Chapter 9

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Ben's P.O.V.

Sitting in the living room I get a phone call from mom. I hope everything is okay. She has been calling very often checking up on everyone. Especially with everything that has happened lately.

After hearing the news from yesterday I started to think of El in a different way. I wanna get closer to her and build a stronger bond together. I just hope she will let me in and be there for her.

"Hello mom is everything okay?" I pick up my phone whispering because I didn't want to wake up El. She needs her sleep after her encounter with Mark's dad.

"Yes I just wanted to inform you that me and your father bought a new house in Florida by the ocean. I want to have everyone start over and leave the awful things that have happened in the past. Please have a family meeting and tell the others. I'm sure they would be happy. How is princess doing?" Mom says to me as she sounds serious and I agree about starting fresh.

I sigh rubbing the back of my neck hoping the others don't object to this. "I will tell them as soon as they get home. She is doing better. Right now shes sleeping and I don't wanna wake her mom. Ill have her call you once she is up. Love you." I hung up the phone before she could reply. This is not going to go great with the boys.

Pulling up my messages I go into the group text. "Hey family meeting right now come to the living room. Be quiet though El is asleep." I send to everyone not looking to see if anyone replies.

Putting my phone away I look up and stare at her. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. I get up and move next to her when she wakes up and sits on my lap laying her head in the crook of my neck falling back to sleep.

I sigh seeing all the guys finally coming into the living room. I'm not ready for the reaction i'm about to get. They also need to think about what would be best for Elizabeth and think of her happiness when deciding. Why was I chosen to do this?

"We are moving to Florida. Mom and dad bought a mansion for us all there. They think it would be best for us all and for El to start over. With everything that has happened I agree to it." I say waiting for the yelling but it never comes.

Hearing a small crackly voice as I see eyes staring up at me. "I think we should move. I wanna start over with you all."

El's P.O.V.

I see Ben moving over to me smiling. I sit up and crawl into his lap as I pretend to fall back asleep I can hear him sigh once the others walk into the room. Something must be happening because he never sighs. Lets hope it is just something good this time because I can't handle anymore bad news.

He tells them about us moving and I agree silently because this place has to many bad memories. I could tell everyone was upset so I did what anyone would do. To be honest it was a great idea to start new with everyone.

"I think we should move. I wanna start over with you all." I say as my voice cracks and my eyes open looking up at Ben.

My body aches every time I move now because of Mark's dad. Slowly I sit up and gasp in pain as I see tears fall from every ones eyes. My body has been through so much I never got the time to heal properly.

"Guy's don't cry. I'm okay I promise. It isn't as bad as it looks. But I do need to pee. So someone help me up." I say softly smiling up at them all as their faces soften.

I hear Scott chuckling as he comes over and helps me up. Holding onto his arms I take one step at a time to the bathroom. It is going to be a slow healing process this time. In the end I know I am not in this alone and I have all of them to help me along the way.

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