Chapter 7

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Third person P.O.V.
Finally their family is relaxing after recent events taking place. Mark was sentenced to life in prison without a chance of parole for his crimes against Elizabeth. Elizabeth was scared to testify but being the brave soul she is, she did it anyways.
Two months after the sentencing of Mark and the trial had ended. Thomas and Andrea finally got married. It was such a beautiful wedding on the beach surrounded by family. Once they got home from the wedding Thomas announced that they will be taking a year honeymoon. To give the boys and El time to bond with each other and become closer.
The mystery man keeps showing up as well, stalking El from a far but never making any contact with her. Following El around but she doesn't pay any mind to it anymore since the man has never made an attempt to hurt or contact her. After all she was safe now that Mark was locked away. Or so she thought.

El's P.O.V.
I hug mom and dad goodbye not wanting to live without them. They were going to be gone for a whole year on a honeymoon together to give me a chance to bond with the boys. I don't mind because I love the guys but I will miss them. Especially my mom because we are the only girls in the house.

We were outside as mom was hugging everyone while smiling. Of course we all were going to miss them but I don't mind. Mom was just looking out for me as well as the boys. She is such a great mother when it comes to all of us.

"We love you baby girl. If you need anything then call me. I will come home in a heart beat okay." Mom says hugging me tightly as I chuckle and wrap my arms around her tightly not wanting to let go.

"I will mom. Go have fun and be careful. Send me pictures of you guys okay." I say hugging back as she nods and gets into the car as dad comes over and hugs me tightly before getting into the car too.

I cant believe how far everyone has come after the Mark accident. Once they left to the airport I went back inside to see all my brother's staring at me. I smile up at all them innocently wondering what they are up to.

They all have been very overprotective of me lately because of the Mark incident. But it is understandable because of what Mark did to me. I can't even go outside without one of them. But hey I don't really mind. I truly did like the attention I was given by them.
Landon came over to me and hugged me softly as I smile and lay my head on his chest. "Are you hungry baby?"
I smiled at him looking up into his eyes. "I could go for some Chinese. What about you all?"
Dylan picked up his phone and ordered the Chinese food for me and the boys. About twenty minutes later the doorbell rang and I went to go answer it when I saw the man who has been following me around. He was holding the Chinese in his hand smirking at me when he starts talking in a very annoyed and deep voice sending chills down my back. "$84.50"
I handed him the money and closed the door in his face not being nice about it either. Walking to the table sitting the food down as I walk over and wash my hands. I needed to get the germs of him off of me. I grabbed the soap and turned on scolding hot water on my hands as I scrub harder and harder until Asher comes over and pulls me away. I wanted to get his germs off of the hand that he had touched. He looks exactly like Mark and now I am scared because of what he might do to me.
I start to cry when I couldn't breathe. I was having a panic attack and I couldn't stop it. My vision was starting to get blurry. He was here, that man, it was his dad. I was trying to stay awake until I collapsed and darkness took over.

I wake up to voices talking around me. I slowly sit up with my hands wrapped in bandages. I see 12 angry men looking down at me. I sigh as I rub my head not ready for all the questions that are about to happen. I guess it is time to tell them what has been going on.
Joey comes over to me and asked me kneeling down as I stare into his eyes and see nothing but worry. "What is going on? We want the truth Elizabeth."
My voice shakes as I look up at them and their faces soften. "The day I came home from the hospital. A man was watching me through our window. When I looked it......It was Mark's dad. And now everywhere I go he is there watching and waiting. When I opened the door to get the Chinese. He was the one who delivered it and I freaked out and got scared. He touched my hand and I had to get it off. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you all. Its just things have been going so good and I didn't want to stress anyone out with my problems."
I see all my brothers very mad but not at me. Alex walks out of the room on the phone with someone telling them what happened. I feel like it is the detective because five minutes later he showed up.
All the guys except Ben went into the kitchen to talk about what has happened. I slowly go over to Ben as I sit on his lap and lay my head in the crook of his neck silently crying. Ben was the main one staying calm now because he knew I was terrified.
"I'm sorry i'm such a burden to you all. You all could have normal lives. But instead you have to watch your stupid useless sister. I should have let Mark kill me. Then you all could be happy." I sniffle and say as my voice is all horse and crackly.
I'm crying harder when Ben tried to talk and hug me. I pushed him away and ran to my room slamming my door and locking it. Not wanting to hurt anyone anymore and wanting the pain and fear to end. Every time I am happy someone comes and ruins it for me.
I pull out my razors and cut my leg again not caring about the pain anymore. I just want everyone to be happy. Instead i'm making them miserable. I kept cutting until my vision blurred and darkness consumed me feeling myself fall onto the floor.

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