Chapter 5

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Michael's P.O.V.
I look around at all my brothers silently. Scott sat next to me and I see his knuckles were wrapped up. It scared me when he lost it on Mark, I have never seen someone so mad that they just started beating a person to death but I am glad he is on our side..
"Hey Scott how is your hand?" I say as I looks down at my hands not wanting to meet eye contact with him worrying that he might snap at me.
"It's nothing to worry about bud. I lost it when he said that about her. He will regret ever touching our princess." He smiles rubbing my back to comfort me as I nod silently at him.
I look up and see James coming into the room with glassy eyes. "Everyone listen up please. She stopped breathing twice during the operation. Luckily we got her breathing again but she does have a breathing tube in to help while her lungs rest some. She is very strong and she is fighting to stay here. Before you ask yes she is able to hear you."
I smiled as I began to cry all my brothers looked at me shocked because I never cry. "Thank god. Can we see her now?" I say taking a deep breathe and whipping my face off with my hands standing up out of my seat.
James lead us to the next floor up and into the waiting room that was next to El's room.. "All of you can see her but it would be best to go one at a time. I have some other patients I need to see. If you need anything come find me."

I look at James as he walks out of the room. He must be so stressed out because of this. After all he just saved her life. I will forever be grateful that he was there in that bathroom when El fell and hurt her ribs even more. He does not understand how happy we are he was there.

Scott's P.O.V.
I smiled knowing how strong our princess is. I swear Mark is gonna pay and next time there will be no one there to stop me. I clenched my knuckles again ignoring the pain as I see Ben staring at me worried. I smiled at him and unraveled my fists.
"Okay you heard him. Lets go from youngest to oldest. Ten minutes each. Asher first, then Cooper, Landon, Joey, Michael, Ben, Carson, Dylan, Alex, Spencer, then myself." I say looking around as everyone nod our heads.
I sit in the corner to myself thinking of what to do next. Then the detective came into the room with a notebook. I stood up and went up to him knowing that he wants some answers. "I take it you are the detective. I am Scott the oldest. The other boys are talking with El. So all your questions ask me please."
He smiled and we left the room heading to the cafeteria away from everyone to talk. Once we sat down I began to tell him what all happened to her. Praying that something can be done quickly so El can have her mind set in peace. Not having to worry about being watched or hurt anymore.
"Thank you Mr. Scott. I will make sure we are going to arrest Mark. I do hope your sister makes a fast recovery." The detective says standing up and holding his hand out as I stand up from my chair shaking his hand firmly watching as he walks away and I head back upstairs and lay on the couch in the waiting room.

Asher's P.O.V.
I was going first to see El in her room. I was so scared to go in that room and seeing her the way she is. I finally went in and broke down crying walking over to her. Wishing there was something I could do for her but I know she is strong like the rest of us.
"Hey baby girl its me Asher. James said you could hear us. Please don't leave us El. We love you so much and I promise that I will protect you from everyone. I don't wanna lose you. I love you so much." I say as tears start to fall from my eyes.
I cried my eyes out moving her hair out of her face as I kissed her forehead before going back into the waiting room. Siting in a chair in the corner I broke down crying again and that caused my brothers to worry even more.

Cooper's P.O.V.
I see the way Asher is in the corner crying hard. It worried me to see him like this. I knew what i'm about to see was gonna hurt me. So I got up and walked into El's room not ready to see her so fragile. I had to fight tears because I knew I needed to be strong for my princess.
"Hey princess it's Cooper. Listen I know you are scared. So are we, i'm not going to lie. I will be right here waiting for you whenever you wake up. Please keep fighting for us we need you. I love you princess." I say leaning over her as a tear falls form my eye and I whip it away kissing her forehead.
My voice cracks and I hurried back to the room with the boys and went over to Asher as he hugged me and cried in my chest. I knew our hearts were breaking. I had to be strong for them and for Elizabeth. She is our world no matter what now and this is hurting us knowing she is fragile and broken and we can only wait around for her to wake up.

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