Chapter 3

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Scott's P.O.V.

I knew she was lying when it came to her rids. She always hesitates when she is hiding something. I decided to leave it alone until mom and Thomas left for their business trip in a few days. When they are away I will try to get to the bottom of everything. I just hope it isn't to serious. I would kill if anyone hurt my baby.

As I watched all the boys except Ben, Dylan, and myself exit her room going down to the kitchen. I walk over to her looking down at her glassy eyes. I know deep down that it was not Rose who gave her those bruises and the only explanation I can think off is Mark.
"It wasn't Rose, was it?" Finally I crossed my arms over my chest watching as she sat on the bed looking down sad.
"Ask Dylan. After all he saw what Mark did and all he did was laugh and walk away." She said crying into her hands and my blood started to boil in anger.
I looked at Dylan while Ben shut her door and went over to hug her to him as she cries into his chest. Dylan looked down scared and hurt as El sobbed into Ben's chest. I knew this must be serious because Dylan never gets upset.
"Boy start talking!" I yelled at him and he jumped back now knowing he felt guilty and he knew that.

I hate yelling at everyone but I had no choice. Needing to get information out of him. Something is wrong with El and I want to find out what. El never cries this unless it is serious and she has those bruises as well.

Dylan's P.O.V.
When she told Scott to ask me what happened I got scared. He knows how to fight and he is really scary when it comes to baby sis. Scott is also one of the main people that has authority over us when mom goes away on her trips.
I walked over to the desk chair and sat down watching sis crying her eyes out. That broke my heart seeing her like this. I had to do something to make it up to her. When I walked away from her that was the worst mistake I have ever did.
I looked at Scott taking a deep breathe before I start to explain what happened. "I um followed El and Mark out to the stables. I knew something fishy was going on so I wanted to check it out for myself. They didn't know I followed them. Anyways when I got there I saw Mark beating El and kicking her on the ground as she begged him to stop. Then when he stopped he threatened her about not saying something or she would regret it."
I turned to El crying losing all the pride I had because my baby sister was hurting and I did nothing to stop it. "Baby sis I am sorry. I was mad you didn't come to us to help you and that is why I walked away. I know i'm a pathetic brother. I don't deserve your forgiveness. Please i'm sorry."
I looked down at the floor crying when El came over and hugged me tightly crying my eyes out to her.  She is so forgiving but yet I don't deserve to have her forgiveness. I can never imagine anyone wanting to hurt this sweet and innocent girl.
Scott looked so mad at me but knew it wasn't the time to punish me. I pulled El back some and whipped her eyes with my thumb giving her a small smile. "Sis what did Mark do to you?" I ask as her eyes well up with tears again and her lip quivered.
She started to cry even more now unable to stop her tears. "H...He...Raped me." By now she is frantic and all us guys could do was hold her and hug her until she fell asleep.

I gently placed her on her bed and covered her up not wanting her to get sick. She needs to rest after everything that has happened today. I pulled out my phone for all the guy to meet in Scott's room.
Getting up I looked at Ben and Scott as they nod their head at me. Walking out of El's room I closed the door quietly not to wake her up and went into Scott's room where everyone even our new brothers were at waiting for us.

Ben's P.O.V.
"Okay boys we have a serious problem. To our new brothers. Welcome to the family. I am happy to have you all here. Unfortunately you have come on a bad timing. But now is your chance to prove to El that you are trustworthy and can protect her." I said and they all agreed to what I said.

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