Chapter 6

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James P.O.V.
I rubbed my forehead while going through my sisters file. I found something odd while reading her file. I saw she had anorexia. Why didn't anyone tell me this before. Hating the fact that mom and El were hiding things from me. Nobody ever hides anything from each other so why did they?

I just realized this and ran back to her room with two nurses. I held the file in my hand and gave it to Scott to read out loud. Knowing the boys are not going to like this. I know El is going to be mad for saying anything about it but they deserve to know.
"She has an eating disorder?" Scott says as he has tears in his eyes and his voice was shaky.
I nodded my head yes and looked down at her. She looked like she was in so much pain. Moving quickly to make sure she was comfortable. I am sick of seeing her hurting now so I must do something to help her.

I told the nurse to set up a new IV for her and give her some pain medicine. Then I looked at my brothers talking in a clam and stern tone of voice. "I wanna put a feeding tube in her. It would help her get nutrients and she would become stronger over time. But it is very risky due to the breathing tube being in. I would have to put it in through the nose this time. I would be doing it here in this room so you all can watch me do it."
Scott nodded and they all moved and sat on the couches out of the way. I couldn't look any of them in the eyes yet because it would distract me from helping El. They all looked hurt and upset that she is suffering but I truly am trying my best. There is only so much that I can do now, the rest is up to El and her will to live.

I went and washed my hands and put my gloves and mask on. I grabbed the tube and turned the overhead light on to help me see what I was doing. Looking up I  see that both nurses looked worried and I began to put the tube slowly down her nose as I saw a tear escape El's closed eye and it broke my heart. The worse feeling is knowing your the cause of the one you love pain.
"I know baby it hurts but I promise it will all be over soon. And before you know it you will be home with everyone. You will be safe. Please stay strong a little bit longer. I'm trying my best. I promise." I say through my mask as my voice cracks trying to remain calm and focus on what I was doing.

Wiping away the tear that has fallen on the side of her face. The tube is finally in as I throw away my gloves in the trash. I wanted to be alone right now so I left the room. Everyone watched as I finished putting the tube in and walked out of the room and started helping other patients. I have to keep my emotions pushed aside and help as many people as possible. That is my sworn oath to myself when I became a doctor.

El's P.O.V.
I could hear everyone talking to me but my body was not letting me wake up. Telling me that they are sorry and that they love me. They are sounding like I was already dead. It was breaking my heart but I couldn't bring myself to wake up. My body was still to weak after everything I had been through.

I could feel Scott coming in and I want to wake up. He was crying and I knew he blamed himself for everything. I kept trying to open my eyes or trying to speak but I felt something in my mouth. Realizing it was a tube I lifted my hands up to pull it out when he stopped me and explained what it was for. I fluttered my eyes open and saw my big brothers face. I was so happy to see him.
I then look around to see all my brother's faces staring at me. They were crying as it broke my heart because I knew they blamed themselves. I didn't want anyone to shed anymore tears over me. To many tears have been shed on the recent events. Including the tears of my own. It is time to move forward with our lives and be happy even though Mark was still out their stalking me.

Seeing James walk in I smile a little as my body goes weak as I slipped back into a deep sleep. My body was screaming at me to sleep more and heal so I decided to give in and rest a little longer. That way I can go home faster with my family.

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