mine. With her distracted by Joey I put my hand in her bra and play with her nipple noticing how hard her nipple is already. She lets out a moan as she pulls away and I was missing the warmth of her lips already.
"I want you both right now. Stop teasing me." She says begging me and Joey as I smirk and wink at Joey as he nods at me.
Once she says that I jump up undressing myself revealing my member to her and she smiles up at me. Joey does the same as well noticing his member was throbbing for her as well. I chuckled as she strips out of all her clothes smiling at us. God she has such an amazing body and I can't wait to get my hands all over her.
I grab her hand as I sit on the couch with my back up against the end of the couch. Smiling as she climbs on top of me sliding myself in her ass as I grunt and hold tightly onto her hips. She lets out a loud moan as she bounces softly causing me to grunt and hold her around her waist tightly and pound up into her ass as I hear her screaming in pleasure.

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