Chapter 11

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El's P.O.V.
It was nearly 6 pm before we arrived to our new home. Just enough time for the sun to set over the water perfectly. For some reason I have always wanted to watch it set over the ocean and now is my chance.

Running out of the limo and into the back yard leaving the boys behind me hearing them all chuckle at me. Which was a private beach we owned luckily. Smiling as I slide my sandals off and my feet into the ocean water. I see the most beautiful sunset in the world.

I was completely breathless when I felt arms around my waist. I smile and look to see Asher hugging me close to his chest. The boy's hugs are the best in the world. I could never get enough of them. They are the kind of hugs that make you feel like nothing can hurt you in this world.
"I love you all. Let's forget about the past and move forward together." I looked at all of them with smiling faces. They all look like gods to me when they are smiling.
I grab Asher and Cooper's hand and run inside with the others following close behind us. One hallway had all of our rooms with plaques on the doors to tell which room is which. At the end of the hall was a stairway into the large attic. I approach the door that has my name on it and walk inside the room with Asher and Cooper behind me.
Looking around I squeal in excitement as the rest of the boys come in to make sure i'm okay. I love my room so much and I get my own bathroom. Thankfully I don't have to share with anyone else. Especially those filthy boys who can't clean to save a life but luckily they have me.
Opening another door attached to my room I see hundreds of shoes and clothes. I smile brushing my fingers on the clothes before going back out to the boys. I am so lucky to be spoiled but I never take it for granted and i'm always thankful.
"It's amazing. I love my room. But i'm still gonna steal your guys clothes." I giggle and lay on my bed as all the guys except Ben leave.
I close my eyes feeling him climb on top of me. Wrapping my arms around him as he kisses my neck as I let out a soft moan. Blushing I turn away so he doesn't notice my now red face. But I guess he noticed anyways because I hear him chuckling at me.
"Your driving me crazy El. I don't wanna hold back anymore. Please love me. All this time I have been jealous when I see you loving the others and not me. I wanna show you that I can be the man you deserve." He looks down at me with his baby blue eyes and I can't help but smile up at him nodding my head.
"Lock the door and don't hold back anymore." I smile as he gets up to lock my door with a smirk on his face before climbing back on top of me kissing my lips.
His lips are so soft and warm making me crave more of him. Like i'm melting into a whole new world. I want him right now as my body aches even more. I have always felt closest to Ben. Sometimes it makes all the other guys jealous but who cares. Ben has been there for me through everything.

I giggle and bite his bottom lip lifting his shirt off before turning on top of him. Unzipping my dress and throwing it on the floor. As i'm sitting on his lap with no bra on and just my red panties. One of his favorite colors is red so I know he is beyond turned on now.
I cover my breast looking away not meeting his eyes as he stares at my body. For some reason I steal feel self conscious about my body. He moves my hands and he takes my right nipple in his mouth sucking hard and squeezing the other roughly. I pant and grind my body against him before he turns back on top of me. I guess he likes control but I don't mind him dominating me.
"Don't ever hide your beautiful body from me baby." I smile up at him nodding as he winks at me causing me to blush redder than a tomato.
He chuckles as he kisses down my stomach pulling my panties off and sliding them onto the floor. I giggles as he starts to eat me out as I jolt up and moan loudly running my nails through his hair. "Mmmmm fuck Ben!"
He continues as I feel a warm sensation in my stomach clawing the bed with my nails. I lean my head back and cum all over his mouth blushing. He kisses up my body before standing up and undressing himself.

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