Chapter 19: Bonus chapter

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El's pov.

I am 9 months pregnant and I could have the triplets at any moment now. Over the months the guys have helped me so much and I am so grateful for them. They won't even let me raise my arms over my head because they believe it will hurt the babies. I don't mind the attention they give me but I wish they could back off a little and let me breathe.

Getting up out of bed I got to my closet and put on a yellow flower design dress and my yellow sandals to match it. Going back into the room I walk to my dresser and grab some panties sliding them up my legs with a little difficulty because of my swollen belly.

Leaving my hair down I wobble out of the room into the hallway and down the stairs to the living room. All the boys were out working or getting things for the babies. Scott thought it would be best to rearrange rooms. The two boy babies will share a room but my beautiful girl will have her own room. Eventually we are thinking of moving again for more room for everyone but with me being so far along in the pregnancy we decide to wait until after the birth of the triplets.

Walking into the kitchen I open the fridge and pull out a bottle of water. Feeling sudden pains in my lower stomach as I take a deep breathe. My doctor told me to wait to come to the hospital until my water breaks. The sudden pains are Braxton hicks and my body getting ready for child birth.

Taking deep breathes I grab my phone to let the guys know. The pain is getting closer together and I don't want to be by myself. In case my water does break then I can't drive myself to the hospital so they need to be here.

Scrolling through my phone I call Jason to have him and the rest of the boys come home immediately. Pushing the call button the dial tone starts to ring as he picks up the phone and I put it on speaker.

Jason: Hey baby is everything okay?
Me: Hello darling, I need you all to come home please.
Jason: Elizabeth what is wrong?
Me: I'm having contractions but my water hasn't broke yet. I just want you all to come home and not go through this alone please.
Jason: Okay baby stay calm and take deep breathes. I will gather up all the guys and we will be there very soon. I love you okay.
Me: Okay thank you and I love you too

Hanging up the phone and sitting it on the counter as another contraction hits and brings tears to my eyes as I cry out. Standing up I slowly make my way to the living room holding my stomach. Sitting on the floor crying as I hold onto the couch and take deep breathes waiting for the guys to come home.

Hearing the front door open and multiple footsteps I see all the boys. Feeling another contraction I lean over holding onto my stomach and cry out. Feeling hands rubbing my back I look up to see Dylan sitting next to me.

"Has your water broke yet?" Ben asks me as I take a deep breathe and lean my head back relaxing as the contraction stops.

"No not yet. It didn't get like this until after I hung up the phone with Jason. What about work? Are you okay to be here right now?" I ask looking around the room at everyone.

"Honey we are the owners of the company so we can take off when ever we want. Now don't worry about that and focus okay." Scott says as I nod  taking deep breathes and tears keep falling from my eyes.

"God child birth is so painful but it will be worth it." I say as I hear the boys chuckling around me and a smile creeps it's way onto my face.

Sitting on the ground as the room goes silent my face pales as I feel a liquid running down my leg. Moments later a sudden whoosh of pain erupts through my body and I bend over holding my stomach and crying out in pain.

"Her water broke." Cooper says as I look up and give him a death stare as he gulps and throws his hands up in surrender.

Michael comes over to me and helps me stand up as the pain gets worse and I almost fall to the ground. Feeling myself being lifted off of the ground I see Carson grabbing three bags from the closet by the door. Asher and Landon were caring the car seats for the babies when we bring them home. Joey, Cooper and Spencer went outside already and started the cars. The rest of the boys were by me making sure I don't hurt myself while having contractions.

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