Chapter 17

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El's P.O.V.

I sneak out to the doctors without the guys knowing where I am or where I was going. It is getting harder to keep this a surprise from them because my belly was getting bigger and with due time they will figure it out. They are very nosy when it comes to me but I don't blame them for it. And lately they have been noticing that I have been acting sneaky. But luckily they all are understanding of my personal space.

I look down at my phone in my hand and see 132 missed calls and 84 text messages from all the guys asking me if I was okay. Yes they were going to worry but I desperately needed to get to the doctors since I'm getting bigger. My health and the babies health depends on it. Once I explain the situation to them they will understand why I have been sneaking around. After all they all are very understanding people.

The doctor walks into the room finally after twenty minutes of waiting. Holding onto a clipboard while talking to me finding her actions kind of rude. I guess she was looking over my charts but hey I didn't mind at all. "Okay so you are pregnant El. Lets do a sonogram to see how far along you are and as well as the heartbeat. At the end of the check up I will print some pictures for you to take home as well. Please lift your shirt up. A warning that this gel will be cold. Are you ready?"

I nod and does as the doctor says, nervous to see the human life or lives in my tummy. The gel wasn't as cold as I thought it would be but I am happy she warned me about it. Looking over at the screen I see my baby. I mean babies. There was three of them as my eyes widened, shocked that I am growing not one but three humans now. This is going to be shocking news to the boys as well. I'm just as shocked right now as well. We have three little ones on the way and only a little time to prepare for them.

"Congratulations you are having triplets. It looks like you are about 4 months along and they all look very healthy. Please take some prenatal pills and plenty of water and rest. Your body will be very tired during this pregnancy especially with triplets. If you have any problems or worries feel free to come see me." The doctor says to me as she prints out some pictures and hands them to me in a yellow envelope.

I nod still shocked as I put my hand over my stomach rubbing it softly as I feel them kicking me constantly causing me to smile in joy about being a new mom. Not am I having one child but three. I feel so lucky and grateful for this after everything that has happened. Hopefully the boys are just as happy as I am. Things are finally turning out for the better and I hope the guys will be just as happy as I am.

Whipping off the gel with a paper towel the doctor hands me, I pull down my shirt thanking the doctor on the way out the office door. Getting into my car I let out a long deep breathe excited and nervous at the same time. Now to figure out how to tell the guys about this. This is going to be a long day.

Today is Christmas after all so once I get home i'm going to tell them all at once. Putting the prints into my bag, I drive home in silence. Pulling into the driveway, I see all of the boys angry and their arms crossed standing in front of the front door waiting for me. Maybe I should have told them I was going out for awhile but they can get over it.

Sighs as I get out of the car having Scott's hoodie on hiding my stomach still since I am not that big yet. None of the boys suspect anything since I wear their clothes all the time.  Walking into the house with the boys behind me, I look at the boys knowing how angry they are by the looks on their faces. "I have a surprise for you all. That's why I haven't answered you all today."

Getting up I go to my bag and pull out a yellow envelope that has the babies photos in it. Handing it to James, he opens it and looks at the pictures. His mouth drops open full of shock surprised at his reaction. "YOUR HAVING TRIPLETS!!!!"

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