Chapter 8

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Third person P.O.V.
Finally Thomas and Andrea plane set down back in Texas after a six hour flight. They both were very scared about how the kids would react but knew it was bound to come out. It was time for the truth to be told they both thought.
The house started coming into view as they drove in silence not sure what was going to happen. They were only staying for a day to explain to everyone about the situation of Elizabeth being adopted. Once inside there was twelve very angry men and a daughter who was hurt and confused sitting on the couch.

Andrea's P.O.V.
Sighing I see everyone in the living room waiting for us to come home and explain El. We left our suitcases in the car because we are only staying for one day after telling everyone about Elizabeth. Leaving again tomorrow to go back to our honeymoon.
"Yes she is adopted. I wanted to tell you all but I knew it wouldn't make a difference. She is family and that's the end of it. On a different note though there is something else we need to talk about. Thomas and I are cousins. It is rare to hear about cousins being married but it is okay. I don't care what any of you say and none of you have the right to judge me. Besides I can tell by the way you all look at Elizabeth that your all falling in love with her. There is nothing to be ashamed about." I say and look at everyone with their mouths wide open in shock. Not imagining what was going on in their heads now. I stay quiet and hug Elizabeth tightly. I just hope she doesn't hate me for hiding all this from her.

Scott's P.O.V.
I chuckle covering my mouth relived that I don't have to keep secrets anymore. "It's about time mom. I couldn't hold it in anymore."

I have known about this for awhile but swore to mom not to tell anyone. To be honest it was never my place to tell the guys or Elizabeth. As long as I see mom happy then that is all that matters.
Mom looked at me nodding her head and smiling. "I'm sorry for not telling you all. Making you keep it from everyone must have been hard."
I nod and look down at Elizabeth to see her still upset as she stayed quiet. "Okay boys be honest. Are we all in love with Elizabeth??" I asked and all the boys nodded waiting for Elizabeth to answer.
Mom looked at El as I watched closely not talking at all. "Honey I know this is a lot. I don't blame you for being mad. I have only one question for you."
El looked down at the floor with her hands in her lap. "What?"
I stood up and said with my head held high. "Are you willing to accept all of us to be yours? Not as brothers but as men?"

El's P.O.V.
I looked at the floor shocked when I heard Scott ask me about accepting them. To be honest I didn't know what to think. Everything was happening so fast now. I mean they were my brothers at first and now I am being told it's okay to be with them in a romantic way.
"Are you willing to accept all of us to be yours? Not as brothers but as men?" Scott asked me again as my hands were now shaking.
I looked around at everyone to see how serious this was by the looks on their faces. I was getting overwhelmed and ran outside to where Rose was. I just wanted to ride around on her alone to think and clear my head from everything happening.
I mounted Rose and took off south to where my hide out is. It has been so long since I came out here. Riding on Rose as the wind blows through my hair. On the trail passing by multiple trees on the way. Making sure I wasn't followed I hoped off of Rose and laid on the sand thinking and soaking up the sun.
Next thing I know a shadow is cast over me and before I know it i'm being dragged across the sand by my hair. There was only one person who would be doing this to me and that is Mark's dad. I was stupid to come out here alone not even thinking about him.
He threw me down onto the ground hard as I groaned in pain and kicked Rose away. I saw her running back to the house. Knowing that she would lead the boys here. I trained her that way just in case something was to happen.

Looking up at my attacker to see it was Mark's dad. I was right about who it was hurting me this time. Wondering if he was as bad as Mark with his punishments. All I want is to be by the guys and pour my emotions out.
"What do you want? Your son has done enough damage." Once I said that I regretted it because he started to hit me over and over again as I cry out loudly in pain.
Crawling away from him I grabbed a sharp rock hitting him in his face. Standing up as I ran away towards the house. I knew he was catching up when I fell and twisted my ankle letting out a loud scream. When I was rolling down the rock hill I hit the bottom as my head hit a rock hard. Suddenly darkness took over my body and I did not know what was happening around me anymore.

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